Guidelines for writing a summary of an image or a multimodal text

  • In the first two sentences, mention the title of the text and the name of the composer (or the sponsoring organization or company if you cannot identify a composer), and provide some brief information about the context—when, why, and for whom the text was composed and where it appeared.
  • State the text's central idea or message.
  • Maintain a neutral tone; be objective.
  • As you present the text's ideas, use the third-person point of view and the present tense: The focus of the Zipcar advertisement is…. Devaney's slide presentation argues…. (If you are writing in APA style, see 60b.)
  • Keep your focus on the text. Don't state the text's or composer's ideas as if they were your own.
  • Put your summary in your own words; if you borrow a phrase or a sentence from the text, put it in quotation marks and cite the text (see 51c).
  • Limit yourself to presenting the text's key points.