6.3 A Three-Stage Model of Memory

figure 6.1 Three-stage model of memory How does information in the world make it into your long-term memory system? In the three-stage model of memory, information enters sensory memory, is transferred to short-term memory, and then (if not forgotten) enters long-term memory.

To explain events, scientists often propose explanatory models. A model is a depiction of structures and processes that caused an event to happen (Harré, 2002).

In the study of memory, the key event is that people retain information; they remember material presented previously. To explain this, psychologists propose explanatory models that depict mental structures and processes that enable people to remember material. One major model is the three-stage memory model (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).

In the three-stage memory model, information makes its way from the environment to your permanent memory in three steps, or stages: (1) sensory memory, (2) short-term memory, and (3) long-term memory (Figure 6.1). Let’s examine each stage in detail.

Sensory Memory

Preview Question


What is sensory memory and what are two types of sensory memory?

Sensory memory is memory that is based on the workings of sensory systems, that is, the psychological systems that enable you to see, hear, and feel the world (see Chapter 5). You usually think of these systems as being involved only in perception, such as the perception of light (vision) or sound (hearing). But they contribute to memory, too. Different perceptual systems (e.g., vision, hearing, touch) produce different forms of sensory memory. Let’s first look at iconic memory, which is sensory memory of visual images.

BRIEF MEMORY FOR IMAGES: ICONIC MEMORY. In psychology’s first demonstration of iconic memory, George Sperling (1960) showed participants three rows of four letters for a very brief period: 50 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). The presentation was so brief that participants had no time to think about the material; if they subsequently could recall any letters, it would be thanks to iconic memory.


Participants did not do very well on this task; when asked to recall the 12 letters, they reported only about one-third, that is, four letters. What does this mean? Sperling recognized that there are two possibilities:

  1. The capacity of sensory memory is small—about four items.

  2. The capacity of sensory memory is large, but information fades so quickly that as participants report the initial letters (“I saw a B, and an L …”), others fade away.

Sperling devised a clever test of these possibilities. After presenting the letters, he immediately sounded a tone indicating which row of letters participants should report (Figure 6.2). In this situation, participants performed excellently; they recalled most of the indicated information. Because participants did not know which row of letters would be signaled by the tone, their excellent performance meant that most of the letters were in iconic memory when the tone sounded. Sperling thus discovered that the capacity of iconic memory is large, but the duration for which it can store information is brief.

figure 6.2 Sperling’s iconic memory paradigm In a study of the capacity of sensory memory, Sperling showed participants a series of letters for a very brief period of time. Immediately afterward, he sounded a tone that indicated which row of letters the participant should try to recall. Participants could recall most of the letters in the row, which showed that their sensory memory, for a brief amount of time, contained a large amount of information.

More recently, researchers have sought the biological basis of iconic memory. You might think it would be in the eye. However, findings indicate that the biological basis of iconic memory is a network of neural systems in the brain (Saneyoshi et al., 2011).

BRIEF MEMORY FOR SOUNDS: ECHOIC MEMORY. Iconic memory is not the only type of sensory memory. People also possess echoic memory, which is sensory memory for sound.

You are probably already familiar with echoic memory from the so-called cocktail party effect: At a party, you overhear someone mention your name and wonder, “What was he saying about me?” If you quickly concentrate on what you heard, you usually can remember what the person said 1 to 2 seconds earlier; the sound is very briefly stored in the sensory system of hearing. This brief storage system is your echoic memory.

Thanks to echoic memory, we’re often able to parrot back what someone has been saying to us when we’ve been accused of not listening!

Sensory memory, then, is the first stage in getting information such as “the exam is next Tuesday” from the classroom projection screen into your mind. The second stage is short-term memory.

Echoic memory If you overhear someone mention your name at a crowded party, you often can retrieve a memory of what that person said in the previous few seconds, before the mention of your name attracted your attention. You’re retrieving the information from echoic memory, which stores sound for brief periods of time.


Question 3

Participants did not know which tone would sound and therefore did not know which row they would have to report. Thus, they had to have stored all of the rows in iconic memory before hearing the tone in order to be correct, which they were.


You have just read about some memory experiments. Now, it’s time to participate in one—this chapter’s Try This! activity. Go to www.pmbpsychology.com and try your hand at an experiment that tests your memory ability. We’ll discuss your results just ahead in the chapter—so do it now!


Short-Term (Working) Memory

Preview Questions


What are short-term memory and encoding? What is the capacity of short-term memory?


Why do we forget information soon after it reaches short-term memory? What strategies can we use to reduce forgetting?


How does working memory differ from short-term memory? What are its three components?

The second stage in the three-stage model of memory is short-term memory, which is a memory system that enables people to keep a limited amount of information actively in mind for brief periods of time (Jonides et al., 2008).

You already have some intuitive knowledge of how short-term memory works. If someone says that his phone number is 312-555-2368 and you want to remember it, you know three things:

  1. You’d better enter the number into your cell phone soon, or you’ll forget it. The information might fade from your memory in a matter of seconds.

  2. You can keep the information alive in memory by repeating it to yourself over and over again (“312-555-2368,” “312-555-2368,” …) until you write it down.

  3. If the number had been much longer—for example, 312-555-2368-82695873—you would never have been able to remember it.

You know intuitively, then, that (1) you possess a mental system that holds information for only a limited amount of time; (2) you can increase the retention time by repeating information to yourself; yet (3) there is a size limitation; even repetition does not work if there is too much information. This system is short-term memory. Psychologists have explored four main questions about short-term memory:

GETTING INFORMATION INTO SHORT-TERM MEMORY: ENCODING. Much of the information that reaches sensory memory fades rapidly and can never be recalled, as you learned earlier. But some of it makes its way from sensory to short-term memory. The process of getting information from sensory memory to short-term memory is called encoding.

Encoding is any process that transforms information from one format to another. Recall that in sensory memory, the information format is physical stimulation (e.g., light waves that reach the eye; sound waves at the ear). The contents of short-term memory, though, are generally not physical sensations. They are ideas. In our exam-next-Tuesday example, you didn’t remember physical stimuli, such as “a dark vertical line with a horizontal bar on top” (the letter T in “Tuesday”). You remembered ideas: The exam is on Tuesday and the chapters to study are 7 through 9. This means that your mind encoded the physical input, converting it into ideas that are meaningful.

What information is encoded into short-term memory? There are two types: information to which we devote attentional effort and information that “leaps into mind” without effort because we are biologically attuned to it.

Attentional effort is a focusing of attention on something in the environment that is relevant to a goal you are trying to achieve (Sarter, Gehring, & Kozak, 2006). In everyday terms, it’s called “concentrating.” If, right now, you look up from your reading and glance around the room, many objects are in view: walls, furniture, books, an old poster, scraps of paper, candy wrappers, a roommate, and so on. You might think all this information would be overwhelming, but it isn’t. What normally happens is that you concentrate, or focus your attention, on one item at a time. If your goal is to clean your room, you might focus on the candy wrapper. If you want to redecorate, you might focus on the poster. Sometimes focusing attention requires effort; if there’s a big stack of books and papers on your desk, you might have to concentrate to notice some scattered candy wrappers. Similarly, if you’re surrounded by a variety of sounds—people talking, a radio playing, cars outside your window, other people chatting—you can “pick out” one stream of sound by exerting a bit of concentrated effort. This is attentional effort (Kahneman, 1973).


What information are you blocking out right now to devote attentional effort to reading this?

Do you see a light bulb? If you scan the picture, and scan some more, eventually you will find an image of a light bulb. The simple game teaches a lesson about how information gets into short-term memory. Finding the light bulb requires attentional effort. Once you do find it, an image of the light bulb makes its way to your short-term memory. Images of most of the other people, animals, and objects—the ones you scanned past when looking for the light bulb—will not be in your short-term memory, because you did not devote attentional effort to them. Stimuli to which you devote attentional effort thus are those most likely to move from sensory memory to short-term memory.

Information receiving attentional effort is the information most likely to move from sensory memory to short-term memory. This is what Sperling’s experiments demonstrated. When participants heard a tone, they directed attentional effort to a specific row of letters. Those letters then were the ones encoded into short-term memory.

Attention, therefore, determines which information is encoded into short-term memory from sensory memory. Interestingly, this path from attentional effort to short-term memory is a two-way street. The contents of short-term memory influence what you pay attention to. If you were thinking about some object in the recent past, that object is more likely to grab your attention if it appears in the present environment (Downing, 2000).

Although attentional effort is needed often, sometimes objects simply grab your attention. For instance, if you’re on a hike and encounter a long, thin object slithering on the ground, you would notice it immediately, even if you had not been focusing attentional effort on snakes. If there is a burning smell in your home, you would notice it, even if you hadn’t been concentrating on the possibility of a fire. Or if a particularly attractive person walks by, you would notice automatically (Maner, DeWall, & Gailliot, 2008).

These examples illustrate a second type of information we encode into short-term memory: information about objects that grab our attention automatically. These objects usually have evolutionary significance; they have been relevant to survival and reproduction throughout human history. People who failed to notice them—who didn’t automatically pay attention to a threatening animal, a fire, or an attractive member of the opposite sex—were less likely to survive and reproduce. The human mind, then, has evolved to automatically notice these evolutionarily significant people, objects, and events (Öhman & Mineka, 2001; Schaller, Park, & Kenrick, 2007). Evidence of this comes from research on the speed with which information fades from iconic memory. Emotionally threatening stimuli (e.g., a scorpion, a weapon) fade relatively slowly (Kuhbandner, Spitzer, & Pekrun, 2011), which raises their chances of being transferred from iconic to short-term storage.

In sum, information goes from sensory memory to short-term memory in two ways: (1) through attentional effort and (2) automatically. Now let’s turn to our second question about short-term memory: its capacity.

Grabbing attention There’s a lot to see: branches, twigs, leaves, rocks. But you can’t miss that snake! Information about the snake moves quickly from iconic to short-term memory.

THE SPACE LIMITS OF SHORT-TERM MEMORY: CAPACITY. What is the capacity of short-term memory; that is, how many pieces of information does it hold? More than a half-century ago, George Miller summarized existing research and concluded that the answer is “seven, plus or minus two” (Miller, 1956, p. 81). This number was found across a variety of tasks:


Miller therefore concluded that the best estimate of the capacity of short-term memory was seven pieces of information.

Not long after Miller’s work, other psychologists began to recognize that his classic estimate was an overestimate (Cowan, 2001). It turned out that, in some of the research Miller reviewed, participants likely had time, during the experiment, to transfer some information from short-term memory into long-term memory. The estimate of seven thus overestimated the capacity of short-term memory per se (Jonides et al., 2008). Contemporary evidence suggests that the classic estimate of seven is merely a “legend” (Cowan, Morey, & Chen, 2007, p. 45) and that short-term memory’s capacity is actually only four pieces of information (Cowan, 2001).


When psychologists first estimated the capacity of short-term memory, they assumed that its capacity was independent of the type of information people were trying to remember. But might some kinds of information be more difficult to keep track of in short-term memory than others? (Hint: Research on “working memory,” reviewed below, provides an answer.)

Four pieces of information may not seem like much. Yet if you try to think of more than four different things at a time, you’ll realize that it’s a lot. Try to think simultaneously about: (1) a fact about psychology (e.g., the capacity of short-term memory), (2) a fact about history (e.g., the Magna Carta was written in 1215); (3) an upcoming social plan (“We’re going to see High School Musical IX on Saturday”); (4) a mathematical formula (e.g., the area of a circle); (5) a fact about the solar system (Jupiter has the largest number of moons); plus. … “Hey, wait a minute,” you might be thinking, “Once I got to #5, I forgot the date of the Magna Carta.” Keeping your attention focused on more than four things at once is extraordinarily difficult.

What strategies do you use to keep information running in your short-term memory?

FORGETTING INFORMATION IN SHORT-TERM MEMORY: DECAY AND INTERFERENCE. Let’s again follow the fate of our psych exam information: Day of exam is Tuesday; Chapters on exam are 7, 8, and 9. “Tuesday,” “7,” “8,” and “9” are four pieces of information, so all of it should fit into short-term memory. But even if you paid attention in class and all the information was encoded in short-term memory at the time, you still might forget it. Why? Two factors contribute to forgetting: decay and interference.

Decay is the fading of information from memory. Like a skywriter’s message on a windy day, the contents of short-term memory decay rapidly. How rapidly? In other words, what is the rate at which information in short-term memory decays?

Answering this question is difficult; a seemingly attractive research strategy is limited. To measure decay, one could (1) present information to participants, (2) wait for varying periods of time, and then (3) ask them to recall it. But there’s a problem: During the waiting period, some people might devise strategies for enhancing their memory (e.g., if the information included the three-letter sequence KFJ, they might note that the letters are the initials of a famous U.S. president, only backward). These strategies would counteract the natural effects of decay.

Fading fast Like information from a skywriter on a windy day, information in short-term memory decays rapidly.


Can you think of a way to determine how rapidly information decays from short-term memory in the absence of memory-enhancement strategies? One approach is to give participants a task to perform during the waiting period, such as counting backward by 3s from a large number (Brown, 1958; Peterson & Peterson, 1959). The task is hard enough that people cannot do it while also devising memory strategies.

What proportion of material would you guess an individual forgets after 18 seconds?

Research using this method shows that information in short-term memory decays quite rapidly. On average, people forget about 90% of the information they learn after only 18 seconds of counting backward (Peterson & Peterson, 1959). That’s a lot of forgetting! Information decays so rapidly that, in less than half a minute, most of it fades away.

After discovering this rapid decay of information, psychologists performed more research that revealed something interesting: Some information does not decay rapidly (Neath, 1998). Information presented in the first few trials of the task decays slowly (Keppel & Underwood, 1962). In fact, on the very first trial, there is no evidence of short-term memory decay at all; even after counting backward for 18 seconds, people remember information presented on the first trial (Figure 6.3). Why would this be so?

figure 6.3 Short-term memory decay Memory decays rapidly from short-term memory. On the second and third trials of a task in which people try to remember a series of letters or numbers, information significantly decays within 20 seconds. However, on the first trial of a memory experiment, information is retained—there is no decay in 20 seconds. This indicates that forgetting results from not only decay, but also proactive interference. At the start of a study, when no prior information has been learned, there is no proactive interference, and memory performance is excellent.

The explanation is interference. Interference is a failure to retain information in short-term memory that occurs when material learned earlier or later prevents its retention. There are two types of interference: proactive and retroactive. Proactive interference occurs when material learned earlier impairs memory for material learned later. Conversely, retroactive interference occurs when material learned later impairs memory for material learned earlier.

As an example of these two types of interference, imagine that you sign up for a class in which 20 people are enrolled, and on the first day everyone introduces themselves in class. What would your memory of the 20 names be like? You’d probably remember the names of the first few people because when you heard them, no other names were yet stored in your short-term memory—there was no proactive interference. By the time the fifth or sixth person is introduced, however, your head is so full of names that it’s hard to remember any more. Proactive interference from the first few names impairs memory for the later ones.

Results shown in Figure 6.3 demonstrate this process. On the first few trials of a task, people’s memory is excellent because there is no proactive interference. On later trials, proactive interference begins, and information decays rapidly.

This example also illustrates retroactive interference. When the last few people (i.e., the 18th, 19th, and 20th classmates) introduce themselves, you probably would remember their names. Because there are no further introductions after these people, there is no retroactive interference. You’d be more likely to forget the names of the students introduced just prior to that (e.g., the 15th, 16th, and 17th classmates to speak). Retroactive interference created by the names of the last few students interferes with memory for the names that preceded them.

Combining what you’ve learned about proactive and retroactive interference, you can make some predictions about memory performance. Whenever people try to recall a list of items, there is:


Items in the middle of the list are subject to both proactive and retroactive interference. Memory for those items thus should be relatively poor.


This discussion of primacy and recency effects should remind you of something: the Try This! activity you attempted earlier in this chapter.

The activity tested your memory for a long list of words. Importantly, it didn’t report merely the overall number of words you remembered; instead, you learned the number of words you remembered from different parts of the list—beginning, middle, and end.

If you were like most people, you remembered relatively few words from the middle of the list. In that part of the list, memory can be impaired by both proactive and retroactive interference.

Figure 6.4 shows the results obtained when researchers run the Try This! experiment with a large group of participants and plot results for each word position. The finding is known as the serial position effect, which is people’s tendency to display better recall for items positioned at the beginning or end of a list than in the middle.

figure 6.4 The serial position effect When people try to remember a list of words, the words presented at the beginning and end of the list are remembered best. Proactive and reactive interference decrease memory for words in the middle. The pattern of results, in which memory varies depending on a word’s position in the list, is called the serial position effect.

RETAINING INFORMATION THAT IS IN SHORT-TERM MEMORY: REHEARSAL AND DEEP PROCESSING. You have seen how information in short-term memory may be forgotten. Forgetting, though, is not your goal; if “Exam next Tuesday, Chapters 7, 8, and 9” is announced, you want to remember it. What mental strategies might help you retain the information in short-term memory?

One strategy is to repeat the information to yourself over and over. This strategy is similar to rehearsing lines for a performance—where the “performance” is correctly recalling information a few days later—and therefore is called rehearsal. Rehearsal is the strategy of repeating information to retain it in short-term memory (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968).

Rehearsal does maintain information in short-term memory; as long as you keep repeating the information, it will be retained there. Yet, as a memory strategy, rehearsal has two big limitations. One is obvious: It’s inconvenient. You surely have things to do other than repeating “Tuesday, Chapters 7, 8, and 9” until you can find someplace to write it down.

Rehearsal You can prevent information in short-term memory from decaying by repeating it over and over, or rehearsing it, in the way that an actress—in this case, Kate Hudson—rehearses lines for a performance.

The other limitation is that merely repeating information is not particularly effective. Psychologists have explored the effectiveness of rehearsal by varying the amount of time that people rehearsed items prior to a memory test. After rehearsal times of varying lengths, they asked participants to recall the words. What did they find? In a sense, nothing. Repeating a word for a longer time period had no effect on later memory for it (Craik & Watkins, 1973).

Because rehearsal is not as effective a strategy as one might like, if you want to remember information, you need another strategy. One is to process information “deeply.”


The idea of “deep”—versus “shallow”—processing describes variations in how people think about information when it is presented. Deep processing is thinking about something meaningful, such as what a word means. Shallow processing is thinking about something superficial, such as the color or case (upper or lower) of the printed word. Depth of processing, then, is the degree to which people think about meaningful rather than superficial aspects of presented information (Craik & Tulving, 1975).

In depth of processing studies, researchers ask participants to think about information in different ways (Figure 6.5). They find that deeper thinking improves memory. Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving (1975) found that the ability to recall information is more than four times greater when information is processed in a deep, rather than shallow, manner.

figure 6.5 Depth of processing In a depth-of-processing study, participants are presented with a word—in this case, “TIGER”—and in different experimental conditions are asked questions that prompt them to think about the word in a shallow or deep manner (Craik & Tulving, 1975). Deeper processing enhances memory.

If you have used flashcards to study for tests, have you found that they promote deep processing?


Sources of Information and Short-Term Memory

People obtain information from different sources. Sometimes we hear information (e.g., when someone tells us something), sometimes we see it (e.g., when reading a book), and sometimes we rely on touch (e.g., to find out whether water from a shower is warm). Does the information source—sound, sight, touch—affect the way short-term memory works?

Traditional theories of short-term memory would suggest “no”; as you have seen, those theories discuss information in general, irrespective of how it was obtained. New research findings, however, may prompt psychologists to revise their theories.

Researchers conducted a study that, in some respects, was similar to traditional research on short-term memory decay: They presented information, waited varying lengths of time (different retention intervals), and then asked people to recall the information (Bigelow & Poremba, 2014). A critical difference, however, was that the researchers presented information of three different types:

  1. Auditory: Participants heard tones presented for 1 second each.

  2. Visual: Participants saw geometric figures presented for 1 second each.

  3. Tactile: Participants felt a metal bar that vibrated for 1 second.

After retention intervals that varied from 1 to 32 seconds, another stimulus was presented (another tone, figure, or vibration), and participants had to judge whether it was the same as the previous one. The accuracy of their judgments was the measure of the retention of information in short-term memory; if the stimulus was still in memory, then participants could judge accurately. The key research question was whether stimuli of different types, each presented for 1 second, would be remembered equally well.


As it turns out, they were not. As you can see in Figure 6.6, people’s memory for auditory information was substantially less good than their memory for visual or tactile information. People displayed what the researchers called an “Achilles ear”: weaker short-term memory when the information source was sound.

figure 6.6 Memory for different kinds of information

The findings have significant implications for theoretical models of memory. They suggest that, rather than there being one short-term memory system, people possess different memory subsystems that handle different types of information and that each contributes to people’s short-term memory abilities.


Question 4

True or False?

According to Figure 6.6, people were better at retaining auditory information in short-term memory than they were at retaining tactile or visual information.


FROM “SHORT-TERM MEMORY” TO “WORKING MEMORY.” You’ve just read that short-term memory is a limited-capacity memory system from which information is lost due to interference and decay, and in which information can be retained through rehearsal and deep processing. There are two more things to learn about short-term memory. They are so significant that they expand the conception of this memory system from short-term memory to something psychologists call working memory.

  1. There are two sets of letters below. Cover up one, look at the other for 30 seconds, then look away from the page and try to remember it. Then do the same thing with the other set of letters.



  2. Which set of letters was easier to remember? Based on what you’ve learned about short-term memory so far, they should be equally easy or hard, because they contain the same number of letters. But most people find that they differ. The first series, in which all the letters sound similar, is harder to remember than the second, whose letters sound different (Baddeley, 2003). Why should the sound of the letters make a difference?

  3. You’ve learned about different strategies people can use to remember information: exerting attentional effort, rehearsing, processing information deeply. The existence of these different strategies raises a question not answered by the original three-stage memory model (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968; Figure 6.1): What system of mind is involved in selecting and executing strategies for task performance? In the original three-stage model, short-term memory was merely a “container” for holding information, not a system that selected among task strategies.

To answer these questions, psychologists expanded the original conception of short-term memory. In the new conception, rather than short-term memory, psychologists propose working memory, which is a set of interrelated systems that both store and manipulate information (Baddeley, 2003; Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; Repovš & Baddeley, 2006). Working memory has three components (Figure 6.7):

figure 6.7 Working memory Psychologists conceive of working memory as consisting of three systems: a visuospatial sketchpad that processes visual imagery; a phonological loop that is active when your thinking involves words, sentences, or arithmetic problems; and a central executive that controls the attention focus of the system as a whole.

What’s the most complex type of math problem you can solve using your working memory before you have to break out a pencil and paper or calculator?


Like the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad, the central executive’s capacity is limited. In practice, this means that your ability to concentrate can be frustratingly small. Even if you have to finish this chapter right now to prepare for an upcoming exam, you may find your mind “wandering” (Feng, D’Mello, & Graesser, 2013); you become distracted rather than focusing on your reading. People’s ability to control their thoughts, emotions, and behavior relies on working-memory capacity (Hofmann et al., 2008). Physical and mental fatigue can reduce capacity, making self-control more difficult (Muraven & Baumeister, 2000).

When working on complex tasks, people combine information from different systems into one mental workspace. An architect, for example, might design a structure using her visuospatial sketchpad but simultaneously evaluate it and consider alternatives using her phonological loop (thinking, “It might be better if we knock out this wall”). A person can make decisions, then, based on a combination of visuospatial and verbal information.


Using the visuospatial sketchpad Designing a concert hall requires thinking simultaneously about visual information (what will it look like?), auditory information (what will it sound like?), and technical information about the engineering of structures (will it fall over?). Architects can bring this information together in their minds, thanks to a system in working memory called the visuospatial sketchpad. Shown is Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava and the interior of the auditorium he designed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in the Canary Islands.


Question 5

True or False?

  • Some information takes quite a bit of attentional effort to encode, whereas information that has evolutionary significance (e.g., a fire) grabs our attention automatically.

  • Miller’s estimate of the capacity of short-term memory, seven plus or minus two, may be an underestimate, and 11 pieces of information may be more accurate.

  • When research participants are presented with information to be remembered over several trials, information from the first few trials is less likely to decay than information presented later.

  • When research participants are presented with information to be remembered over several trials, the later-learned material may be lost due to retroactive interference.

  • Of shallow or deep processing, rote memorization would be considered deep processing.

  • According to the concept of working memory, we actively process information with the help of a phonological loop, a visuospatial sketchpad, and a central executive.


Long-Term Memory

Preview Questions


What is long-term memory? How long does it last? How much can it hold? What are different types of long-term memory?


Once information enters long term-memory, does it automatically become unforgettable?


What two factors enable us to retrieve information from long-term memory?

So far, you’ve seen how information travels from sensory memory to short-term or working memory. (In practice, psychologists often use the terms short-term memory and working memory interchangeably.) You’ve also learned about factors that influence whether that information is remembered for long periods of time, so you can use it later. If it is remembered, where does that information go? It gets stored in long-term memory, which is the mental system that stores knowledge for extended periods of time. When, in an example above, deeply processed material was remembered for a long period of time, the depth of processing caused the information to be stored in long-term memory.


Even if you don’t ride a bike for decades, you’ll always be able to hop on and pedal away. Memories for many motor skills last a lifetime.

LONG-TERM MEMORY BASICS: DURATION, CAPACITY, AND TYPES OF MEMORY. One question about long-term memory that psychological science wants to answer is “How long does a long-term memory last?”

Think back to your childhood: a favorite teacher; a day when you got a great present; a “bad day” when you did something embarrassing. It’s not hard to remember them, despite the passage of time. Memories of some experiences last a lifetime.

Another type of memory that lasts is memory for how to do things. Even if you haven’t ridden a bike for years, you can hop on now and pedal away. If you hadn’t read anything for years, you would still be able to read material instantly if somebody put a book in front of you. Similarly, memories for many facts do not fade away. You won’t forget the name of the first U.S. president or the number of sides of a triangle. They are stored in your memory, permanently.

Long-term memory, then, may never fade away. Information in long-term memory can reside there permanently.

A second question concerns long-term memory’s capacity. You’re storing lots of information in long-term memory during your college years. Will you eventually “run out of space”?

No, you won’t—long-term memory has no space limitation. Consider two historical examples. Some Jewish scholars of the Talmud, an ancient work of law and ethics that is thousands of pages long, have been able to remember not only the entire text but where, on each printed page, each passage of text appears (all editions include the same number of pages and the same material on each page; Stratton, 1917). The Italian symphony conductor Arturo Toscanini had such an exceptional memory for musical works that he knew “every note of every instrument of about 250 symphonic works and the words and music of about 100 operas” (Marek, 1975, p. 414).

How can long-term memory be infinite? It’s puzzling if you think that memories are “stored” in long-term memory. The idea of “storage” makes it sound as if memory is a container that eventually will fill up. But this isn’t the only way to think about long-term memory. Some theorists argue that we should think of remembering as an activity (e.g., Stern, 1991). To remember something is to do something. A person “remembers the year World War II ended” when she does something: She says “1945.” A person “remembers a personal experience” when he does something: He forms a mental image that corresponds to the event. Because there is no limit to the number of things we can do using our minds, there is no limit to long-term memory.

A third question about long-term memory concerns the different types of information people recall. Consider some of the examples above: remembering the name of a U.S. president, a personal experience from childhood, and how to ride a bike. Each one of these examples is a different type of long-term memory (Tulving, 1972): semantic memory, episodic memory, and procedural memory, respectively.

Doesn’t the conductor need sheet music, too? Expert orchestral conductors, such as Alan Gilbert of the New York Philharmonic, commonly lead their orchestras without even looking at the sheet music. They’ve got it in their heads—a testament to the virtually infinite capacity of long-term memory.
Procedural memory “Bunny ears, bunny ears, playing by a tree. Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me.” These basketball players might not remember childhood rhymes that helped them learn how to tie their shoes. And they might not remember the first time they tied their shoes correctly. But they do remember how to tie them. When it comes to shoe-tying, they have procedural memory, but probably not semantic or episodic memory.

This shoe-tying example raises another way of classifying memories; some are explicit and others implicit (Schacter, 1987). Explicit memory is conscious recall of previously encountered information or experience. Implicit memory is task performance that is affected by previous information or experience, even if that prior material is not explicitly remembered. The case of HM, presented in this chapter’s opening, illustrates the distinction clearly. Researchers taught HM a difficult mirror-tracing task, in which one traces an image using a pencil while being able to see his hand only in a mirror. With practice, HM improved on the task. Yet, being HM, he could not remember any of the occasions on which he had practiced. HM thus had implicit memory from his practice sessions—an improvement in performance—while not having any conscious, explicit memory of the experiences.

Mirror-tracing task HM could remember how to perform a mirror-tracing task, such as the one shown here, but could not remember the experiences during which he learned and practiced the task. He retained implicit memory of those experiences, but no explicit memory of them.

Have you ever tried to explain to someone how to ride a bike? Tough, right? What are some other implicit memories that are difficult to make explicit?

The different types of memory are distinct, yet they influence one another. Consider semantic and episodic memory. Evidence at both mind and brain levels of analysis supports the distinction between them. Research, however, also shows that if you have more of one type of memory, you are likely to acquire more of the other (Greenberg & Verfaellie, 2010). Increased semantic memory, for example, can enhance episodic memory. If you read a book about a travel location, you will acquire semantic knowledge. If you then visit the location, the increased semantic memory will tend to increase the detail and richness of the episodic memories you form.

GETTING INFORMATION INTO LONG-TERM MEMORY PERMANENTLY: CONSOLIDATION. Earlier, we said that psychologists have compared the mind to a computer. In many ways, the comparison is apt; for example, the mind’s short-term and long-term memory are like a computer’s random access memory and its permanent, hard-drive storage. However, minds and computers differ when it comes to the process of storing information permanently.


Injury disrupts memory consolidation “I don’t remember the exact play. Once I came off the field, I didn’t really know I had scored. I can’t really remember what happened.” Those were the words of Pittsburgh Steelers running back Le’Veon Bell, who sustained a blow to the head sufficient to knock off his helmet on his way to scoring a touchdown. His memory—or lack of it—illustrates the principle of consolidation. Before the play started, he had in mind information about the play (where to line up, when the ball would be snapped, where he should run, etc.). During the play, he concentrated intently, but afterward, he didn’t remember what happened. The head injury disrupted the consolidation process needed for the experiences to enter into memory permanently.

In a computer, permanent storage takes only a fraction of a second: the time needed to save information onto a hard drive. But in the mind, it can take hours or days. Information in long-term memory gradually consolidates. Consolidation is a process in which information in long-term memory changes from a fragile state, in which the information can be lost, to a fixed state in which it is available relatively permanently (McGaugh, 2000).

Cases of head trauma—for instance, people hitting their heads in a traffic accident or a sports injury—can disrupt the process of consolidation. You might expect that a surprising and painful accident would be unforgettable. But, instead, people often do not remember the accident at all. A head injury can disrupt biological processes in the brain that are required in order for a memory to consolidate (McAlister, 2011). As a result, people might not remember what they were doing before the accident occurred. (We’ll explore biological processes in consolidation later in this chapter, in a section on memory and the brain.)

Consolidation processes occur not only when people acquire a new memory, but also when they are reminded of an old one. Reminders trigger a period of reconsolidation during which memories are once again temporarily fragile and unstable, as they were when being consolidated originally (Lee, 2009). During the reconsolidation period, the unstable long-term memories can be substantially altered; in fact, in some cases, they can be erased. In one study conducted across a three-day period, researchers first presented a geometric figure along with a mild electric shock across a series of experimental trials (Schiller et al., 2010). On Day 2, they conducted two key experimental conditions:

  1. Repeated presentation of the geometric figure with no shock

  2. A reconsolidation period triggered by reminding participants about the geometric figure, and then repeated presentation of the figure with no shock

On Day 3, the researchers presented the geometric figure again and measured participants’ reactions. In the first experimental condition, participants reacted fearfully; their reactions showed that they remembered that the geometric figure had been paired with shock. In the second condition, participants did not react at all; their reactions suggested that they had completely forgotten the connection between the figure and shock, even though information about the connection previously existed in long-term memory. Memory thus was significantly altered during the previous day’s reconsolidation period.

The findings illustrate that activating a memory is not like opening a book on a shelf, where the information in the book remains unchanged. Instead, during a reconsolidation period, activating a memory is more like opening a word-processing file in edit mode, where information can be altered.

RETRIEVING INFORMATION FROM LONG-TERM MEMORY: CUES AND CONTEXT. Information held in long-term memory is not useful unless you can get it out of there. You need to retrieve the information (“Hmm, when was that exam?”) from long-term memory and transfer it back into working memory (“Aha, I remember: Tuesday!”), where you can use it. The process of accessing information stored in long-term memory is called retrieval.

Two factors can help you retrieve information from long-term memory. One is retrieval cues, which are environmental stimuli related to the information you are trying to recall. When you encounter a cue, its relation to information stored in memory helps you remember that information. Suppose you are strolling about town and someone asks you to name one of the three highest-grossing films of all time, and you happen to walk past a travel agency with cruise ship posters. Bingo! Titanic springs to mind. The posters are retrieval cues that helped you recall Titanic.


Not a bad study strategy—if you’re a diver Memory is superior when the context in which you try to remember information matches the context in which you learned it. So if you’re a diver who needs to remember information when you are under water, that’s the place to study it.

The second factor is context, that is, the overall situation or environment you are in when learning information and then trying to recall it. If the contexts at the time of learning and recall match, memory is better. A study of deep-sea divers illustrates the point. Divers learned lists of words in one of two contexts: on dry land or under water (Godden & Baddeley, 1975). Later, when they tried to recall the information in each of the two contexts, divers’ memory was better when the contexts matched (e.g., learned under water and recalled under water) than when they mismatched (e.g., learned under water and recalled on dry land). Later research tested divers’ memory for information in decompression tables, which indicate how to avoid adverse effects from changing depth under water. Again, memory was impaired when the learning and recall contexts differed (Martin & Aggleton, 1993).

You may think of the word “context” as referring to external conditions, such as a classroom or coffee shop. However, people’s emotional states also are contexts that affect memory. People’s memory is better when their emotional state at recall matches their emotional state at the time they encoded the information. Gordon Bower (1981) put research participants into either a happy or sad mood and then gave them some information to learn. Later, he again induced a happy or sad mood and asked them to recall the information. Bower’s experimental design thus included four conditions: learn when happy/recall when sad; learn when happy/recall when happy; learn when sad/recall when sad; learn when sad/recall when happy. The participants’ memory was best when the recall context matched the learning context (Figure 6.8), that is, in the learn-when-happy/recall-when-happy and learn-when-sad/recall-when-sad conditions (Bower, 1981). Mood, then, is a contextual cue that can enhance memory.

figure 6.8 Mood and memory Participants learned information when in either a sad or happy mood, and then tried to recall it when in either a sad or happy mood. Recall was best when the learning and recall moods matched, indicating that mood is a contextual cue that can influence memory.

In summary, retrieval cues and context help you retrieve information from long-term memory. And, once you’ve retrieved it, where does it go? Having concluded our coverage of the three-stage memory model (sensory, short-term or working, and long-term), answering this question should be easy. The information goes back to your working-memory system, where you can use it to answer questions, make decisions, and solve problems.


Question 6

Some theorists suggest it’s more useful to think of memory as an activity, rather than as something we pnD8bJlRk8f4UjOv in containers. Knowing that long-term memory has a limitless capacity is an example of OXWb23NnYCwSt0TXEduQ/g== memory, whereas your ability to read is an example of O73zI/tqW+OwyPb4/ND1yQ== memory. You don’t have to remember learning how to read to be able to read, which means reading is also an example of a(n) NbGWhlJsxcue1a1X3lqPxQ== memory. Research on context effects suggest that if you are learning this material while in a happy mood, your retrieval of it will be best when you are in a(n) PL7lbs6RBE5v8Bx7 mood.