Robin Black 3

[ROBIN BLACK] Well, this is actually a really tough one for me because I have very bad ADD. So I am not one of these people who has like the beautiful organized desk, and they do their yoga for 15 minutes, and then they sip their tea, and then they have their pencils lined up. I write kind of all over the house. I sit on any given piece of furniture. I don't do outlines. So it's very much a matter, I mean it sounds sort of silly, but it's a matter of me learning what the rhythms and habits are that fit the way my brain is wired. And it's not-- definitely not the typical writer ritual thing. And sometimes I have the TV on, or I'll have a song playing over and over and over and over, because with ADD you just sort of need that like counterpoint distraction thing. So that's it. It's kind of a mess, but it's a mess that over 15 years I've kind of developed to be the most effective way for me to do it.