Integrate Each Paraphrase into Your Document

Use author attributions and transitions to help readers distinguish your ideas, information, and arguments from those drawn from your sources. Be sure to cite the source in the text and in your works cited list or references list (see Chapters 21 and 22).

In the following example, note how one writer lets readers know where his statement ends and where the support for his statement, in the form of a paraphrase, begins.


Checklist for Paraphrasing

image Identify the source of the paraphrased material.

image Compare the original passage with your paraphrase. Make sure that you have conveyed the meaning of the passage but that the wording and sentence structure differ from those in the original passage.

image Use transitions and attributions to integrate the paraphrase smoothly into your draft.

image Ensure that the source is cited in your works cited or references list.