Questions to Keep in Mind

Use the questions below to help you begin constructing your PACT chart. You can begin with the initial chart at the beginning of the scenario.

Why don’t students tend to vote? Think hard: You are probably part of the target audience for your text. Ask your roommates or friends this question. Do an informal poll of your classmates. Or do a more organized and formal poll on campus (in the student union or some other location, or via e-mail if that’s feasible). You’ll need to find out why students don’t vote and figure out how to change their minds. You might find that they don’t realize how easy it is to vote. You might find that they don’t believe that their vote counts. You might find that they’re just apathetic. You might find a mix of all these things and more. Whatever you find, you’ll need to come up with solutions.

You’ll need to do some research (starting with the materials provided in the Background Texts section) to learn what’s involved with voter registration in your state. Can students register locally, or do they have to register at their home addresses? What’s the closest or most convenient registration location?

As you start to learn more about your context and audience, you’ll be able to start thinking about what text to create: Based on what you’re finding, what type of text will best achieve your purpose?

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