WOMAN: Mark, Natalie, and Keith are biology students working on a proposal to streamline the application process for medical school.

MARK: I think we [INAUDIBLE] this section.

KEITH: Are you-- don't-- don't worry about the little things. Just--

MARK: Well, at this point, instead of going through all the--

KEITH: Just put it right there.

MARK: Yeah. Instead of going through revising--

NATALIE: Rewording everything.

MARK: Yeah. We'll write everything, and then revise.


KEITH: The thing is you already had it written. You're just redoing it now.

MARK: Yeah, we have it written. We're starting with the recommendations [INAUDIBLE] stuff. Well, it's not all there.

KEITH: Typo there. Right. Up. There. All we have to do is just fit what they're trying to say, and then we'll move on to the next thing.

MARK: How about we compare?

KEITH: Just most schools-- look, this says number two.

MARK: What's the reference for this?

KEITH: [INAUDIBLE]. Unless this is our number two. Which one [INAUDIBLE]?

MARK: That's number six.

KEITH: Well, that'll provide a lot of dialogue, but whatever. We're all--

NATALIE: Why don't you just say [INAUDIBLE] and the MCAT consist of these things? And then at the bottom say that they differ in the individual perceptions of physics.

KEITH: That's what we're saying.


KEITH: The [INAUDIBLE] and the MCAT. That's covered. They both contained-- you can say they now. They both consist of-- I don't even know if this section is important. They both consist of--

NATALIE: The following sections.

MARK: Similar sections.

KEITH: Wow. These sections-- the following sections-- whatever. I don't know.