Marjorie Sandor 4

MARJORIE SANDOR: I would talk about this teacher that I had that I had mentioned who was my freshman composition teacher. So this is not something you'd expect, that your TA for freshman comp would be a great inspiration to you, but not only for what she said to us as students about how important it is to work and to read a lot, but also the way she told stories herself. She always left a little bit out, so there was great mystery in her stories. And you never felt that she was crossing a personal line, but that the story itself was what mattered.

And she had great discipline as a person, and just a kind of a sense of having lived. And she told us just enough about herself to get us all really intrigued. So I think about her level of dedication and strength of character and the wisdom that she had at 28. I still think she was one of the most mature teachers I've ever had.