Use Colons to Point to What Comes Next

Text followed by a colon often introduces examples or a list of bullet points or some other series that does not look like ordinary paragraphed writing:

Colons can also be used in a similar way within paragraphs and sentences. The text following a colon can be a complete sentence, several sentences, or a phrase:

This is worth remembering: patience is a virtue.

After finishing the marathon, she wanted only one thing: to lie down.

Do not use a colon where the words alone make the meaning clear:

image The members of the class include: Drina, Gabriela, Phil, Roger, and Sandra.

When you introduce a quotation of two or more full sentences, it is best to use a colon:

Hillel also said: “What is hateful to you do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary.”