Establishing Your Professional Brand

Did you

  • research how others in your field developed and maintain their online presence?

  • ensure that all information you present about yourself online is accurate and honest?

  • communicate clearly and professionally, maintaining confidentiality when necessary?

  • clearly present your skills, degrees, certifications, and other evidence of your qualifications?

  • actively participate on LinkedIn and other social networks?

Have you

  • created a website?

  • created a business card?

  • developed and practiced an elevator pitch?


  • Does the résumé include appropriate keywords?

  • Does the identifying information contain your name, address(es), phone number(s), and email address(es)?

  • Does the résumé include a clear summary of your qualifications?

  • Does the education section include your degree, your institution and its location, and your (anticipated) date of graduation, as well as any other information that will help a reader appreciate your qualifications?

  • Does the employment section include, for each job, the dates of employment, the organization’s name and location, and (if you are writing a chronological résumé) your position or title, as well as a description of your duties and accomplishments?

  • Does the interests-and-activities section include relevant hobbies or activities, including extracurricular interests?

  • Does the résumé include any other appropriate sections, such as skills and abilities, military service, language abilities, or willingness to relocate?

  • Have you omitted any personal information that might reflect poorly on you?

Job-Application Letter

  • Does the letter look professional?

  • Does the introductory paragraph identify your source of information and the position you are applying for, state that you wish to be considered, and forecast the rest of the letter?

  • Does the education paragraph respond to your reader’s needs with a unified idea introduced by a topic sentence?


  • Does the employment paragraph respond to your reader’s needs with a unified idea introduced by a topic sentence?

  • Does the concluding paragraph include a reference to your résumé, a request for an interview, your phone number, and your email address?

  • Does the letter include an enclosure notation?

Follow-up Letters

  • Does your letter of appreciation for a job interview thank the interviewer and briefly restate your qualifications?

  • Does your letter accepting a job offer show enthusiasm and repeat the major terms of your employment?

  • Does your letter rejecting a job offer express your appreciation for the offer and, if appropriate, explain why you are declining it?

  • Does your letter acknowledging a rejection have a positive tone that will help you maintain good relations?