
A memorandum (memo for short) is a form of communication used within a company to request or exchange information, make announcements, and confirm conversations. Memos frequently convey information to large groups—an entire team, department, or organization. Generally, the topic is quite narrow and apparent at a glance. Memos tend to be written in the first person (I or we) and can range from very informal (if written to a peer) to extremely formal (if written to a high-ranking superior on an important matter). Most are short, but the format can be used to convey proposals and reports; long memos freely use headings, subheadings, lists, and other features that are easy to skim. (See Figure 17.5.)

Figure 17.5: Figure 17.5 Memorandum.

Format for Memoranda

Although every organization has its own format for memos, the heading generally consists of a series of lines with clear labels (followed by colons).

Date: (date on which memo is sent)
To: (person or persons to whom it is primarily addressed)
cc: (names of anyone else who receives a copy)
From: (name of the writer)
Subject: or Re: (concise, accurate statement of the memo’s topic)

The subject line often determines whether a memo is read. (The old-fashioned abbreviation Re: for regarding is still used, but we recommend the more common Subject.) Accurately sum up the topic in a few words (“Agenda for 12/10 meeting,” “Sales estimates for new product line”).