DNA supercoiling—or, more specifically, DNA underwinding—is a precisely regulated process that influences many aspects of DNA metabolism. As we have seen, underwinding allows access to DNA during replication and transcription, and it contributes to DNA condensation. The underwinding and relaxation of DNA are catalyzed by DNA topoisomerases, enzymes that break one or both DNA strands to allow a topological change, and then religate them. Additional condensation of cellular DNA is facilitated by SMC proteins, a class of enzymes that reversibly form protein loops that link DNA segments, affecting both the condensation/compaction of chromosomes and the cohesion of daughter DNA molecules for periods following eplication. The maintenance of the underwound and condensed state of chromosomes by structural DNA-binding proteins such as histones is discussed in Chapter 10.

Topoisomerases Catalyze Changes in the Linking Number of DNA

All cells, from bacteria to eukaryotes, have enzymes with the sole function of underwinding and relaxing DNA. Topoisomerases increase or decrease the extent of DNA underwinding by changing the linking number. They play an especially important role in the complex changes in DNA topology during replication and DNA packaging.

As we show in later chapters, topoisomerases are crucial to every aspect of DNA metabolism. As a consequence, they are important drug targets for the treatment of bacterial infections and cancer (Highlight 9-2). Inactivating mutations in genes that encode key cellular topoisomerases, the enzymes responsible for the degree of supercoiling in cells, often result in severe growth deficiencies or cell death.

There are two classes of topoisomerases (Table 9-4). Type I topoisomerases break one of the two DNA strands, pass the unbroken strand through the break, and ligate the broken ends; they change Lk in increments of 1. Type II topoisomerases break both DNA strands and change Lk in increments of 2. The DNA is never released from the enzyme during these topological transactions, so uncontrolled relaxation of the DNA does not occur.

Figure 9-4: Topoisomerases in Bacteria and Eukaryotes


HIGHLIGHT 9-2 MEDICINE: Curing Disease by Inhibiting Topoisomerases

The topological state of cellular DNA is intimately connected with its function. Without topoisomerases, cells cannot replicate or package their DNA, or express their genes—and they die. Inhibitors of topoisomerases have therefore become important pharmaceutical agents, targeted at infectious organisms and malignant cells.

Two classes of bacterial topoisomerase inhibitors have been developed as antibiotics. The coumarins, including novobiocin and coumermycin A1, are natural products derived from Streptomyces species. They inhibit the ATP binding of the bacterial type II topoisomerases, DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. These antibiotics are not used to treat infections in humans, but research continues to identify clinically effective variants.

The quinolone antibiotics, also inhibitors of bacterial DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, first appeared in 1962 with the introduction of nalidixic acid (Figure 1). This compound had limited effectiveness and is no longer used clinically in the United States, but the continued development of this class of drugs eventually led to the introduction of the fluoroquinolones, exemplified by ciprofloxacin (Cipro). The quinolones act by blocking the last step of the topoisomerase reaction in bacteria, the resealing of the DNA strand breaks. Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that works on a wide range of disease-causing bacteria. It is one of the few antibiotics reliably effective in treating anthrax infections and is considered a valuable agent in protection against possible bioterrorism. Quinolones are selective for the bacterial topoisomerases, inhibiting the eukaryotic enzymes only at concentrations several orders of magnitude greater than the therapeutic doses.

FIGURE 1 Inhibitors of bacterial type II topoisomerases.

Some of the most important chemotherapeutic agents used in cancer treatment are inhibitors of human topoisomerases. Tumor cells generally contain elevated levels of topoisomerases, and agents targeted to these enzymes are much more toxic to the tumors than to most other tissue types. Inhibitors of both type I and type II topoisomerases have been developed as anticancer drugs.

Camptothecin, isolated from a Chinese ornamental tree and first tested clinically in the 1970s, is an inhibitor of eukaryotic type I topoisomerases. Clinical trials indicated limited effectiveness in treating cancer, however, despite its early promise in preclinical work on mice. Two effective derivatives were developed in the 1990s: irinotecan (Campto) and topotecan (Hycamtin), used to treat colorectal cancer and ovarian cancer, respectively (Figure 2). Additional derivatives are likely to be approved for clinical use in the coming years. All of these drugs act by trapping the topoisomerase-DNA complex in which the DNA is cleaved, inhibiting religation.

FIGURE 2 Inhibitors of eukaryotic topoisomerase I that are used in cancer chemotherapy.

The human type II topoisomerases are targeted by a variety of antitumor drugs, including doxorubicin (Adriamycin), etoposide (Etopophos), and ellipticine (Figure 3). Doxorubicin, effective against several kinds of human tumors, is in clinical use. Most of these drugs stabilize the covalent topoisomerase–cleaved DNA complex.

FIGURE 3 Inhibitors of human topoisomerase II that are used in cancer chemotherapy.

All of these anticancer agents generally increase the levels of DNA damage in targeted, rapidly growing tumor cells, but noncancerous tissues can also be affected, leading to a more general toxicity and unpleasant side effects that must be managed during therapy. As cancer therapies become more effective and survival statistics for cancer patients improve, the independent appearance of new tumors is becoming a greater problem. In the continuing search for new cancer therapies, topoisomerases are likely to remain prominent targets.

The activity of these enzymes can be observed with agarose gel electrophoresis, which separates DNA species according to their topoisomeric form (Figure 9-18). A population of identical plasmid DNAs with the same linking number migrates as a discrete band during electrophoresis. DNA topoisomers that are more supercoiled are more compact and migrate faster in the gel. Topoisomers with Lk values differing by as little as 1 can be separated by this method, so the changes in linking number induced by topoisomerases are readily detected.

Figure 9-18: Visualizing topoisomers. In this experiment, DNA molecules (plasmids) have an identical number of base pairs but differ in the degree of supercoiling. In lane 1, highly supercoiled DNA migrates as a single band. Lanes 2 and 3 show the effect of treating supercoiled DNA with a type I topoisomerase; the DNA in lane 3 was treated for a longer time than the DNA in lane 2. Each individual band in the bracketed region of lane 3 contains DNA plasmids with the same linking number; Lk changes by 1 from one band to the next.

E. coli has at least four individual topoisomerases, I through IV. Topoisomerases I and III are of type I, and they generally relax DNA by introducing transient single-strand breaks to remove negative supercoils (increasing Lk). Figure 9-19 shows the steps in the reaction catalyzed by bacterial type I topoisomerases (also see the How We Know section at the end of this chapter). A DNA molecule binds to the topoisomerase, and one DNA strand is cleaved (step 1). The enzyme changes conformation (step 2), and the unbroken DNA strand moves through the break in the first strand (step 3). Finally, the DNA strand is ligated and released (step 4). ATP is not used in this reaction. The enzyme promotes the formation of a less strained, more relaxed state by removing supercoils.

Figure 9-19: The type I topoisomerase reaction. Bacterial topoisomerase I increases Lk by breaking one DNA strand, passing the unbroken strand through the break, then resealing the break. Nucleophilic attack by the active-site Tyr residue breaks one DNA strand. The ends are ligated by a second nucleophilic attack. At each step, one high-energy bond replaces another.


The topoisomerase must both cleave a DNA strand and religate it after the topological change is complete. The phosphodiester bond is not simply hydrolyzed, because this would entail loss of a high-energy bond, and an activation step would then be required to promote the subsequent ligation. Instead, a nucleophile on the enzyme (usually a Tyr residue, as in the case of E. coli topoisomerase I) attacks the phosphodiester bond, displacing the 3′ hydroxyl of one nucleotide and forming a covalent 5′-phosphotyrosyl linkage with the next nucleotide in the DNA strand at the break. Strand passage brings about the topological change. The broken strand is then ligated by a direct attack of the free 3′-hydroxyl group on the phosphotyrosyl linkage. In this scheme, one high-energy bond is replaced by another at each chemical step. The resulting conservation of energy allows strand ligation without an activation step that would otherwise consume ATP.

The Two Bacterial Type II Topoisomerases Have Distinct Functions

Bacterial topoisomerase II, also known as DNA gyrase, can introduce negative supercoils (decrease Lk). This enzyme cleaves both strands of a DNA molecule (thus is a type II topoisomerase) and passes another duplex through the break (see the How We Know section at the end of this chapter). The introduction of negative supercoils alone would put additional strain on the DNA molecule, but gyrase has an additional activity that uses the energy of ATP to drive key conformational changes that counteract the thermodynamically unfavorable introduction of negative supercoils. Bacterial DNA gyrases are the only topoisomerases known to actively introduce negative supercoils.



Gyrase is composed of two types of subunits, GyrA and GyrB, functioning as a GyrA2GyrB2 heterotetramer (Figure 9-20a). GyrB interacts with DNA and ATP and catalyzes ATP binding and hydrolysis. Parts of GyrB form the entry point for DNA, called the N-gate. The DNA exits through a domain in GyrA called the C-gate. A separate domain of GyrA binds DNA and promotes DNA wrapping. Reaction steps are detailed in Figure 9-20b. To introduce negative supercoils, a gyrase complex first binds to a DNA segment via the N-gate (step 1) and wraps the DNA around itself (step 2). The DNA is bound such that a positive node (a crossover of two DNA segments that cross in the sense of a positive supercoil) is created in the active site. Active-site Tyr residues bind ATP and cleave both strands of one of the DNA segments (step 3), forming two 5′-phosphotyrosine intermediates. ATP hydrolysis is coupled to the passage of the second segment of DNA through the cleaved DNA strands, entering at the N-gate and exiting at the C-gate. To complete the reaction (step 4), the DNA strands are ligated by attack of the free 3′-hydroxyl groups on the phosphotyrosine intermediates. The complex is then poised to initiate another reaction cycle. The degree of supercoiling of bacterial DNA is maintained by regulation of the net activity of topoisomerase I, which increases Lk, and DNA gyrase, which decreases Lk. Decreased activity of one of these enzymes (e.g., by mutation) causes growth deficiencies, which can be partially relieved by compensating mutations in the gene encoding the other enzyme.

Figure 9-20: Introduction of negative DNA supercoils by DNA gyrase. (a) The structure of DNA gyrase. (b) The mechanism of gyrase action.


The second bacterial type II topoisomerase, DNA topoisomerase IV, has a very specialized function. Immediately following replication, the circular daughter chromosomes of bacteria are topologically intertwined. Circular DNAs that are intertwined in this way are called catenanes (Figure 9-21). DNA topoisomerase IV unlinks the catenated daughter chromosomes, allowing their proper segregation at cell division. Unlike DNA gyrase, this enzyme does not use ATP and does not introduce negative supercoils.

Figure 9-21: Solving topological problems with type II topoisomerases. Type II topoisomerases resolve knots and catenanes that arise in DNA by passing one duplex through a transient double-strand break in another duplex.

Eukaryotic Topoisomerases Have Specialized Functions in DNA Metabolism

Eukaryotic cells also have type I and type II topoisomerases. The type I enzymes are called topoisomerases I and III. They function primarily in relieving tension and resolving topological problems in DNA during replication and repair. The type II enzymes are topoisomerases IIα and IIβ (see Table 9-4). Eukaryotic type II topoisomerases cannot underwind DNA (introduce negative supercoils), but they can relax both positive and negative supercoils. They function in all aspects of eukaryotic DNA metabolism, resolving a range of topological problems that occur during replication, transcription, and repair. They play an especially important role in the condensation of chromosomes into highly structured chromatin.

Although eukaryotes do not have an enzyme that can introduce negative supercoils into DNA, when a circular DNA is isolated from a eukaryotic cell (e.g., a plasmid from yeast), it is negatively supercoiled. This reflects the generally underwound state of cellular DNA in eukaryotic cells. One probable origin of negative supercoils in eukaryotic DNA is the tight wrapping of the DNA around a nucleosome in chromatin, which introduces a negative solenoidal supercoil without changing the number of turns in the molecule (see Chapter 10). Because the Lk remains unchanged, the negative solenoidal supercoil has to be compensated for by a positive supercoil elsewhere in the DNA (Figure 9-22). The type II topoisomerases relax the unbound positive supercoils that arise in this way. The bound and stabilized negative supercoils are left behind, conferring a net negative superhelicity on the DNA. Next to the histones that make up the nucleosomes, type II topoisomerases are the most abundant proteins in chromatin.

Figure 9-22: The origin of negative supercoiling in eukaryotic DNA. When DNA is wrapped tightly around a DNA-binding protein or protein complex, a solenoidal negative supercoil is fixed in the DNA. In a constrained DNA molecule, positive supercoils must develop elsewhere to compensate for the resulting strain. Relaxation of unbound positive supercoils by topoisomerases leads to development of a net negative superhelicity in the DNA.


Figure 9-23 shows the reaction catalyzed by eukaryotic type II topoisomerases. The multisubunit enzyme binds a DNA molecule (step 1). The gated cavities above and below the bound DNA are the N-gate and C-gate, respectively. The second segment of the same DNA is bound at the N-gate (step 2). Both strands of the first DNA are now cleaved (step 3; the chemistry is similar to that in Figure 9-19), forming phosphotyrosine intermediates. The second DNA segment passes through the break in the first segment (step 4), and the broken DNA is ligated and the second segment released through the C-gate (step 5). Two ATPs are bound and hydrolyzed during this cycle; it is likely that one is hydrolyzed in the step leading to the complex in step 4. Additional details of the ATP hydrolysis have yet to be worked out.

Figure 9-23: Alteration of the linking number by eukaryotic type II topoisomerases. The general mechanism is similar to that of the bacterial DNA gyrase (see Figure 9-20b), with one intact duplex DNA segment being passed through a transient double-strand break in another segment. The enzyme structure and use of ATP are distinct to this reaction.

SMC Proteins Facilitate the Condensation of Chromatin

Whereas topoisomerases influence supercoiling by changing the linking number of chromosomes, SMC proteins (structural maintenance of chromosomes) promote chromosome condensation by creating physical contact between segments of DNA that may otherwise be quite distant from each other in the chromosome, or even on different chromosomes. This class of protein is found in all organisms. In eukaryotes, where their function is best understood, these enzymes have integral roles in DNA condensation and chromosome segregation during mitosis, as well as in DNA repair. They perform their tasks by lining up along the DNA and binding to each other, providing a link between distant parts of the chromosome.

SMC proteins have five distinct domains (Figure 9-24a). The amino-terminal (N) and carboxyl-terminal (C) domains each contain part of an ATP-hydrolytic site, and they are connected by two regions of α-helical structure (see Figure 4-16c) joined to a hinge domain. When the hinge bends, the α-helical regions form a coiled-coil motif, and the N and C domains come together to form a head structure at one end with a complete ATP-binding site. SMC proteins are generally dimeric, forming a V-shaped complex linked through the hinge domains (Figure 9-24b). Thus the dimeric SMC complex contains two head domains and two ATP-binding sites. ATP is not hydrolyzed until the two heads come together. Although many details of SMC protein function have yet to be elucidated, the head-head association between the two subunits seems to be critical.

Figure 9-24: The structure of SMC proteins. (a) SMC proteins have five domains. (b) Each SMC polypeptide is folded so that the two coiled-coil domains wrap around each other and the N and C domains come together to form a complete ATP-binding site. Two polypeptides are linked at the hinge region to form the dimeric V-shaped SMC molecule. (c) Bacterial SMC proteins form a homodimer. The three different eukaryotic SMC proteins form heterodimers. Cohesins are made up of SMC1-SMC3 pairs, and condensins consist of SMC2-SMC4 pairs. (d) Electron micrographs of different bacterial SMC dimers show the variety of shapes these dimers can take.

All bacteria have at least one SMC protein that functions as a homodimer to assist in compacting the genome, whereas eukaryotes generally have six SMC proteins that work in defined pairs as heterodimers with different functions (Figure 9-24c). Electron microscopy reveals the flexible V shape of these proteins (Figure 9-24d). The SMC1-SMC3 and SMC2-SMC4 pairs have roles in mitosis, and the SMC5-SMC6 pair is involved in DNA repair, but its molecular role is not well understood. All these complexes are bound by regulatory and accessory proteins, including the kleisin family of connector proteins. The interactions with DNA involve patches of basic amino acid residues near the hinge regions of the SMC proteins.


The SMC1-SMC3 pair forms a functional unit called a cohesin. During mitosis, cohesins link two sister chromatids immediately after chromosomal replication and keep them together as the chromosomes condense to metaphase (Figure 9-25). Additional proteins, particularly proteins in the kleisin family such as SCC1, bridge the cohesin head units to form a ring (see Figure 9-24c). The ring wraps around the sister chromatids, tying them together until separation is required at cell division. The ring may expand and contract in response to ATP hydrolysis. As chromosome segregation begins, the cohesin tethers are removed by enzymes known as separases.

Figure 9-25: The roles of cohesins and condensins in the eukaryotic cell cycle. Cohesins are loaded onto the chromosomes during G1 (see Section 2.2), tying the sister chromatids together during replication. At the onset of mitosis, condensins bind and maintain the chromatids in a condensed state. During anaphase, the enzyme separase removes the cohesin links. Once the chromatids separate, condensins begin to unload and the daughter chromosomes return to the uncondensed state.

Interaction among the head groups of multiple SMC proteins has the potential to produce several different architectures, such as rings, rosettes, and filaments (Figure 9-26). It is not yet clear whether the ringed cohesin tethers around sister chromatids are intra- or intermolecular. The associated proteins may modulate intermolecular interactions, or, for intramolecular rings, they may perform a gatekeeping function in bringing DNA molecules into the ring.

Figure 9-26: Proposed architectural arrangements of SMC proteins. Head-to-head association results in the formation of rings, rosettes, and filaments.

The SMC2-SMC4 complex is called a condensin. The bacterial SMC proteins are most closely related to condensins. The condensins are critical to chromosome condensation as cells enter mitosis (see Figure 9-25). In the laboratory, condensins bind DNA to create positive supercoils; that is, condensin binding causes the DNA to become overwound, in contrast to the underwinding induced by the binding of nucleosomes. Figure 9-27 shows a current model (with two minor variations) of how condensins may interact with DNA to promote chromosome condensation. The condensin complexes (SMC2-SMC4 plus associated proteins) first bind to the DNA in a closed form. ATP hydrolysis then opens the intramolecular ring and brings the DNA inside. Head-to-head association creates a structure that traps DNA with a positive superhelical tension. Finally, aggregation of the condensins into rosettes forms a condensed chromatid with a defined architecture.

Figure 9-27: A proposed role of condensins in chromatin condensation. Initially, the DNA is bound at the hinge region of the SMC protein, in the interior of what can become an intramolecular SMC ring. ATP binding leads to head-to-head association, forming supercoiled loops in the bound DNA. Subsequent rearrangement of the head-to-head interactions to form rosettes condenses the DNA.


The topoisomerases and SMC proteins enable cells to deal with the complex topological changes occurring as DNA strands separate during replication, repair, and transcription, as well as the extraordinary degree of DNA compaction required in every cell. The compaction is maintained by additional specialized DNA-binding proteins, and we turn to these proteins, and their organization and function, in Chapter 10.


  • Topoisomerases catalyze the underwinding and relaxation of DNA. On a molecular level, topoisomerases catalyze changes in the linking number.

  • The two classes of topoisomerases, type I and type II, change Lk in increments of 1 or 2, respectively, per catalytic event.

  • The reactions catalyzed by DNA topoisomerases involve the formation of transient covalent DNA-enzyme intermediates, usually in the form of a phosphotyrosyl linkage.

  • Bacterial DNA gyrases introduce negative supercoils.

  • Topoisomerases have functions specific to DNA metabolism, such as unlinking catenated bacterial DNA after replication or relaxing supercoils formed by unwinding during replication and transcription.


  • Condensation of cellular chromosomes is facilitated by SMC proteins, including cohesins and condensins. Cohesins tether the sister chromatid products of DNA replication, and condensins provide a general structural scaffold for chromosome condensation.


In large chromosomes, with their DNA highly complexed with proteins and thereby constrained, topological challenges accompany every process in DNA metabolism. The simple movement of a DNA polymerase through the DNA during replication (defining a structure called a replication fork) leads to overwinding ahead of the fork and underwinding behind it. Some of the challenges are extraordinary, such as when two replication forks converge in a eukaryotic chromosome, or when intertwined chromosomal DNAs must be separated at cell division. A complete understanding of DNA metabolism in cells will require more detailed information on how every system interfaces with the proteins that solve topological problems.


  1. What is the role of bacterial SMC proteins? Bacteria generally have at least one SMC protein, and sometimes several. Mutational loss of the major bacterial SMC protein usually leads to defects in the condensation and segregation of chromosomes at cell division. Recent work indicates that this SMC protein is recruited to the daughter replication origins and participates in the mechanism that ensures proper segregation. However, much remains to be learned about this process.

  2. What is the function of the eukaryotic SMC5-SMC6 proteins? The most enigmatic of the eukaryotic SMC proteins is the SMC5-SMC6 pair. So far, we know that this protein pair functions primarily in processes such as DNA recombination and repair, and much evidence now implicates SMC5-SMC6 in chromosome dynamics during meiosis. However, the precise contribution of this pair of proteins remains unknown.

  3. How does topoisomerase III function in DNA metabolism? In both bacteria and eukaryotes, topoisomerase III is closely tied to the function of helicases in the RecQ family. In humans, defects in the genes encoding RecQ family helicases lead to genetic diseases, including Bloom and Werner syndromes, that are characterized by genomic instability and an increased propensity to develop cancer. These enzymes are essential to many aspects of DNA metabolism. For example, the topoisomerase III– 2RecQ pairing in bacteria plays a critical role in resolving topological problems that accompany the convergence of replication forks. Again, much remains to be learned about the mechanics of these complicated transactions.


The Discovery of Supercoiled DNA Goes through Twists and Turns

Lebowitz, J. 1990. Through the looking glass: The discovery of supercoiled DNA. Trends Biochem. Sci. 15:202–207.

Vinograd, J., J. Lebowitz, R. Radloff, R. Watson, and P. Laipis. 1965. The twisted circular form of polyoma viral DNA. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 53:1104–1111.

By 1962, the double-helical structure of DNA was established, but little was known about the detailed structure of chromosomes. Researchers had been surprised by reports that the E. coli chromosome was a continuous circle. Were circular chromosomes unusual, or were they widespread? Two research groups, led by Renato Dulbecco and Jerome Vinograd, both at the California Institute of Technology, took up the problem of DNA structure, using the mammalian polyoma virus. The experiments with polyoma DNA led the Vinograd group to the concept of supercoiling.

Analytical ultracentrifugation measures the migration of molecules through a density gradient when ultracentrifugal force is applied (see Figure 16-2); molecules that migrate farther through the gradient have a larger sedimentation coefficient (S). Using this and other methods, researchers found three forms of polyoma DNA in the isolated preparations, which migrated with sedimentation coefficients of 20S, 16S, and 14S. Because the 20S and 16S forms (forms I and II, respectively) were most abundant, the researchers focused on those two. The two forms had the same molecular weight, so the different sedimentation velocities had to involve different conformations. Form I could be isolated in almost pure preparations, if care was taken while preparing the DNA.

Both the Dulbecco and the Vinograd groups published reports indicating that form I could be converted to form II by the addition of reagents that promote DNA strand cleavage. The researchers developed a model in which they assumed form I to be circular and form II to be linear. The observed kinetics suggested that the conversion occurred in a single step. This challenged the model, because two strands would have to be cleaved to generate the linear molecule, and both would have to be broken at the same position.

The Vinograd group decided to examine all three forms of polyoma DNA (20S, 16S, and 14S) by electron microscopy. Philip Laipis carried out the first experiments. His examination of forms I and II yielded the unexpected result that both were circular (Figure 1). Laipis was a relatively inexperienced undergraduate, and some of the other researchers in the lab initially assumed he had made a mistake in preparing the samples. However, several repetitions yielded the same result. Only form III (14S) was linear. Careful controls eliminated any possibility that the result reflected a selective elimination of linear forms during preparation of the DNA for examination; when the researchers premixed measured amounts of forms III and II and then examined them, the linear and circular DNAs were always there in the expected proportions. Additional kinetic studies showed that only one strand break was needed to convert form I to form II. Cleaving form I with endonuclease I (which cleaves both strands) produced only the form III (14S) DNA, with no form II. Forms I and II also had identical buoyant densities, making it unlikely that some non-DNA mass was removed in converting form I to form II.

FIGURE 1 These electron micrographs of polyoma virus DNA, form I (20S) at left and form II (16S) at right, show the unexpected circular patterns.

The important clue lay in the electron micrographs. The form I molecules appeared much more twisted on themselves than the form II molecules. Denaturation experiments showed that the strands of form II could be separated, but those of form I could not. The researchers gradually established that form II was a nicked DNA circle. Understanding form I required a little more work. A comment from colleague Robert Sinsheimer led Vinograd to focus on the twisted nature of the form I DNA. His subsequent modeling with phone cords was documented in 1990 in a delightful retrospective article by Jacob Lebowitz, one of the authors on the 1965 paper. Although the term “supercoiling” was not yet in common use, the discovery of the supercoiled nature of polyoma DNA opened an entirely new field of investigation.


The First DNA Topoisomerase Unravels Some Mysteries

Wang, J.C. 1971. Interaction between DNA and an Escherichia coli protein ω. J. Mol. Biol. 55:523–533.

Over the course of the twentieth century, life scientists were getting used to a fundamental idea: if a change occurs in any cellular structure, there is at least one enzyme that catalyzes it. The first discovery of an enzyme involved in DNA supercoiling was made by James Wang and reported in 1971.

Working at the University of California, Berkeley, Wang had initiated studies of superhelicity in small DNAs that could be isolated from bacteria. Focusing on the DNA from bacteriophage λ, he noticed that E. coli extracts contained a macromolecule that converted the superhelical form of the circular DNA to a relaxed form. He did what any good molecular biologist would do: he purified the macromolecule. The result was a protein that he dubbed the ω (omega) protein. Later, it became known as DNA topoisomerase I.

Initially, the purification was incomplete. However, Wang could establish that the macromolecule was a protein, because its activity was not lost after extended dialysis (using a membrane that allowed small molecules to escape but retained larger proteins); activity was lost when the preparation was heated to 50°C (a temperature that denatures most proteins). Wang demonstrated that the conversion of a DNA circle with 150 superhelical turns to a relaxed circle did not happen in one step. Using sedimentation velocity studies and electron microscopy, he showed that the change was progressive, with one or a few superhelical turns lost in each catalytic step. The activity affected only negative, not positive, superhelicity.

Wang concluded that the enzyme had two activities: a nicking activity and a strand-joining activity. He proposed that the ω protein acted by transiently introducing a break into one strand, creating a swivel in the unbroken strand that would allow the removal of superhelical turns. The reaction required no enzymatic cofactors, suggesting that the reaction pathway featured a transient covalent intermediate. His speculation, shown in Figure 2, proved to be largely correct. Overall, the study produced a remarkable set of insights that thoroughly framed the subsequent study of this and related topoisomerases.

FIGURE 2 James Wang proposed this simple reaction mechanism for the chemistry of DNA strand nicking and closing by the ω protein (later renamed DNA topoisomerase I). HO•E represents a hydroxyl group on the enzyme (ω protein)


DNA Gyrase Passes the Strand Test

Brown, P.O., and N.R. Cozzarelli. 1979. A sign inversion mechanism for enzymatic supercoiling of DNA. Science 206: 1081–1083.

Nicholas Cozzarelli, 1938–2006

In 1976, Martin Gellert and colleagues reported the discovery of a second topoisomerase in E. coli. The enzyme, DNA gyrase, had the novel property that it could introduce negative supercoils into DNA, hydrolyzing ATP in the process. DNA gyrase was quickly shown to be critical to DNA replication and other processes, and there was great interest in determining how it worked. Many researchers expected that DNA gyrase generated a net negative superhelicity by relaxing positive supercoils, using a mechanism much like that exhibited by the ω protein, with the creation of a break in one strand and rotation of that strand about the other.

Nicholas Cozzarelli and colleagues, at the University of Chicago, began to focus on experimental observations that did not fit this scheme. First, when active DNA gyrase was acting on a DNA, and the gyrase-DNA combination was treated with a protein denaturant, double-strand breaks were introduced into the DNA. Gyrase molecules were covalently linked to the 5′-phosphoryl groups in the DNA on both ends of the break. This implied that the normal mechanism of gyrase action involves an intermediate in which both strands, not just one, are cleaved. The research group also noticed that gyrase has the unusual capacity to catenate (interlink) two DNA circles. Such a reaction would require the formation of at least a transient double-strand break in one of the DNAs.

Pooling this and other information, Cozzarelli proposed a very different mechanism for gyrase action, one he dubbed “sign inversion” (Figure 3). He imagined that in a circular DNA, gyrase would bind to two segments of DNA that crossed over each other, thereby stabilizing a positive crossover, or node. The creation of such a node would necessarily create a compensating negative node elsewhere in the DNA molecule. Gyrase would then invert the sign of the bound node by breaking both DNA strands, passing the unbroken DNA segment through the break, and resealing the break on the other side. This would change the sign of the node to negative and effectively fix two negative supercoils in the DNA.

FIGURE 3 The sign inversion model for the generation of negative supercoils by DNA gyrase.

The sign inversion model made a novel and unique prediction. DNA gyrase would do something very different from the ω protein: it would change superhelicity in increments of 2 rather than increments of 1. This prediction was not trivial to test. Supercoiled circular DNA (such as plasmid DNA) is isolated from cells as a heterogeneous mixture of topoisomers with a roughly Gaussian distribution of linking numbers. Gyrase could shift the center of that distribution, but highlighting individual reaction steps to observe the predicted Lk increments of 2 would be difficult. Cozzarelli and his student, Patrick O. Brown, found a way to overcome the problem.


They initially focused on a particularly small circular DNA, a plasmid of about 2,400 bp called p15. Such a small DNA limited the total number of topoisomers in the Gaussian distribution and facilitated the separation of one topoisomer from another on an agarose gel. Using the ω protein, Brown and Cozzarelli took a naturally supercoiled preparation of p15 DNA and relaxed it completely. They then ran the DNA on an agarose gel under conditions in which the topoisomers of p15 were well separated. They cut the most abundant topoisomer out of the gel and extracted it, effectively isolating a DNA preparation with one topoisomer only.

With a topologically pure DNA in hand, the key experiment could be done. The researchers added enough DNA gyrase (about two heterotetramers per DNA molecule) to ensure that essentially every DNA circle had a bound gyrase. After incubating the DNA and gyrase for 3 minutes, they added ATP, but only enough (30 μM, or about one-tenth of the Km) to support a slow reaction. The results, shown in Figure 4, are most striking at the 5 second time point. The major product is a species with a change in linking number (ΔLk) of 22. A small amount of DNA with a ΔLk of 24 is also evident. Markers showing topoisomers differing by a ΔLk of 1 are shown in the lanes marked MW. At later time points, the DNA becomes more supercoiled, but topoisomers with an odd-numbered ΔLk do not appear.

FIGURE 4 The p15 plasmid DNA was topologically pure; the minor band at the top of the t = 0 column is a small amount of nicked DNA, due to damage inflicted during purification. The p15 plasmid was mixed with gyrase for 5 to 300 seconds. After 300 seconds, a sample of DNA was treated with novobiocin and incubated for another 30 minutes. Marker lanes (MW) show the p15 plasmid DNA with change in linking number (ΔLk) in increments of 1.

Brown and Cozzarelli carried out one additional test. After 5 minutes, the p15 DNA was highly supercoiled. They then added novobiocin, an antibiotic that inhibits supercoiling but not relaxation by gyrase (see Highlight 9-2). After another 30 minutes of incubation, much of the DNA had been substantially relaxed (see Figure 4). The topoisomers present included species with superhelicity changes of 0, –2, and –4 relative to the starting material. This demonstrated that gyrase promoted both supercoiling and relaxation of DNA in increments of 2. The result fulfilled a key expectation of any enzymatic reaction—that the reaction pathway is the same in the forward and reverse directions. Overall, the experiments constituted a compelling case for the sign inversion model and provided the impetus to eventually define two separate classes of topoisomerases.

These advances helped explain the mechanism of action of a range of important antibiotics and antitumor drugs (see Highlight 9-2). They were among a string of important contributions from the Cozzarelli lab, first at Chicago and later at the University of California, Berkeley. With an ebullient personality and a creative intellect, Cozzarelli inspired a generation of scientists, both as a mentor and a colleague. Cozzarelli died due to complications of a treatment for Burkitt’s lymphoma in 2006, at the age of 67. But his lab motto “Blast Ahead” lives on.