Correction Symbols

Many instructors use these abbreviations and symbols to mark errors in student papers. Refer to this chart to find out what they mean.

Abbreviation or Symbol Meaning
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abbr abbreviation
adj misuse of adjective A7
adv misuse of adverb A7
agr faulty agreement A4, A6
awk awkward
cap capital letter
case error in case A5
coord faulty coordination
cs comma splice A2
dm dangling modifier B1
f format (see Quick Format Guide)
frag fragment A1
fs fused sentence A2
gl or gloss see Glossary of Troublemakers A
hyph error in use of hyphen
inc incomplete construction
irreg error in irregular verb A3
ital italics
lc use lowercase letter D1
mixed mixed construction
mm misplaced modifier B1
mood error in mood
num error in the use of numbers
p error in punctuation C
pass ineffective passive voice
ref error in pronoun reference A6
rep careless repetition
rev revise
run-on comma splice or fused sentence A2
sp misspelled word D2
sub faulty subordination
t or tense error in verb tense A3
v voice
vb error in verb form A3
wc word choice
w wordy
— ( ) [ ] … dash, parentheses, brackets, ellipses
// faulty parallelism B2
x obvious error