FIGURE 1 Gcn5 activity helps recruit spliceosomal components to DBP2 pre-mRNA. (a) Numbers represent regions of DNA in the DBP2 gene that are amplified in the ChIP analysis. (b) ChIP analysis of yeast cells expressing an engineered version of Lea1 tagged with a hemagglutinin (HA) peptide. Lea1-HA was immunoprecipitated with anti-HA antibodies, and Lea1 occupancy in the indicated regions of DBP2 was compared with that of a nontranscribed region of DNA (NTR VI_R1). Sets of PCR primers corresponding to the regions indicated in (a) were used to amplify specific segments of chromatin after Lea1-HA immunoprecipitation. Dark blue bars are data for cells with wild-type Gcn (GCN5); light blue bars are data for cells with a Gcn5 deletion (gcn5∆). (c) ChIP analysis as in (b), but the dark blue bars are results for cells with a point mutation in a nonessential region of Gcn5 (gcn5-LKN) and the light blue bars are results for cells with a point mutation in the Gcn5 active site (gcn5-KQL). (d) ChIP analysis as in (b), but this control experiment uses Pol II instead of Lea1.