Developing your own potential research questions (Understand)

Make a list of 5 questions that—if answered—might somehow improve your life or the life of someone you care about. Your questions could focus on your community, your personal relationships, your family, your concerns about global or environmental issues that affect your community, your education, or anything else. Remember to write questions that invite interesting, in-depth responses rather than questions that invite a simple yes or no answer. See examples in the following chart.

Sample personal interest or concern Sample preliminary research question inspired by that personal interest or concern
Your aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and you are wondering if alternative therapies might help her. What alternative treatments are available to breast cancer patients (i.e. meditation, diet, herbal therapies), and how effective and safe are they?
Your boss insists that you go through a security search after your shift ends that can take up to 30 minutes, but he doesn’t pay you for that time. You think this is unfair and possibly illegal. How long, and under what conditions, can employers require employees to work without pay?
Your mother is convinced that your video game hobby is making you anti-social and warping your mind. How does playing first-person shooter video games affect the teens who play them?
Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns



Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns: Question 1



Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns: Question 2



Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns: Question 3



Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns: Question 4



Preliminary research questions inspired by your personal interests or concerns: Question 5