Preface for Instructors

Preface for Instructors

Introduction: Becoming a College Writer

Introduction: Becoming a College Writer

PART I: The Writing Process

PART I: The Writing Process

Becoming a college writer: Choose topics you care about

01 Exploring, planning, and drafting

1 Exploring, planning, and drafting

1a. Assessing the writing situation

1b. Exploring your subject

1c. Drafting and revising a working thesis statement

1d. Drafting a plan

1e. Drafting an introduction

1f. Drafting the body

1g. Drafting a conclusion

1h. Managing your files

As you write (writing activities)

Exploring a subject

Revising a thesis

Revising an introduction

Revising a conclusion

Managing your files


EXERCISE 1–1 Subject and topic

EXERCISE 1–2 Purpose and audience

EXERCISE 1–3 Purpose and audience

EXERCISE 1–4 Thesis statements

EXERCISE 1–5 Thesis statements

EXERCISE 1–6 Thesis statements

EXERCISE 1–7 Introductions

02 Revising, editing, and reflecting

2 Revising, editing, and reflecting

Becoming a College Writer

2a. Revising with comments

The comment: Narrow your introduction

The comment: Unclear thesis

The comment: Develop more

The comment: Be specific

The comment: Consider opposing viewpoints

The comment: Summarize less, analyze more

The comment: Cite your sources

2b. Approaching global revision in cycles

2c. Revising and editing sentences; proofreading a final draft

2d. Sample student writing: Literacy narrative

Rough draft with peer comments

Final draft: Literacy narrative

Writing Guide: Literacy narrative

2e. Preparing a portfolio; reflecting on your writing

Sample reflective letter for a portfolio

Writing Guide: Reflective Letter

As you write (writing activities)

Using reviewers’ comments

Proofreading your work

Learning from other writers


EXERCISE 2–1 Conducting a peer review

EXERCISE 2–2 Choosing an appropriate point of view

03 Building effective paragraphs

3 Building effective paragraphs

3a. Focusing on a main point

3b. Developing the main point

3c. Choosing a suitable pattern of organization

3d. Making paragraphs coherent

3e. Adjusting paragraph length

As you write (writing activities)

Creating unity

Using transitions


EXERCISE 3–1 Topic sentences

EXERCISE 3–2 Topic sentences

EXERCISE 3–3 Transitions

PART II: Academic Reading and Writing

PART II: Academic Reading and Writing

04 Reading and writing critically

Becoming a College Writer

4 Reading and writing critically

4a. Reading actively

4b. Outlining a text to identify main ideas

4c. Summarizing to deepen your understanding

4d. Analyzing to demonstrate your critical reading

Writing Guide: Analytical Essay

4e. Sample student writing: Analysis of an article

As you write (writing activities)

Reading actively

Drafting and revising an analytical thesis

Analyzing a text

Developing an analysis

05 Reading and writing about images and multimodal texts

5 Reading and writing about images and multimodal texts

5a. Reading actively

5b. Outlining to identify main ideas

5c. Summarizing to deepen your understanding

5d. Analyzing to demonstrate your critical reading

5e. Sample student writing: Analysis of an advertisement

As you write (writing activities)

Reading visual texts actively

Drafting and revising an analytical thesis (for an image or a multimodal text)

Analyzing an image or a multimodal text

06 Reading and writing arguments

6 Reading and writing arguments

Becoming a college writer: Consider counterarguments

6a. Distinguishing between reasonable and fallacious argumentative tactics

6b. Distinguishing between legitimate and unfair emotional appeals

6c. Judging how fairly a writer handles opposing views

6d. Identifying your purpose and context

6e. Viewing your audience as a panel of jurors

6f. Establishing credibility and stating your position

6g. Backing up your thesis with persuasive lines of argument

6h. Supporting your claims with specific evidence

6i. Anticipating objections; countering opposing arguments

6j. Building common ground

6k. Sample student writing: Argument

Writing Guide: Argument Essay

As you write (writing activities)

Evaluating ads for logic and fairness

Identifying appeals

Evaluating an argument

Joining a conversation

Appealing to your readers

Drafting your central claim and supporting claims

Practicing counterargument


EXERCISE 6–1 Logical fallacies

EXERCISE 6–2 Evaluating arguments

07 Reading and writing about literature

7 Reading and writing about literature

7a. Reading actively

7b. Forming an interpretation

7c. Drafting a working thesis

7d. Using evidence from the text; avoiding plot summary

7e. Observing the conventions of literature papers

7f. Integrating quotations from the text

7g. Documenting secondary sources and avoiding plagiarism

7h. Sample student writing: Literary analysis

As you write (writing activities)

Asking questions about literature

Evaluating a working thesis

Using quotations in literature papers


EXERCISE 7–1 Thesis statements in literature papers

PART III: Clear Sentences

PART III: Clear Sentences

08 Prefer active verbs.

8 Prefer active verbs.

8a. Active versus passive verbs

8b. Active versus be verbs

8c. Subject that names the actor


EXERCISE 8–1 Active and passive voice

EXERCISE 8–2 Active and passive voice

EXERCISE 8–3 Identifying active and passive voice

EXERCISE 8–4 Active vs. passive voice

EXERCISE 8–5 Active vs. be verbs

EXERCISE 8–6 Active verbs

09 Balance parallel ideas.

9 Balance parallel ideas.

9a. Parallel ideas in a series

9b. Parallel ideas presented as pairs

9c. Repetition of function words


EXERCISE 9–1 Parallelism

EXERCISE 9–2 Parallelism

EXERCISE 9–3 Identifying parallel structure

EXERCISE 9–4 Parallelism

EXERCISE 9–5 Parallelism

EXERCISE 9–6 Parallelism

10 Add needed words.

10 Add needed words.

10a. In compound structures

10b. that

10c. In comparisons

10d. a, an, and the


EXERCISE 10–1 Needed words

EXERCISE 10–2 Needed words

EXERCISE 10–3 Needed words

EXERCISE 10–4 Needed words

EXERCISE 10–5 Needed words

11 Untangle mixed constructions.

11 Untangle mixed constructions.

11a. Mixed grammar

11b. Illogical connections

11c. is when, is where, and reason . . . is because


EXERCISE 11–1 Mixed constructions

EXERCISE 11–2 Mixed constructions

EXERCISE 11–3 Mixed constructions

EXERCISE 11–4 Mixed constructions

EXERCISE 11–5 Mixed constructions

12 Repair misplaced and dangling modifiers.

12 Repair misplaced and dangling modifiers.

12a. Limiting modifiers

12b. Misplaced phrases and clauses

12c. Awkwardly placed modifiers

12d. Split infinitives

12e. Dangling modifiers


EXERCISE 12–1 Awkward and misplaced modifiers

EXERCISE 12–2 Awkward and misplaced modifiers

EXERCISE 12–3 Misplaced modifiers

EXERCISE 12–4 Misplaced modifiers

EXERCISE 12–5 Misplaced modifiers

EXERCISE 12–6 Dangling modifiers

EXERCISE 12–7 Dangling modifiers

EXERCISE 12–8 Dangling modifiers

EXERCISE 12–9 Dangling modifiers

EXERCISE 12–10 Dangling modifiers

13 Eliminate distracting shifts.

13 Eliminate distracting shifts.

13a. Point of view (person, number)

13b. Verb tense

13c. Verb mood, voice

13d. Indirect to direct questions or quotations


EXERCISE 13–1 Shifts: person and number

EXERCISE 13–2 Shifts: person and number

EXERCISE 13–3 Shifts: tense

EXERCISE 13–4 Shifts: tense

EXERCISE 13–5 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations

EXERCISE 13–6 Editing for shifts

EXERCISE 13–7 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations

EXERCISE 13–8 Shifts: mood and voice, questions and quotations

EXERCISE 13–9 All shifts

EXERCISE 13–10 Editing for shifts

EXERCISE 13–11 All shifts

14 Emphasize key ideas.

14 Emphasize key ideas.

14a. Coordination and subordination

14b. Choppy sentences

14c. Ineffective or excessive coordination

14d. Ineffective subordination

14e. Excessive subordination

14f. Other techniques


EXERCISE 14–1 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–2 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–3 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–4 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–5 Identifying sentence emphasis

EXERCISE 14–6 Combining choppy sentences

EXERCISE 14–7 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–8 Using subordination

EXERCISE 14–9 Using subordination

EXERCISE 14–10 Using coordination

EXERCISE 14–11 Using coordination and subordination

EXERCISE 14–12 Using coordination and subordination

15 Provide some variety.

15 Provide some variety.

15a. Sentence openings

15b. Sentence structures

15c. Inverted order

15d. Question or quotation


EXERCISE 15–1 Sentence variety

EXERCISE 15–2 Sentence variety

EXERCISE 15–3 Sentence variety

PART IV: Word Choice

PART IV: Word Choice

16 Tighten wordy sentences.

16 Tighten wordy sentences.

16a. Redundancies

16b. Unnecessary repetition

16c. Empty or inflated phrases

16d. Simplifying the structure

16e. Reducing clauses to phrases, phrases to single words


EXERCISE 16–1 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–2 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–3 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–4 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–5 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–6 Wordy sentences

EXERCISE 16–7 Wordy sentences

17 Choose appropriate language.

17 Choose appropriate language.

17a. Jargon

17b. Pretentious language, euphemisms, “doublespeak”

17c. Obsolete and invented words

17d. Slang, regional expressions, nonstandard English

17e. Levels of formality

17f. Sexist language

17g. Offensive language


EXERCISE 17–1 Jargon, pretentious language, euphemisms

EXERCISE 17–2 Jargon

EXERCISE 17–3 Jargon

EXERCISE 17–4 Jargon

EXERCISE 17–5 Formality

EXERCISE 17–6 Sexist language

EXERCISE 17–7 Sexist language

EXERCISE 17–8 Sexist language

EXERCISE 17–9 Sexist language

EXERCISE 17–10 Sexist language

18 Find the exact words.

18 Find the exact words.

18a. Connotations

18b. Specific, concrete nouns

18c. Misused words

18d. Standard idioms

18e. Clichés

18f. Figures of speech


EXERCISE 18–1 Synonyms

EXERCISE 18–2 Misused words

EXERCISE 18–3 Misused words

EXERCISE 18–4 Misused words

EXERCISE 18–5 Idioms

EXERCISE 18–6 Standard idioms

EXERCISE 18–7 Standard idioms

EXERCISE 18–8 Clichés and figures of speech

EXERCISE 18–9 Clichés and figures of speech

EXERCISE 18–10 Clichés and figures of speech

PART V: Grammatical Sentences

PART V: Grammatical Sentences

19 Repair sentence fragments.

19 Repair sentence fragments.

19a. Subordinate clauses

19b. Phrases

19c. Other fragmented word groups

19d. Acceptable fragments


EXERCISE 19–1 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–2 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–3 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–4 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–5 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–6 Sentence fragments

EXERCISE 19–7 Sentence fragments

20 Revise run-on sentences.

20 Revise run-on sentences.

20a. Revision with coordinating conjunction

20b. Revision with semicolon, colon, or dash

20c. Revision by separating sentences

20d. Revision by restructuring


EXERCISE 20–1 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–2 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–3 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–4 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–5 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–6 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–7 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–8 Run-on sentences

EXERCISE 20–9 Run-on sentences

21 Make subjects and verbs agree.

21 Make subjects and verbs agree.

21a. Standard subject-verb combinations

21b. Words between subject and verb

21c. Subjects joined with and

21d. Subjects joined with or, nor, either . . . or, or neither . . . nor

21e. Indefinite pronouns

21f. Collective nouns

21g. Subject following verb

21h. Subject, not subject complement

21i. who, which, and that

21j. Words with plural form, singular meaning

21k. Titles of works, company names, words mentioned as words, gerund phrases


EXERCISE 21–1 Subject-verb agreement

EXERCISE 21–2 Subject-verb agreement

EXERCISE 21–3 Subject-verb agreement

EXERCISE 21–4 Subject-verb agreement

EXERCISE 21–5 Subject-verb agreement

EXERCISE 21–6 Subject-verb agreement

22 Make pronouns and antecedents agree.

22 Make pronouns and antecedents agree.

22a. Singular with singular, plural with plural (indefinite pronouns, generic nouns)

22b. Collective nouns

22c. Antecedents joined with and

22d. Antecedents joined with or, nor, either . . . or, or neither . . . nor


EXERCISE 22–1 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

EXERCISE 22–2 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

EXERCISE 22–3 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

EXERCISE 22–4 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

EXERCISE 22–5 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

EXERCISE 22–6 Pronoun-antecedent agreement

23 Make pronoun references clear.

23 Make pronoun references clear.

23a. Ambiguous or remote reference

23b. Broad reference of this, that, which, and it

23c. Implied antecedents

23d. Indefinite use of they, it, and you

23e. who for persons, which or that for things


EXERCISE 23–1 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 23–2 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 23–3 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 23–4 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 23–5 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 23–6 Pronoun reference

24 Distinguish between pronouns such as I and me.

24 Distinguish between pronouns such as I and me.

24a. Subjective case for subjects and subject complements

24b. Objective case for objects

24c. Appositives

24d. Pronoun following than or as

24e. we or us before a noun

24f. Subjects and objects of infinitives

24g. Pronoun modifying a gerund


EXERCISE 24–1 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

EXERCISE 24–2 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

EXERCISE 24–3 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

EXERCISE 24–4 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

EXERCISE 24–5 Pronoun case (such as I vs. me)

25 Distinguish between who and whom.

25 Distinguish between who and whom.

25a. In subordinate clauses

25b. In questions

25c. As subjects or objects of infinitives


EXERCISE 25–1 Pronoun case (who vs. whom)

EXERCISE 25–2 Pronoun case (who vs. whom)

EXERCISE 25–3 Pronoun case (who vs. whom)

EXERCISE 24/25–6 Pronoun case: review

EXERCISE 24/25–7 Pronoun case: review

26 Choose adjectives and adverbs with care.

26 Choose adjectives and adverbs with care.

26a. Adjectives to modify nouns

26b. Adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs

26c. good and well, bad and badly

26d. Comparatives and superlatives

26e. Double negatives


EXERCISE 26–1 Adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 26–2 Adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 26–3 Adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 26–4 Adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 26–5 Adjectives and adverbs

27 Choose appropriate verb forms, tenses, and moods in Standard English.

27 Choose appropriate verb forms, tenses, and moods in Standard English.

27a. Irregular verbs

27b. lie and lay

27c. -s (or -es) endings

27d. -ed endings

27e. Omitted verbs

27f. Verb tense

27g. Subjunctive mood


EXERCISE 27–1 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–2 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–3 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–4 Irregular verbs

EXERCISE 27–5 Standard English verb forms

EXERCISE 27–6 Standard English verb forms

EXERCISE 27–7 Standard English verb forms

EXERCISE 27–8 Standard English verb forms

EXERCISE 27–9 Verb tense and mood

EXERCISE 27–10 Verb tense and mood

EXERCISE 27–11 Verb tense and mood

EXERCISE 27–12 Verb tense and mood

PART VI: Multilingual Writers and ESL Challenges

PART VI: Multilingual Writers and ESL Challenges

28 Verbs

28 Verbs

28a. Appropriate form and tense

28b. Passive voice

28c. Base form after a modal

28d. Negative verb forms

28e. Verbs in conditional sentences

28f. Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives


EXERCISE 28–1 Verb forms and tenses

EXERCISE 28–2 Verb forms and tenses

EXERCISE 28–3 Verb forms and tenses

EXERCISE 28–4 Verb forms with modals

EXERCISE 28–5 Verb forms with modals

EXERCISE 28–6 Verb forms with modals

EXERCISE 28–7 Conditional sentences

EXERCISE 28–8 Verbs in negative and conditional sentences

EXERCISE 28–9 Verbs in conditional sentences

EXERCISE 28–10 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

EXERCISE 28–11 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

EXERCISE 28–12 Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

EXERCISE 28–13 Using verbs: review

29 Articles (a, an, the)

29 Articles (a, an, the)

29a. Articles and other noun markers

29b. When to use the

29c. When to use a or an

29d. When not to use a or an

29e. No articles with general nouns

29f. Articles with proper nouns


EXERCISE 29–1 Articles

EXERCISE 29–2 Articles

EXERCISE 29–3 Using articles

EXERCISE 29–4 Using articles

EXERCISE 29–5 Using articles

EXERCISE 29–6 Using articles

30 Sentence structure

30 Sentence structure

30a. Linking verb between a subject and its complement

30b. A subject in every sentence

30c. Repeated nouns or pronouns with the same grammatical function

30d. Repeated objects, adverbs in adjective clauses

30e. Mixed constructions with although or because

30f. Placement of adverbs

30g. Present participles and past participles

30h. Order of cumulative adjectives


EXERCISE 30–1 Omissions and repetitions

EXERCISE 30–2 Omissions and repetitions

EXERCISE 30–3 Omissions and repetitions

EXERCISE 30–4 Sentence structure

EXERCISE 30–5 Sentence structure

EXERCISE 30–6 Sentence structure

EXERCISE 30–7 Present vs. past participles

EXERCISE 30–8 Present vs. past participles

EXERCISE 30–9 Present vs. past participles

EXERCISE 30–10 Using cumulative adjectives

EXERCISE 30–11 Using cumulative adjectives

EXERCISE 30–12 Using cumulative adjectives

31 Prepositions and idiomatic expressions

31a. Prepositions showing time and place

31b. Noun (including -ing form) after a preposition

31c. Common adjective + preposition combinations

31d. Common verb + preposition combinations


EXERCISE 31–1 Prepositions showing time and place

EXERCISE 31–2 Prepositions showing time and place

EXERCISE 31–3 Prepositions showing time and place

PART VII: Punctuation

PART VII: Punctuation

32 The comma

32 The comma

32a. Independent clauses joined with and, but, etc

32b. Introductory clauses or phrases

32c. Items in a series

32d. Coordinate adjectives

32e. Nonrestrictive elements

32f. Transitions, parenthetical expressions, absolute phrases, contrasts

32g. Direct address, yes and no, interrogative tags, interjections

32h. he said etc

32i. Dates, addresses, titles, numbers


EXERCISE 32–1 Commas with independent clauses and introductory elements

EXERCISE 32–2 Commas with independent clauses and introductory elements

EXERCISE 32–3 Commas with independent clauses and introductory elements

EXERCISE 32–4 Commas with independent clauses and introductory elements

EXERCISE 32–5 Commas with series and coordinate adjectives

EXERCISE 32–6 Commas with series and coordinate adjectives

EXERCISE 32–7 Commas with series and with adjectives

EXERCISE 32–8 Commas with series and with adjectives

EXERCISE 32–9 Commas with nonrestrictive elements

EXERCISE 32–10 Commas with nonrestrictive elements

EXERCISE 32–11 Major uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–12 All uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–13 Major uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–14 Major uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–15 Major uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–16 Major uses of the comma

EXERCISE 32–17 All uses of the comma

33 Unnecessary commas

33 Unnecessary commas

33a. Between two words, phrases, or subordinate clauses

33b. Between a verb and its subject or object

33c. Before the first or after the last item in a series

33d. Between cumulative adjectives, an adjective and a noun, or an adverb and an adjective

33e. Before and after restrictive or mildly parenthetical elements

33f. Before essential concluding adverbial elements

33g. After a phrase beginning an inverted sentence

33h. Other misuses


EXERCISE 33–1 Unnecessary commas

EXERCISE 33–2 Unnecessary commas

EXERCISE 33–3 Unnecessary commas

EXERCISE 33–4 Misuses of the comma

EXERCISE 33–5 Misuses of the comma

34 The semicolon

34 The semicolon

34a. Independent clauses not joined with a coordinating conjunction

34b. Independent clauses linked with a transitional expression

34c. Series containing internal punctuation

34d. Misuses


EXERCISE 34–1 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE 34–2 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE 34–3 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE 34–4 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE 34–5 The semicolon and the comma

EXERCISE 34–6 The semicolon and the comma

35 The colon

35 The colon

35a. Before a list, an appositive, a quotation, or a summary

35b. Conventional uses

35c. Misuses


EXERCISE 35–1 The colon, the semicolon, and the comma

EXERCISE 35–2 The colon, the semicolon, and the comma

EXERCISE 35–3 The colon, the semicolon, and the comma

36 The apostrophe

36a. Possessive nouns

36b. Possessive indefinite pronouns

36c. Contractions

36d. Not for plural numbers, letters, abbreviations, words as words

36e. Misuses


EXERCISE 36–1 The apostrophe

EXERCISE 36–2 The apostrophe

EXERCISE 36–3 The apostrophe

EXERCISE 36–4 The apostrophe

EXERCISE 36–5 The apostrophe

37 Quotation marks

37 Quotation marks

37a. Direct quotations

37b. Quotation within a quotation

37c. Titles of works

37d. Words as words

37e. With other punctuation marks

37f. Misuses


EXERCISE 37–1 Quotation marks

EXERCISE 37–2 Quotation marks

EXERCISE 37–3 Quotation marks

EXERCISE 37–4 Quotation marks

EXERCISE 37–5 Quotation marks

38 End punctuation

38a. The period

38b. The question mark

38c. The exclamation point


EXERCISE 38–1 End punctuation

EXERCISE 38–2 End punctuation

39 Other punctuation marks

39a. Dash

39b. Parentheses

39c. Brackets

39d. Ellipsis mark

39e. Slash


EXERCISE 39–1 Other punctuation marks

EXERCISE 39–2 Other punctuation marks

EXERCISE 39–3 Other punctuation marks

PART VIII: Mechanics

PART VIII: Mechanics

40 Abbreviations

40 Abbreviations

40a. Titles with proper names

40b. Familiar abbreviations

40c. Conventional abbreviations

40d. Units of measurement

40e. Latin abbreviations

40f. Plural of abbreviations

40g. Misuses


EXERCISE 40–1 Abbreviations

EXERCISE 40–2 Abbreviations

EXERCISE 40–3 Abbreviations

41 Numbers

41a. Spelling out

41b. Using numerals


EXERCISE 41–1 Numbers

EXERCISE 41–2 Numbers

EXERCISE 41–3 Numbers

42 Italics

42 Italics

42a. Titles of works

42b. Names of spacecraft, aircraft, and ships

42c. Foreign words

42d. Words as words, letters as letters, and numbers as numbers


EXERCISE 42–1 Italics

EXERCISE 42–2 Italics

EXERCISE 42–3 Italics

43 Spelling

43 Spelling

43a. Spelling rules

43b. The dictionary

43c. Words that sound alike

43d. Commonly misspelled words

EXERCISE 43–1 Spelling

EXERCISE 43–2 Spelling

44 The hyphen

44 The hyphen

44a. Compound words

44b. Hyphenated adjectives

44c. Fractions and compound numbers

44d. With certain prefixes and suffixes

44e. To avoid ambiguity or to separate awkward double or triple letters

44f. Word division


EXERCISE 44–1 The hyphen

EXERCISE 44–2 The hyphen

EXERCISE 44–3 The hyphen

45 Capitalization

45 Capitalization

45a. Proper versus common nouns

45b. Titles with proper names

45c. Titles and subtitles of works

45d. First word of a sentence

45e. First word of a quoted sentence

45f. First word after a colon


EXERCISE 45–1 Capitalization

EXERCISE 45–2 Capitalization

EXERCISE 45–3 Capitalization

PART IX: Grammar Basics

PART IX: Grammar Basics

46 Parts of speech

46 Parts of speech

46a. Nouns

46b. Pronouns

46c. Verbs

46d. Adjectives

46e. Adverbs

46f. Prepositions

46g. Conjunctions

46h. Interjections


EXERCISE 46–1 Parts of speech: nouns

EXERCISE 46–2 Identifying nouns

EXERCISE 46–3 Parts of speech: nouns

EXERCISE 46–4 Parts of speech: nouns

EXERCISE 46–5 Parts of speech: pronouns

EXERCISE 46–6 Identifying pronouns

EXERCISE 46–7 Parts of speech: pronouns

EXERCISE 46–8 Parts of speech: pronouns

EXERCISE 46–9 Parts of speech: verbs

EXERCISE 46–10 Identifying verbs

EXERCISE 46–11 Parts of speech: verbs

EXERCISE 46–12 Parts of speech: verbs

EXERCISE 46–13 Parts of speech: adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 46–14 Identifying adjectives and adverbs

EXERCISE 46–15 Parts of speech: adjectives

EXERCISE 46–16 Parts of speech: adjectives

EXERCISE 46–17 Parts of speech: adverbs

EXERCISE 46–18 Parts of speech: adverbs

EXERCISE 46–19 All parts of speech

EXERCISE 46–20 All parts of speech

47 Sentence patterns

47 Sentence patterns

47a. Subjects

47b. Verbs, objects, and complements

47c. Pattern variations


EXERCISE 47–1 Subjects

EXERCISE 47–2 Identifying complete subjects

EXERCISE 47–3 Subjects

EXERCISE 47–4 Subjects

EXERCISE 47–5 Subject complements and direct objects

EXERCISE 47–6 Indirect objects and object complements

EXERCISE 47–7 Subject complements and direct objects

EXERCISE 47–8 Subject complements and direct objects

EXERCISE 47–9 Indirect objects and object complements

EXERCISE 47–10 Indirect objects and object complements

EXERCISE 47–11 All objects and complements

EXERCISE 47–12 Linking, transitive, and intransitive verbs

48 Subordinate word groups

48 Subordinate word groups

48a. Prepositional phrases

48b. Verbal phrases

48c. Appositive phrases

48d. Absolute phrases

48e. Subordinate clauses


EXERCISE 48–1 Prepositional phrases

EXERCISE 48–2 Prepositional phrases

EXERCISE 48–3 Prepositional phrases

EXERCISE 48–4 Prepositional phrases

EXERCISE 48–5 Objects of prepositions

EXERCISE 48–6 Verbal phrases

EXERCISE 48–7 Verbal phrases

EXERCISE 48–8 Verbal phrases

EXERCISE 48–9 Verbal phrases

EXERCISE 48–10 Subordinate clauses

EXERCISE 48–11 Subordinate clauses

EXERCISE 48–12 Subordinate clauses

EXERCISE 48–13 Subordinate clauses

EXERCISE 48–14 Subjects of subordinate clauses

EXERCISE 48–15 Phrases and clauses

49 Sentence types

49 Sentence types

49a. Sentence structures

49b. Sentence purposes


EXERCISE 49–1 Sentence types

EXERCISE 49–2 Sentence types

EXERCISE 49–3 Sentence types

PART X: Researched Writing

PART X: Researched Writing

Becoming a college writer: Join a research conversation

50 Thinking like a researcher; gathering sources

50 Thinking like a researcher; gathering sources

50a. Managing the project

50b. Posing questions worth exploring

50c. Mapping out a search strategy

50d. Searching efficiently; mastering a few shortcuts to finding good sources

50e. Conducting field research, if appropriate

As you write (writing activities)

Asking a research question

Mapping out a search strategy


EXERCISE 50–1 Research questions

51 Managing information; taking notes responsibly

51 Managing information; taking notes responsibly

51a. Maintaining a working bibliography

51b. Keeping track of source materials

51c. Avoiding unintentional plagiarism

52 Evaluating sources

52 Evaluating sources

52a. Determining how sources might contribute to your writing

52b. Selecting sources worth your time and attention

52c. Selecting appropriate versions of online sources

52d. Reading with an open mind and a critical eye

52e. Assessing Web sources with care

52f. Constructing an annotated bibliography

Writing Guide: Annotated Bibliography

As you write (writing activities)

Planning with sources

Evaluating sources you find on the Web

Developing an annotated bibliography

Writing MLA papers

Writing MLA papers

53 Supporting a thesis (MLA Papers)

53 Supporting a thesis (MLA Papers)

53a. Forming a working thesis

53b. Organizing ideas with a rough outline

53c. Using sources to inform and support your argument

53d. Drafting an introduction for your thesis

53e. Drafting the paper in an appropriate voice

As you write (writing activities)

Writing a working thesis for a research paper


EXERCISE 53–1 Thesis statements in MLA papers

EXERCISE 53–2 Thesis statements in MLA papers

54 Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (MLA Papers)

54 Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (MLA Papers)

54a. Understanding how the MLA system works

54b. Avoiding plagiarism when quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing sources


EXERCISE 54–1 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers

EXERCISE 54–2 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers

EXERCISE 54–3 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers

EXERCISE 54–4 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers

EXERCISE 54–5 Avoiding plagiarism in MLA papers

EXERCISE 54–6 Recognizing common knowledge in MLA papers

55 Integrating sources (MLA Papers)

55 Integrating sources (MLA Papers)

Becoming a college writer: Provide context for sources

55a. Using quotations appropriately

55b. Using signal phrases to integrate sources

55c. Synthesizing sources


EXERCISE 55–1 Integrating sources in MLA papers

EXERCISE 55–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers

EXERCISE 55–3 Integrating sources in MLA papers

EXERCISE 55–4 Integrating sources in MLA papers

56 MLA documentation style

56 MLA documentation style

56a. MLA in-text citations

56b. MLA list of works cited

General guidelines for the MLA works cited list

56c. MLA information notes (optional)


EXERCISE 56–1 MLA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 56–2 MLA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 56–3 MLA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 56–4 MLA documentation: identifying elements of sources

EXERCISE 56–5 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE 56–6 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE 56–7 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE 56–8 MLA documentation

Citation at a glance

Citation at a glance: Book (MLA)

Citation at a glance: Article in a journal (MLA)

Citation at a glance: Short work from a Web site (MLA)

Citation at a glance: Article from a database (MLA)

Citation at a glance: Selection from an anthology or a collection (MLA)

57 MLA manuscript format; sample research paper

57 MLA manuscript format; sample research paper

57a. MLA manuscript format

57b. Sample MLA research paper

Writing APA papers

Writing APA papers

58 Supporting a thesis (APA Papers)

58 Supporting a thesis (APA Papers)

58a. Forming a working thesis

58b. Organizing your ideas

58c. Using sources to inform and support your argument


EXERCISE 58–1 Thesis statements in APA papers

EXERCISE 58–2 Thesis statements in APA papers

59 Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (APA Papers)

59 Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism (APA Papers)

59a. Using the APA system for citing sources

59b. Avoiding plagiarism


EXERCISE 59–1 Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

EXERCISE 59–2 Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

EXERCISE 59–3 Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

EXERCISE 59–4 Avoiding plagiarism in APA papers

EXERCISE 59–5 Recognizing common knowledge in APA papers

60 Integrating sources (APA Papers)

60 Integrating sources (APA Papers)

60a. Using quotations appropriately

60b. Using signal phrases to integrate sources

60c. Synthesizing sources


EXERCISE 60–1 Integrating sources in APA papers

EXERCISE 60–2 Integrating sources in APA papers

EXERCISE 60–3 Integrating sources in APA papers

EXERCISE 60–4 Integrating sources in APA papers

61 APA documentation style

61 APA documentation style

61a. APA in-text citations

61b. APA list of references

General guidelines for the APA reference list


EXERCISE 61–1 APA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 61–2 APA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 61–3 APA documentation: in-text citations

EXERCISE 61–4 APA documentation: identifying elements of sources

EXERCISE 61–5 APA documentation: reference list

EXERCISE 61–6 APA documentation: reference list

EXERCISE 61–7 APA documentation: reference list

EXERCISE 61–8 APA documentation

Citation at a glance

Citation at a glance: Article in a journal or magazine (APA)

Citation at a glance: Article from a database (APA)

Citation at a glance: Book (APA)

Citation at a glance: Section in a Web document (APA)

62 APA manuscript format; sample research paper

62 APA manuscript format; sample research paper

62a. APA manuscript format

62b. Sample APA research paper

Writing Chicago papers

Writing Chicago papers

63 Chicago papers

63 Chicago papers

63a. Supporting a thesis

63b. Citing sources; avoiding plagiarism

63c. Integrating sources

63d. Chicago documentation style

Citation at a glance

Citation at a glance: Book (Chicago)

Citation at a glance: Article in a journal (Chicago)

Citation at a glance: Article from a database (Chicago)

Citation at a glance: Letter in a published collection (Chicago)

Citation at a glance: Primary source from a Web site (Chicago)

63e. Chicago manuscript format

63f. Sample Chicago research paper


EXERCISE 63–1 Thesis statements in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–2 Thesis statements in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–3 Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–4 Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–5 Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–6 Avoiding plagiarism in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–7 Recognizing common knowledge in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–8 Integrating sources in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–9 Integrating sources in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–10 Integrating sources in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–11 Integrating sources in Chicago papers

EXERCISE 63–12 Chicago documentation: identifying elements of sources

EXERCISE 63–13 Chicago documentation: notes

EXERCISE 63–14 Chicago documentation: notes

EXERCISE 63–15 Chicago documentation: notes

EXERCISE 63–16 Chicago documentation: bibliography

EXERCISE 63–17 Chicago documentation: bibliography

EXERCISE 63–18 Chicago documentation: bibliography

EXERCISE 63–19 Chicago documentation

PART XI: Writing in the Disciplines

PART XI: Writing in the Disciplines

64 Learning to write in a discipline

64 Learning to write in a discipline

64a. Finding commonalities across disciplines

64b. Recognizing the questions that writers in a discipline ask

64c. Understanding the kinds of evidence that writers in a discipline use

64d. Becoming familiar with a discipline’s language conventions

64e. Using a discipline’s preferred citation style

As you write (writing activities)

Examining the writing in a particular field

65 Approaching writing assignments in the disciplines

65 Approaching writing assignments in the disciplines

65a. Writing in psychology

65b. Writing in business

65c. Writing in biology

65d. Writing in nursing

As you write (writing activities)

Examining a writing assignment from one of your courses

Appendix: A document design gallery

Appendix: A document design gallery

Standard academic formatting

MLA essay format

MLA works cited page

APA title page

APA abstract

APA essay format

APA list of references

Standard professional formatting

Business report with a visual

Business letter in full block style


Professional memo

E-mail message

Glossary of usage

Charts and checklists

Links to Charts

Revision Symbols

List of Grammatical Terms


Additional Resources

Ways to narrow a subject to a topic

Considering audience when participating in discussion forums

Sample annotated article

Use software tools wisely

Understanding multimodal texts

Parts of speech

Sentence patterns


Nancy Sommers on Argument

Nancy Sommers on the Composing Process

Nancy Sommers on Reading and Responding

Nancy Sommers on Revision

Nancy Sommers on Teacher Comments