The executive summary describes the project with a focus on the managerial aspects, particularly the recommendation. Note the writers’ emphasis on the problem at RRMC.
Here the writers present a brief statement of the subject of their report.
The background of the feasibility study that Dr. Bremerton is funding.
A brief statement of the methods the writers used to carry out their research. Note that throughout this report the writers use the active voice (“We studied the literature . . .”). See Ch. 6 for more on the active voice. Note, too, that the discussion of the methods is brief: most managers are less interested in the details of the methods you used than in your findings.
Findings are the important results and conclusions of a study.
Note that the writers use the word recommend. Using key generic terms such as problem, methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations helps readers understand the role that each section plays in the document.
Because the executive summary is the report element addressed most directly to management, the writers make clear why they prefer looking again at whether the hospital can afford to purchase health-care-specific tablets.