What About You? Assessing Your Outline

What About You? Assessing Your Outline

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What About You?

Assessing Your Outline

To ensure that your speech is well organized and that your thesis is soundly supported, use the following checklist as you prepare your outline.

Is there a clear hierarchy of points in my outline?

Are my points each supported by at least two subpoints?

Do I call out the parts of my speech, including the introduction, transitions, and conclusion?

Have I incorporated my research into my outline effectively?

Have I worked oral citations into my outline to avoid unintentional plagiarism?

Does my outline offer a complete list of references for all the research I cite in my speech?

Does my speaking outline provide important delivery cues that will help me when I present?

Have I verified the style of my outline with my instructor (for example, a sentence outline for a preparation outline or a phrase outline for a speaking outline)?