General Feeling or Mood

To begin interpreting an image, consider what feeling or mood it creates and how it does so. In Figure 14.2, the mood created by the photo of Batman is one of loneliness and isolation without even the companionship of someone working behind the counter. Yet the campy humor in the photo leads one to wonder whether the figure is an actor, a guest from a costume party, or somehow, improbably, the Caped Crusader himself. Is he waiting to meet someone? Has he stopped to relax after battling evildoers all night? Is he a regular or a one-time visitor?

Whatever the story, the image shrinks a superhero down to human size, simply having a snack. From the perspective of the photograph, the Batman figure looks relatively small and vulnerable, despite his imposing costume. He looks like someone who is resting and recharging his energy level but will soon go back out into the night. He suggests a policeman taking a break from his beat, or a worker or student on a coffee break. The image might be suggesting that in the real world, the superheroes are regular people, like us. Indeed, we all might be on heroic missions, just by going about our daily work, getting an education, raising children, and participating in community life.

Another image might capture or represent a different version of this feeling or mood. As Figure 14.11 illustrates, people take many kinds of breaks, finding carefree moments of escape in various ways. Perhaps Batman unwinds at a late-night donut shop while the silhouetted people in Figure 14.11 ride a Ferris wheel at an amusement park, lifted up on a short, circular detour from their normal routine. Here, a lighthearted mood of family fun or romance predominates. The seated figures are not alone; they are paired off on the ride’s gondola benches, with sneakered or sandaled feet dangling. The fiery reds and oranges of the sunset infuse the scene with warmth although the ride’s heavy triangular shapes, octopus arms, and burned out bulbs might suggest a slightly menacing mechanical contraption. Although the mood of Figure 14.2 is wintery, and the mood of this photo is summery, both invite reflection on what it means to take a break.

Figure 14.11 Photograph Conveying a Mood. Source: Ben Kleppinger, Bryantsville, Kentucky