Cecil Castellucci 6

CECIL CASTELLUCCI: Well, why should anybody read or write more is because first of all, it's the one way that you can time travel. And I think time travel is amazing. Second of all, you can go anywhere in the world and put on everybody else's shoes. I mean, stories are the best thing on the entire planet, and they enrich and deepen. And there's even scientific evidence that reading a book mimics you actually doing what the characters are doing. Like they Scientific American just published that. So reading is one of the best ways to become the best possible human being that you can, and writing, as well, helps us to process and get closer to our own humanity.

So I'm just the biggest advocate for reading and writing, and I mean, I think all forms of storytelling, but I think reading is the best because it really is like a brain work out. And there's something more dreamy about reading than there is about just watching a movie or television, although I'm a big fan of those things. But time travel, I mean, how could you say no to that?