Kim Addonizio 6

KIM ADDONIZIO: I think the best reason to read and write is because it really makes you happy. Because for me it's so much fun to write or to dive into a book I've been dying to read. It's just where I find my space. And I think that that's the best reason. I don't think anybody can be forced to like writing, but they can be invited in and see why it's a cool thing to do and to enjoy, and the same thing with reading.

And I think there's all kinds of books, so you have to find the ones that speak to you, like you may read something and think, oh, well, that's not for me. But it might just be that writer who's not for you. It may not be that all novels or all poetry are not for you. It's just you have to find the ones that really speak to you. And they become your poets and your writers.

And it's something that stays with you. I'm always amazed that poetry is the thing that people reach for when they're going through something difficult. That's when people write poetry. When they're celebrating something, that's when they want to have a poem to read for the occasion, like a wedding.

And so it's interesting that poetry accompanies us in some of the most profound moments of our lives. You write a poem for a newborn baby, or you recite a poem at a funeral to say goodbye to somebody and to grieve somebody.

So they're a good thing to have with you as companions in life, are poems, especially, I think. And it's one reason why I love poetry, is I can just have those poems whenever I need them. And the other thing is I feel like they can really help you with life.

Because you read a poem, and you realize that you're not the only person who's gone through this thing that has happened to you, whether it's a great thing or a terrible thing. And you realize that we're not so different underneath.

And I think that can really help a lot towards easing a sense of isolation or loneliness, and especially now when we are so isolated and alone, despite how connected we are on social media. It's a great thing to be able to go to a poem and find something in it that helps you to live, really.