Genomics research carries important implications that go to the heart of human existence. Where did we come from? How did we get to where we are now? Genomics provides an especially informative and often quantitative window on evolution, ultimately advancing the scientific answer to these and many other fundamental questions. A quest to understand how we came to this point in time is not simply an academic exercise. A better understanding of how new species evolve and how we are related to one another and to other species is highly relevant to advancing knowledge in areas ranging from ecosystems to pandemics. Answers can pay huge dividends in medicine, agriculture, resource management, and general quality of life.


All Living Things Have a Common Ancestor

One goal of modern genomics and evolutionary biology is the reconstruction of the evolutionary tree that traces the origin of every extant species. We can approach this problem from both ends—the first living organism and the current list of living organisms—and explore how genomics can help trace the path between them.

The successful living entity that gave rise to all life now on Earth is referred to as LUCA, the last universal common ancestor. Although its biological form and genome are obscured by billions of years of evolution, there are several approaches to thinking about LUCA. The first approach, which has been greatly facilitated by modern genome sequencing efforts, attempts to assemble the list of genes and other features that are currently shared by every living organism: these features were probably present in LUCA. The second approach is an effort to define the minimum set of genes necessary to support a living cell. Such a minimalist cell would help define the essence of the free-living state and would provide a more complete understanding of the basic problem of life and the threshold of complexity that had to be breached by the first viable cell.

As revealed by genomics and work in many other biological fields, current organisms share several features that permit a trace to a common ancestor. The core components of the translation and transcription machinery in all cells are demonstrably related. The use of the d isomers of sugars in cells and the l isomers of amino acids in protein synthesis is also universal. Beyond this point, the generalities start to break down. All organisms consist of cells surrounded by lipid-containing membranes, but the composition and structure of those membranes can vary greatly from one group to another. For example, bacteria have membranes consisting mostly of fatty acid esters, whereas membranes in the archaea consist of isoprene ethers. All organisms replicate their DNA, but the replication machinery varies in important ways.

Current estimates for the number of genes shared by all known species vary from 80 to about 500. The lower number focuses on genes with clearly identifiable orthologs in all organisms, based on sequence comparisons. The higher number includes genes required for processes that are found in all organisms, but for which many mechanistic and sequence similarities have been obscured by evolutionary time. A cell with 500 components would be simpler than most existing life forms, but still very complex. There must have been many intermediates of gradually increasing complexity in the process that led to LUCA.

The search for the minimal genome begins with the assumption that this cell will grow in a stress-free laboratory environment with abundant resources and constant temperature. The goal is to define the minimum group of components for supporting life, without the specialized functions required for particular world environments. Bacteria with small genomes are a useful place to start.

The bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, a parasite of the genital and respiratory tracts of primates, has the smallest genome sequenced thus far for a defined organism. Its 580,000 bp DNA includes 521 genes, 482 of which encode proteins. Directed efforts to disrupt individual genes have revealed that the bacterium can dispense with only 97 of them and still retain viability in the laboratory, giving a minimal complement of 385 genes. The small genome of this Mycoplasma reflects its sheltered environment as a parasite.

Similar experiments have indicated that the minimal genome for an organism living autonomously includes about 1,350 genes. Attempts to define a minimal gene complement are fueling efforts to create an artificial cell from nonliving chemical components, an achievement that would mark a new level of understanding of living systems.

Genome Comparisons Provide Clues to Our Evolutionary Past

The evolutionary relationship among species, populations, or genes is known as a phylogeny, and the study of such relationships is called phylogenetics. Phylogenetics helps biologists classify organisms. It can also reveal important information about the evolution of traits in an organism or the appearance of new pathogens. It can even aid in criminal investigations (Highlight 8-2). Phylogenies are usually described with the aid of phylogenetic trees, which can be based on sequence information or on other attributes of a species, such as morphological characteristics. The construction of evolutionary trees was imprecise and descriptive until the 1950s, when mathematical biologists began to systematize the process. That work continues.

HIGHLIGHT 8-2 EVOLUTION: Phylogenetics Solves a Crime

In the summer of 1994, a nurse in Lafayette, Louisiana, broke off a 10-year affair with a physician. The physician had been giving the nurse vitamin shots for fatigue. He gave her one more of these shots in August 1994, after the breakup. The nurse had donated blood to a local blood bank on several occasions; she was tested and found negative for HIV in October 1992, May 1993, and April 1994. In late 1994, the nurse became ill and tested positive for both HIV-1 and hepatitis C, although she had no history of contacts that could have led to the infections. The nurse accused the doctor of infecting her with HIV.

Investigators found records indicating that the doctor had treated and drawn blood from his only HIV-infected patient and a hepatitis C–infected patient just before giving the nurse the vitamin injection in August 1994. But how does one link the patients’ blood to the nurse-victim in this case? The subsequent trial of the doctor was the first to use phylogenetics in a court case. The investigation focused on the HIV infection.

Once HIV begins to replicate in a new host, the virus mutates rapidly, an evolution that occurs within one infected individual. Samples taken from a person with HIV years after infection can be used to build a phylogenetic tree that can trace the evolution of the virus in that individual. Blood samples were collected from the doctor’s HIV-infected patient and from the nurse. Control samples were collected from 30 different HIV-positive patients selected at random in the Lafayette area. The HIV in the samples was sequenced and analyzed independently by two different laboratories at Baylor University and the University of Michigan. Both analyses yielded the same result. The phylogenetic analysis of the victim’s HIV strains showed that they were most closely related to, and nested within, the strains from the doctor’s patient (Figure 1).

FIGURE 1 A phylogenetic tree reveals the diversity of HIV samples in the Lafayette, Louisiana, area. The part of the tree derived from the doctor’s HIV-positive patient is highlighted, with the nurse-victim’s DNA clearly nested within this set of sequences.

With this and other evidence, the doctor was convicted of attempted second-degree murder in 1998. The verdict was upheld by a Louisiana appeals court in 2000, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case in 2002, ending court proceedings. The doctor is now serving a 50-year prison sentence. The same methodology has since been used in rape and child abuse cases.

On one level, the branched evolutionary trees often depicted in popular or scientific literature are almost self-explanatory. However, when used scientifically they are based on a host of underlying assumptions and conventions, and the structures in the tree have specific meanings (Figure 8-15a). The subjects of an evolutionary tree are groupings of organisms known as taxa. A taxon is any such grouping, and it can refer to an individual species (Homo sapiens), a genus (Homo), a class (Mammalia), particular populations of a single species, and so on. The tips or ends of the branches on the tree represent the taxa being studied and often reflect species or groups of species now in existence. Each branch point, or node, represents an extinct ancestral species common to the two connected branches. The node at the base of the tree signifies the common ancestor of all the taxa represented in the tree; this is sometimes called the root of the tree. As shown later, not all trees are rooted. Generally, one species is thought to give rise to two, leading to a bifurcating tree. Uncertainty about some evolutionary relationships can lead to the generation of a tree with multiple branches at a single node; such a node is called a polytomy. Node orientation and rotation are arbitrary (Figure 8-15b). Many different tree depictions are in use, with different branch shapes (Figure 8-15c). The choice of representation is made simply for convenience or personal preference.

Figure 8-15: Phylogenetic trees. An evolutionary tree consists of branches (usually bifurcating) connected by nodes. (a) Basic conventions. The ends of external (upper) branches represent existing taxa, the nodes represent extinct ancestors, and the root end represents the common ancestor of the taxa included in the tree. (b) The orientation of the tree does not matter, and (c) there are several common (and equivalent) depiction styles.



Branch length can be meaningless, but often it is used to represent some measure of evolutionary time, such as numbers of altered morphological features, numbers of mutations in one or several genes (more common in modern trees), or numbers of genomic alterations in a region of the genome (Figure 8-16a). For example, we can look at the differences in a gene found in both humans and chimpanzees and determine which variant existed in the common ancestor, such as by examining outgroups, as described in Section 8.1. Once the sequence of the gene in the common ancestor is determined, the common ancestor becomes a node in the tree. The lengths of the branches leading from ancestor node to humans and chimpanzees reflect the number of changes occurring between that ancestor and the living species.

Figure 8-16: Time depictions and rootedness in phylogenetic trees. (a) The length of tree branches can be meaningless or, if specified, can represent some unit of evolutionary time. For example, the relative lengths of the branches correspond to differences in a time measure leading to taxa A and B. When numbers are given (right), these indicate the investigator’s confidence in the information in that branch, based on statistical tests; the numbers here are typical of the common bootstrap analysis. (b) In an unrooted tree, some of the relationships between taxa may be evident, but there is uncertainty about the common ancestor of all the taxa. In a rooted tree, all taxa can be traced to a common ancestor.

Numbers next to branches on a tree usually reflect the level of confidence the investigator has in the information contained in that branch (see Figure 8-16a, right). A common method for setting confidence limits is the bootstrap analysis, which gives a range from 100 (very high confidence) to 0 (no confidence). In brief, the bootstrap is a statistical method that starts with the set of sequences used to generate the original tree. For example, let’s say a particular sequence of gene X is used to construct a tree for 100 species that all have gene X. A computer program randomly samples the original 100 sequences to create a new set of 100 sequences. In this new set, some of the original set may be missing, and other sequences may be included multiple times. A new phylogenetic tree is generated from each of the created datasets, and the number of times the same branch configuration arises for a cluster of species is tallied. The score reflects the absence (high confidence) or presence (lower confidence) of viable branching alternatives.

An unrooted tree is one for which the positioning of the common ancestor is uncertain (Figure 8-16b). In such a tree, the direction of evolution for parts of the tree might be unknown.

A wide range of problems arise in the construction of evolutionary trees. Mutation rates are often assumed to be constant, but this assumption is flawed. Mutation rates can be affected by environmental factors. For example, reactive oxygen species are the most common source of mutagenic DNA lesions (as described in Chapter 12). Thus, aerobic organisms are subject to more DNA damage and potential mutagenesis than anaerobic organisms. Exposure to DNA-damaging agents such as UV light can vary greatly, depending on the ecological niche occupied by a given species. Certain regions of a gene may accommodate mutations better than others, depending on the functional importance of a given segment. An occasional back-mutation to the original base or amino acid could obscure actual mutation rates. Finally, not all DNA in an organism is inherited linearly from parents to offspring. In individuals, genes can be lost, such as by genomic deletions due to DNA replication errors, and genes can be gained.


Gene gain can result from a process called horizontal gene transfer, which is common in bacteria and archaea (witness the very rapid spread of genes encoding antibiotic resistance in human bacterial pathogens). Early viruses may have transferred genes from one bacterium to another, and from one species to another, resulting in the sudden appearance (rather than the gradual evolution) of a gene in a particular evolutionary line. Large genome rearrangements might abruptly break up a pattern of synteny in one ancestral line, complicating the analysis. Sorting out these patterns is the job of increasingly sophisticated computer algorithms.

The complexity of the problem is evident in a current tree of life, two versions of which are shown in Figures 8-17a and 8-17b. These trees are based on analyses of particular genes and patterns in fully sequenced genomes. They are probably not correct in every detail. Corrections, additions, and updates will continue for decades, perhaps centuries, to come.

Figure 8-17a: The tree of life. This relatively simple tree includes only a few of the many sequenced genomes, but it illustrates some of the complexities of generating a complete tree of life. One crucial complicating factor is the tendency of living systems to occasionally incorporate DNA into their genomes from other sources by horizontal gene transfer (orange arrows). Other factors are the assimilation of bacteria as organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts; blue and green dashed arrows, respectively) and the subsequent loss of such organelles in some evolutionary lines (red dashed arrows).
Figure 8-17b: The tree of life (continued). This more complex evolutionary tree was developed using data from 191 species with sequenced genomes.

The Human Journey Began in Africa

Four major factors affect the evolution of any group of organisms. Mutation rates determine the extent of genetic diversity. Natural selection affects which genomic changes are inherited in a population. Many mutations are relatively neutral, however, and do not undergo positive or negative selection. Neutral mutations are subject to a third evolutionary factor called genetic drift, in which the frequency of particular mutations in a population changes more or less randomly over time. Genetic drift is affected by such variables as the number of reproducing individuals in a population and the number of offspring generated. Finally, when groups of organisms colonize new regions and environments, their migrations may subject them to new and different selective pressures. All of these forces shaped the evolution of Escherichia coli; they also shaped the evolution of Homo sapiens.


About 7 million years ago, the common ancestor of chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans lived in Africa. Groups of that ancestral species followed divergent lines of evolution, one leading to chimpanzees and bonobos, and one leading to humans (Figure 8-18). The path to humans first generated a series of species in a genus dubbed Australopithecus. The Australopithecines remained in Africa, giving rise, about 3 million years ago, to Homo habilis, the first species of our own genus. The archaeological record indicates that H. habilis was the first species to use stone tools. About 1.7 million years ago, a successor to H. habilis emerged—Homo erectus. The hominids were a bit more adventurous than the Australopithecines. Armed with better tools and a mastery of fire, H. erectus spread from Africa to virtually all of Eurasia. The fossil record provides evidence of many other Australopithecus and Homo species during the past 3 million years. These species probably arose by allopatric speciation: geographic isolation of a group of individuals, followed by evolution, resulting in the formation of a distinct species that no longer can interbreed with the original one. All of these species ultimately became extinct, except for one.

Figure 8-18: The evolution of humans and their close relatives. (a) The closest living relatives of humans are chimpanzees and bonobos. The orangutan and gorilla lines branched off earlier. All of the lines shown are considered hominids. Estimated times of species divergence (in units of mya, million years ago, and kya, thousand years ago) are shown at the branch points. The evolutionary line leading to humans is in red. (b) The Hominid family diverged into Homininae and Ponginae (orangutans) subfamilies about 14 million years ago. The Homininae line later diverged into the Hominini (hominins) and Gorillini (gorillas) tribes. The hominins further split into lines leading to the Homo and Pan genuses about 6 to 7 million years ago. This figure provides some current details about the evolutionary paths in the hominin line leading to the Homo genus and eventually to humans.


Homo sapiens evolved about 500,000 years ago. For decades, scientists argued about two possible human origins. The multiregional theory proposed that humans evolved gradually in many places, with gene flow occurring constantly between the various populations. This would entail a direct evolution of H. erectus into H. neanderthalensis into H. sapiens, occurring simultaneously in Eurasia and Africa. The alternative, “out of Africa” theory posits that the H. erectus and H. neanderthalensis expansions into Eurasia were independent of the H. sapiens expansion, and that the former two species represented separate evolutionary branches. Modern genomics has definitively resolved the debate in favor of the “out of Africa” theory.


A woman who lived in sub-Saharan Africa 140,000 to 200,000 years ago, sometimes called Eve by the scientists who study our ancestral tree, is the female genetic ancestor of all living humans. She was not the only human female then living, but she is the only one whose DNA has been inherited in the modern human lineage. All mitochondrial DNA is inherited maternally, deposited in the egg prior to fertilization. Mitochondrial DNA is also not subject to the scrambling effects of recombination. Thus, stable haplotypes of mitochondrial genome polymorphisms can be reliably traced back in time. The current human lineage traces back to mitochondrial Eve.

There is also a genomic Adam, but Eve never knew him. All males now living on Earth are descended from a male who lived in Africa about 60,000 years ago. Again, Adam was not the only male member of his species present. He is simply the one whose DNA survives. Our information about this individual comes from analyses of haplotypes in Y chromosome DNA, most of which is not subject to recombination.

Human Migrations Are Recorded in Haplotypes

About 50,000 years ago, a small group of humans looked out across the Red Sea to Asia. Perhaps encouraged by some innovation in small boat construction, or driven by conflict or famine, or simply curious, they crossed the water barrier. That initial colonization, involving perhaps 1,000 individuals, began a journey that did not stop until humans reached Tierra del Fuego (at the southern tip of South America) many thousands of years later. In the process, the established populations from previous hominid expansions into Eurasia, including H. neanderthalensis and H. erectus, were displaced. The Neanderthals disappeared, as did H. erectus (Highlight 8-3).

HIGHLIGHT 8-3 EVOLUTION: Getting to Know the Neanderthals

Modern humans and Neanderthals coexisted in Europe and Asia as recently as 30,000 years ago. The human and Neanderthal ancestral populations permanently diverged about 370,000 years ago, but they are the closest known hominid relatives of modern humans. Neanderthals used tools, lived in small groups, and buried their dead. For hundreds of millennia, they inhabited large parts of Europe and western Asia (Figure 1). Buried in the bones and remains taken from burial sites are fragments of Neanderthal genomic DNA. Technologies developed for use in forensic science (see Highlight 7-1) and studies of ancient DNA have been combined to allow the complete sequencing of the Neanderthal genome. If the chimpanzee and bonobo genomes can tell us something about what it is to be human, the Neanderthal genome can tell us more.

FIGURE 1 Neanderthals occupied much of Europe and western Asia until about 30,000 years ago. Major Neanderthal archaeological sites are shown here. (Note that this hominid group was named for the site at Neandertal in Germany.)

This endeavor is unlike the genome projects aimed at extant species. The Neanderthal DNA is present in small amounts and is contaminated with DNA from other animals and bacteria. How does the researcher get at it, and how can we be certain that the sequences really came from Neanderthals? The answers have come from a new application of metagenomics (see Highlight 8-1). In essence, the small quantities of DNA fragments found in a Neanderthal bone or other remains are cloned into a library, and the cloned DNA segments are sequenced at random, contaminants and all. The sequencing results are compared with the existing human genome and chimpanzee genome databases. Segments derived from Neanderthal DNA are readily distinguished from segments derived from bacteria or insects by computerized analysis, because they have sequences closely related to human and chimpanzee DNA. Once a collection of Neanderthal DNA segments is sequenced, they are used as probes to identify sequence fragments in ancient samples that overlap with these known fragments. The potential problem of contamination with the closely related modern human DNA can be controlled for by examining mitochondrial DNA. Human populations have readily identifiable haplotypes (distinctive sets of genomic differences; see Figure 8-7) in their mitochondrial DNA, and analysis of Neanderthal samples has shown that their mitochondrial DNA has its own distinct haplotypes.

The Neanderthal genome was completed in 2013. The data provide evidence that modern humans and the Neanderthals who were the source of this DNA shared a common ancestor about 700,000 years ago (Figure 2). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA suggests that the two groups continued on the same track, with some gene flow between them, for about 300,000 more years. The lines split for good long before the appearance of anatomically modern humans, although the presence of small bits of Neanderthal DNA in human genomes indicates some relatively late interbreeding. Excluding transposons, the nucleotide sequence of the Neanderthal genome is 99.8% identical to that of the human genome. The sequence comes from a girl whose bones were left in a Siberian cave. We know that her parents were related at the level of half-siblings. Mating among close relatives was common in her immediate ancestors. We can infer that she lived in a small band of individuals, in little contact with the larger world.

FIGURE 2 This timeline shows the divergence of human and Neanderthal genome sequences (black lines) and of ancestral human and Neanderthal populations (yellow screen). Key events in human evolution are noted (kya indicates a thousand years ago).

Expanded libraries of Neanderthal DNA from different sets of remains should eventually allow an analysis of Neanderthal genetic diversity, and perhaps Neanderthal migrations. This look at the hominid past promises to be fascinating.

This journey can be traced by looking at our genomic polymorphisms. Efforts are under way to survey genetic diversity in human populations around the globe. One such endeavor is the International HapMap (haplotype map) project; another is the Human Genome Diversity Project. Both are international efforts to sequence thousands of human genomes taken from carefully selected populations around the world, and to accumulate information about tens of thousands of polymorphisms in the sequenced genomes. These enterprises are every bit as large and complex as the original Human Genome Project. The results have helped define mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosome Adam, and they are telling us a great deal more. Complementary analyses of mitochondrial DNA from Neanderthals and Denisovans, another hominid group recently discovered in the Denisova Cave in Siberia, have established that they were on a separate evolutionary line.

Phylogenetic analyses of species evolution generally rely on gene mutations that are fixed in a given species: all the members of species X have one gene sequence, and all the members of species Y have a different sequence. The analysis of genetic polymorphisms within a species increasingly relies on a different kind of mathematical analysis, called coalescent theory. Even though it is not subject to recombination, the sequence of mitochondrial DNA, like that of chromosomal DNA, changes slowly with time because of mutations. If a mutation occurred recently, it will appear in the relatively few individuals descended from that female. If the mutation appeared much earlier, it is found in many individuals across broad geographic regions. With mathematical models that take into account estimated mutation rates, selection, genetic drift, and other factors, various polymorphisms are traced back to the ancestor in which they first appeared—a coalescence.

Overall genetic diversity in the human lineage is lower than that in chimpanzees. This is one of several pieces of evidence indicating that early human populations went through evolutionary bottlenecks a few hundred thousand years ago, when only a few thousand or tens of thousands of individuals existed and genetic diversity was limited. Our mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosome Adam lived in times when there were far fewer humans than today. More than 85% of the polymorphisms in the human population appear at the same frequency in all human populations worldwide, indicating that they arose before the appearance of the first modern humans. The remaining 15% tell us about human migrations.

Genetic diversity, in terms of haplotypes that do not occur uniformly across world populations, is by far the greatest in extant African populations. When that wanderlust-possessing population of humans first colonized Asia, they took only a subset of the variable human haplotypes with them. That first colony expanded in population size, and at some point, additional migrations led to new colonies farther away. The new colonies would reflect a subset of the haplotypes present in the previous colony, but sometimes (every few thousand or tens of thousands of years) a new colony would pick up a new haplotype, due to a random new mutation, that would spread exclusively in that group (a founder event). As humans dispersed across the planet, the farthest spread (into the Americas) is characterized by the lowest overall haplotype diversity, while at the same time being marked by a few unique haplotypes picked up relatively late in the migratory process. This prevalence of key haplotypes in various populations lets us trace the paths of human migrations (Figure 8-19).

Figure 8-19: The paths of human migrations. This map was generated from an analysis of genetic markers (defined haplotypes with M or LLY numbers) on the Y chromosome. Genetic markers that reflect changes appearing in certain isolated populations (in “founder events”) enable researchers to trace migrations from that point onward.


Our genomic sequences also tell a story of our interaction with other hominids. During their migrations across the planet, humans encountered Neanderthals and Denisovans. The interactions were clearly complex. Some rare but identifiable interbreeding occurred between humans and these groups, and the evidence remains in our DNA.


Of course, similar methods can be used to analyze the history of any species, from viruses to mammals. For example, these methods allow the tracing of viral evolution associated with human pandemics and reveal the types of mutational events that occurred in the past and are therefore possible in the future. Related methods are used to predict which influenza virus variants will be prevalent in the coming flu season, and thus guide the production of vaccines. Analysis of the genomic history of maize or rice could reveal lost genetic diversity in common production strains that might prove useful to agriculture.

The ongoing analysis of worldwide human genetic diversity—enriched by the completed genome sequencing of thousands of individuals and by new methods that incorporate information about haplotypes throughout the genome—will yield increasingly detailed information about human history. It will also aid the search for mutations that contribute to genetic diseases, some of which affect only certain populations. Finally, it will help pinpoint unique changes in specific populations that signal subtle adaptations to the local environment, a hallmark of ongoing evolution and a human journey that continues today.



  • Genome studies have facilitated new approaches to defining the last universal common ancestor, LUCA. Genomics is used to identify genes that are common to all extant life forms and were therefore likely to exist in LUCA.

  • Perhaps the ultimate challenge of genomics is to define the tree of life, a detailed description of the evolutionary history and relationships of all species now living on Earth. An evolutionary tree is referred to as a phylogeny; phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships.

  • The study of mitochondrial DNA, Y chromosome DNA, and genetic haplotypes in the human population enables geneticists to trace human evolution and more recent human migrations.


Genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics are disciplines designed to obtain large amounts of information about an organism and the systems within it. The list of accomplishments is long, but the list of questions is even longer. There is a rich but largely unpredictable future in these fields.

  1. How many classes of RNAs exist in cells, and how do we find the corresponding genes? The discovery of new classes of RNA is a rapidly evolving area of research. Among these are RNAs involved in all kinds of processes, most notably regulation. Some of this research is described in Chapter 22.

  2. Are there additional domains of living organisms? The 1977 discovery of the archaea surprised many researchers. These microorganisms are now firmly established as a distinct branch of the evolutionary tree, separate from the eukaryotes and bacteria. Is there another domain we have missed, or even more than one? There are certainly sufficient numbers of unusual life-sustaining niches on Earth to make this plausible.

  3. What are the most likely characteristics of LUCA? Ongoing endeavors to define the complete tree of life will gradually refine our understanding of how biological evolution proceeded. Aided by new sequence information, increased knowledge of mutagenesis and nonlinear events that contribute to evolution (horizontal gene transfer and transposon introduction), and complementary data from other fields (including more precise dating methods), we can expect an ever more detailed tree of life in the decades ahead. A parallel effort to better define the processes common to living systems and those that must have been present in LUCA may provide us with a look at our deepest biological past.

  4. How do we investigate interdependent microbial communities? The new field of metagenomics is starting to tackle questions about the diversity of unculturable bacterial species in environments such as the digestive tract of termites. New approaches will be needed to generate complete genome sequences of the many members of such communities and to analyze the genomes for clues about why individual species cannot survive without the others present. The human microbiome, with all of its implications for human health, is an especially important challenge.


  5. What evolutionary innovations define humans as a species? Among the many subtle differences we can see between the human genome and other primate genomes are mutations of many kinds that hold the key to our capacity for higher thought, language development, and other human traits. Understanding these will advance our understanding of medicine and neurochemistry in myriad ways, some of which we cannot predict.

  6. Personal genomes are in our future, but how will they be used? The science of extracting information from our genomes is still in its infancy. We don’t yet understand the function of many of our own genes. The impact of personal genomes on medicine will increase as that understanding grows.


Haemophilus influenzae Ushers in the Era of Genome Sequences

Fleischmann, R.D., M.D. Adams, O. White, R.A. Clayton, E.F. Kirkness, A.R. Kerlavage, C.J. Bult, J.F. Tomb, B.A. Dougherty, J.M. Merrick, et al. 1995. Whole-genome random sequencing and assembly of Haemophilus influenzae Rd. Science 269:496–512.

The first genome sequencing projects, in the early 1990s, used this strategy: clone, map carefully, and then sequence. Craig Venter, who had recently established The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR), was eager to test his idea that, by using new computational methods, one could skip the time-consuming mapping steps. The result was the first complete sequence of a free-living organism—the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae.

H. influenzae was first described by Richard Pfeiffer in 1892 during an influenza outbreak. Until 1933, this bacterium was incorrectly thought to be the cause of the common flu. There are six types of H. influenzae (designated a through f) that can be immunologically distinguished by differences in their polysaccharide coat or capsule, and many other unencapsulated types. This bacterium is an opportunistic human pathogen that lives in tissues and rarely causes disease. However, H. influenzae type b is responsible for acute bacterial meningitis and bacteremia, primarily in children.

The organism chosen for analysis was Haemophilus influenzae Rd, a well-characterized type d strain often used in laboratory studies. For the purposes of Venter and his associates at TIGR, the bacterium had several advantages. As a human pathogen, it was a good target for genome sequencing. Its genome (∼1.8 × 106 bp) is large, yet smaller than the genomes of other sequencing targets in use at the time. Its genomic 35% G + C content is close to that of humans, making it a good subject for developing methods for the Human Genome Project. Most important, no physical clone map existed for the H. influenzae genome. If the work succeeded, there would be no question that it was a victory for the overall strategy Venter had in mind.

The DNA isolated from H. influenzae was sheared mechanically and size-fractionated to yield random fragments of 1,600 to 2,000 bp. The fragments were cloned into a plasmid, and a library of the clones was constructed. The clones were sequenced at random. Then, 19,346 separate “forward sequence” reactions (entering the clone from the same end relative to the vector in which it was cloned) were carried out, with an 84% success rate. Just over half of the same set of clones were also sequenced in the reverse direction. The average length of DNA in each sequencing read was about 460 bp. The end result was 11,631,485 bp of DNA sequence in the random assembly.

Next, the computer algorithm tackled the immense job of assembling the genome by building a table of all 10 bp oligonucleotide subsequences and using the table to generate a list of potential fragment overlaps. With a single DNA fragment beginning the assembly of a contig, candidate overlap fragments were chosen and tested for more extended matches by strict criteria. Gradually, overlapping fragments were pieced together to generate a genome sequence. Assembling the 24,304 fragments required 30 hours of computer time. When the assembly was complete, the fragments had been ordered into 42 contigs, with 42 gaps in the genome and little information about how to order the contigs. However, many of the gaps were short. Sometimes a contig end fell within the same single gene as another contig end, both being identified by virtue of existing peptide sequences for the gene in question. Additional libraries containing long clones of H. influenzae DNA were probed with sequences near contig ends, to identify ends that were near each other. The gaps were closed by this method and by other targeted sequencing efforts.

By the end, the genomic sequences of the bacterium had been sequenced with more than sixfold redundancy. The final error rate was estimated at 1 in 5,000 to 10,000 bp. At $0.48 per finished base pair, the total cost was just under $900,000. Newer sequencing technologies, such as those described in Section 7.2, have lowered the cost of sequencing a typical bacterial genome by almost three orders of magnitude.

The result of Venter and colleagues’ endeavor was a complete genome sequence with 1,830,137 bp, published in July 1995. The genome included 736 predicted genes, over half of which had no known function at that time. More importantly, the effort inspired a new generation of genome analysts. TIGR is now the J. Craig Venter Institute, and it remains a major force in genome sequencing. The shotgun sequencing approach successfully pioneered in the H. influenzae study is now routinely paired with the new sequencing technologies to provide rapid and inexpensive genome assemblies.