Document Links:

Document 21-1: Factory Rules in Berlin

Document 21-2: Sarah Stickney Ellis, Characteristics of the Women of England

Document 21-3: Testimony Gathered by Ashley’s Mines Commission/Punch Magazine, “Capital and Labour”

Document 21-4: Friedrich Engels, Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith

Document 21-5: Address by the Hungarian Parliament/Demands of the Hungarian People

Document 21-6: Commissioner Lin, Letter to Queen Victoria

  1. How do Ellis’s conduct guide, the Berlin factory rules, and the testimony before Ashley’s Mines Commission reflect the regimentation of daily life that characterized industrial society?


    How do Ellis’s conduct guide, the Berlin factory rules, and the testimony before Ashley’s Mines Commission reflect the regimentation of daily life that characterized industrial society?
  2. In what ways was Engels reacting against the portrayal of working- and middle-class life found in these documents?


    In what ways was Engels reacting against the portrayal of working- and middle-class life found in these documents?
  3. How is the idea of liberty central to Engels’s discussion and to the demands of the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1848?


    How is the idea of liberty central to Engels’s discussion and to the demands of the Hungarian revolutionaries in 1848?
  4. Based on the first four documents, how did the Industrial Revolution create a new social and economic order in Europe? What does Commissioner Lin’s letter suggest about the impact of these changes on China?


    Based on the first four documents, how did the Industrial Revolution create a new social and economic order in Europe? What does Commissioner Lin’s letter suggest about the impact of these changes on China?