Cecil Castellucci 4

CECIL CASTELLUCCI: A person that really inspired me when I was young and, I think, sort of informed how I wanted to be a little bit of an outsider as an artist was this filmmaker named Luis Bunuel. He was this guy who hung out with Salvador Dali and made films in Paris. He's famous for the Un Chien Andalou film. And he just really did these sort of crazy, wacky, absurd films that were trying to be mainstream but were so outside of the mainstream.

And I think that for me, when I discovered him, I just thought that that was a path that was possible-- to be a respected, vibrant artist that was playing with forms and playing with things. And so I'm going to say Luis Bunuel was a role model for me, even though there are many, many, many more, like David Bowie and Jane Austen and you know Jacques d'Amboise and all these people. But that was one that I really-- it made me feel like-- that that was a path of a way to be an artist rather than being a mainstream artist. And I think what I knew early on was that I wanted to do things that were outside of what was sort of contemporary mainstream.