What About You?

Page 153

What About You? Determining Your Own Costs and Rewards

Determining Your Own Costs and Rewards

Consider the following list of traits and behaviors, and decide which you consider rewards and which costs in a romantic relationship. Write R1 next to rewards that you feel you must have from your partner and R2 next to those you see as less important. Write C1 next to costs that you simply couldn’t tolerate from your partner and C2 next to costs that you could live with.

Laughs at my jokes Is affectionate
Is physically attractive Fits in with my friends
Fits in with my family Makes inappropriate jokes or comments
Dislikes sharing emotions Ignores my feelings
Is career oriented Wears clothes I dislike
Has views about religion different from mine Has views about children similar to mine
Has an exciting personality Overlooks my shortcomings
Has annoying friends Shares similar dreams for the future
Is likely to be financially successful Enjoys very different hobbies and activities
Comes from a close-knit family Is of a different race or from a different culture