TABLE 7.1. Some communication norms and their pros and cons

Area Norm Definition Pros and Cons
Discussion style Competitive Conversation is a miniature battle over ideas. Speakers tend to be passionate in supporting their ideas, and interruptions are frequent. Those who hold this norm like the fast-paced conversation and the challenge of publicly defending ideas in the face of competition. However, those who don’t share this norm perceive it as rude and disrespectful. Moreover, this norm works against constructive conflict because speakers are more concerned with defending their own ideas than with carefully listening to their teammates. Often, the most aggressive speaker rather than the best idea wins out.
Highly considerate Speakers acknowledge and support one another’s contributions, and disagreements are often indirect. Interruptions are rare, and the conversation often pauses to allow new people to speak. Those who hold this norm like the polite tone, concern for others, and equitable conversations that it fosters. However, those who don’t share it find these conversations slow-moving and frustrating and sometimes think that highly considerate speakers have nothing important to say. Moreover, this norm sometimes privileges feelings and emotions over constructive criticism of ideas.
Presentation style Self-promotional Speakers aggressively display their own confidence and expertise, often criticizing others to make themselves look better. This norm sometimes benefits people who may expect special treatment for their expertise but is generally harmful to the group dynamics. Self-promotional speakers tend to see asking for help as a weakness and to see criticism as a direct attack on themselves.
Self-deprecating Speakers display their modesty and talk about their own shortcomings. Even though people (especially men) who engage in humorous self-deprecation may be perceived as likable and easy to get along with, this norm can make group members distrust the speaker’s ability to do com­petent work. Sometimes, self-deprecating speakers are perceived as trying to get out of work.
Problem-solving style Action-oriented People immediately jump into the details of a problem and start working on a solution right away. This style is very effective for getting things done quickly, but sometimes groups waste time by working on solutions before they fully understand the problem.
Holistic People consider the entire problem as a whole and refrain from proposing solutions until the problem is completely understood. This style generally helps groups propose better solutions because it ensures that they are solving the correct problem. However, the holistic problem-solving style requires more time. Moreover, action-oriented problem solvers sometimes find this style frustrating to work with.