What’s in LaunchPad for The Bedford Guide for College Writers?


LaunchPad for The Bedford Guide for College Writers is packed with digital content that works with your textbook to help you sharpen your ability to read analytically and write successfully in first-year composition and in your coursework across campus. Whether your instructor assigns the resources in LaunchPad or encourages you to work with the material at your own pace, we’re confident that LaunchPad will help you develop the skills you need to succeed in college and beyond. For help using LaunchPad, please join the College Students Support Community, or contact Tech Support. You can find Tech Support contact information by clicking “Help” in the upper right corner of your screen.


In the e-book you’ll find all the great content and activities from the printed book, including:

A Writer's Guide: A process-oriented guide that links good writing with active reading and critical thinking. In LaunchPad, these chapters also have multimodal readings, including video essays and audio interviews, as well as quizzes for every reading selection. Additional chapters present practical strategies for mastering every stage of the writing process and for responding to literature, using and understanding visuals, writing online, writing for assessment, and writing in the workplace.

A Writer's Reader: A thematic reader that provides engaging opportunities for critical reading and writing. In LaunchPad, you will also find quizzes for every reading selection.

A Writer's Research Manual: A guide that gives you the help you need to complete all types of research assignments, including proposals, source evaluations, annotated bibliographies, and full-length papers.

A Writer's Handbook: The most complete handbook of its kind—with plenty of exercises.

In addition, you’ll find helpful tutorials on topics such as reading critically, working with and citing sources, and using digital writing tools.



Developed in light of the latest advances in learning research, LearningCurve is a game-like adaptive quizzing program that covers topics from grammar and usage to reading critically and argument. The less you know about a topic, the more LearningCurve focuses on it, and the better you do, the more challenging the questions become, helping you concentrate on exactly what you need to learn.
