I am confident that a few different studies could arise from my research. Take, for instance, the study of passive voice within a hearing impaired person’s writing. Also, I think a study with more participants than mine would definitely be useful in getting more conclusive findings. In addition, I would like to see more research in the area of punctuation errors because I feel that my findings were not definite.
My research project may have revealed more questions than answers. Still, many could benefit from this information. I feel that hearing impaired people would profit the most from my research. The information is advantageous because it raises awareness for hearing impaired people’s literacy. However, on an individual level, I think awareness of the kinds of errors within one’s writing that one might be prone to would allow an individual to take the necessary precautions to prevent these errors from happening. I personally feel that once a teacher points out a mistake I have made repetitively, I take the proper measures to prevent it from happening again.
There is still more to be learned about the hearing impaired community. This research project did not only present quantifiable results and detailed explanations, but it introduced a broad picture. My overall hope for the readers of this paper is to understand that a disability does not automatically predetermine a situation. After I read many scholarly studies and books that repeatedly made comments regarding those with hearing impairments and the traits they tend to exhibit, I inferred that, without proper attention focused on a person’s disability, one might possibly exhibit almost all of these traits. It seemed quite possible that, over a period of time, the hearing impaired person would continue to express these traits. However, I discovered that, with conscious efforts, proper education, and sheer willpower, I was able to overcome the effects of my own impairment.
An interesting revelation I had from this entire experience was that, during my time in high school, I constantly felt that I was not learning anything, that I was not improving. Nevertheless, after doing this research project, I realized that I had, in fact, been learning and progressing the entire time without realizing it. It is truly amazing what one learns when putting oneself under a microscope.