Jimi Hendrix, People, Hell and Angels
Although he died in 1970, Jimi Hendrix remains one of rock’s music icons. Designers of the cover art for this posthumous album put the musician in the forefront, using black-
Nine Inch Nails, Hesitation Marks
As discussed in the Overview section, this Nine Inch Nails album art adopts a low-
Thirty Seconds to Mars, Love Lust Faith + Dreams
Thirty Seconds to Mars meticulously crafts all aspects of their work — songs, music videos, and cover art. In this album art, the colored dots suggest careful ordering, but the principle behind the choice of the specific color for each dot remains a mystery to the viewer. The color and size of the text suggest that it’s low in the hierarchy of elements, but the use of all caps sends the opposite signal. The overall image is one of tension.