11 Diversity Variations in social and cultural identities among people living together. Multiculturalism The active process of acknowledging and respecting the diverse social groups, cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, attitudes, and opinions within a community. Stereotype An over-simplified set of assumptions about another person or group. Ethnicity An affiliation assigned to a specific group of people historically connected by a common national heritage or language. Culture The aspects of a group of people that are passed on or learned. Traditions, food, language, clothing styles, artistic expression, and beliefs are all part of culture. Race A term that refers to biological characteristics shared by groups of people, including skin, tone, hair texture and color, and facial features. Gender A continuum that accounts for many different ways of identifying oneself based on the things a person says, does, or wears. Sex One's biological makeup, typically categorized as male or female. Inclusive curriculum A curriculum that offers courses that introduce students to diverse people, worldviews, and approaches. Bias The tendency to hold a certain perspective when there are valid alternatives. Discrimination The act of treating people differently because of their race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic class, or other identifying characteristics rather than on their merits. Prejudice A preconceived judgment or opinion of someone based not on facts or knowledge, such as prejudging someone based entirely on his or her skin color.