Chapter 1. Space and Time

Map Learning Exercises

Space and Time

Question How does mass alter time?

{"title":"selection","description":"From a vantage point far from Earth and the Moon, the clock on Earth is ticking more slowly than the clock on the Moon. This occurs because mass slows down the flow of time, and Earth has more mass (and a higher density, which adds to the effect) than the Moon.","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"70,212,58\"}]"} {"title":"Choice label","description":"Incorrect","type":"incorrect","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"274,210,25\"}]"} {"title":"Choice label","description":"Incorrect","type":"correct","color":"#333300","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"201,247,289,274\"}]"}
Please try again.

Question How does mass alter space?

{"title":"selection","description":"The warping of space by matter, as in the case of a huge mass like our Sun, causes light to be deflected. The star in this drawing is observed where it is supposed to be, as a result of the Sun's gravity changing the path of its light.","type":"correct","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"416,26,19\"}]"} {"title":"Choice label","description":"Incorrect","type":"incorrect","color":"#ffffff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"456,66,20\"}]"}
Please try again.

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