Listing Sources in APA Style

See a sample reference page.

List your sources at the end of your paper. Title a new page with “References” centered. Double-space your list, and organize it alphabetically by authors’ last names (or by titles for works without an identified author). Arrange several works by the same author by date, moving from earliest to most recent. If an author has two works published in the same year, arrange these alphabetically, and add a letter after each date (2009a, 2009b) so the date in your text citation leads to the correct entry.

Format each entry with a “hanging indent” so that subsequent lines are indented one-half inch (about five to seven spaces), just as a paragraph is. (Use the menu in your software — Format-Paragraph-Indentation — to set up this hanging or special indentation.) Include only sources that you actually cite in your paper unless your instructor requests otherwise.

APA style simplifies the following details:

Keep in mind these two key questions, which are used to organize the sample entries that follow:

Who wrote it?

What type of source is it?

As you prepare your own entries, begin with the author. The various author formats apply whatever your source — article, book, Web page, or other material. Then, from the following examples, select the format for the rest of the entry, depending on the type of source you have used. Follow its pattern in your entry, supplying the same information in the same order with the same punctuation and other features.