Learning by Doing: Identifying Causes and Effects

Identify some of the causes of five of the following. Then discuss possible causes with your classmates.

failing an exam stage fright stress
an automobile accident losing/winning a game going to college
poor/good health getting/losing a job getting a scholarship

Question 22.8


Identify some of the effects of five of the following. Then discuss possible effects with your classmates.

an insult dieting winning the lottery
a compliment speeding traveling to another country
learning to read divorce drinking while driving

Question 22.9


Identify some of the causes and effects of one of the following, doing a little research as needed. How might you use the chain of causes and effects in an essay? Discuss your findings with your classmates.

the online shopping boom recycling
the attacks of September 11, 2001 a gay marriage court case
the discovery of atomic energy the uses of solar energy
a major U.S. Supreme Court decision global climate change racial tension

Question 22.10
