Identifying Prepositional Phrases: For each of the following sentences, identify the prepositional phrase. - 1. Miso, a fermented soybean seasoning, originated in the Far East.
Identifying Prepositional Phrases: For each of the following sentences, identify the prepositional phrase. - 2. It also adds a rich flavor to other dishes, such as stews, casseroles, dressings, and sauces.
Identifying Prepositional Phrases: For each of the following sentences, identify the prepositional phrase. - 3. Many people eat miso often for long life and good health.
Identifying Prepositional Phrases: For each of the following sentences, identify the prepositional phrase. - 4. Miso aids people with radiation sickness.
Identifying Prepositional Phrases: For each of the following sentences, identify the prepositional phrase. - 5. A dish containing miso as an ingredient contains digestive enzymes, lactic acid, and salt-resistant yeasts—all good for promoting smooth digestive health.