Preparing to Read

Before you read, think ahead about how to approach the reading process — how to make the most of the time you spend reading.

Thinking about Your Purpose. When you begin to read, ask questions like these about your immediate purpose:

Planning Your Follow-Up. When you are required to read or to select a reading, ask yourself what your instructor expects to follow it:

Gaining Background. Knowing a reading’s context, approach, or frame of reference can help you predict where the reading is likely to go and how it relates to other readings. Begin with your available resources:

Skimming the Text. Before you actively read a text, skim it — quickly read only enough to introduce yourself to it. If it has a table of contents or subheadings, read those first to figure out what it covers and how it is organized. Read the first paragraph and then the first (or first and last) sentence of each paragraph that follows. Read the captions of any visuals.