Chapter 14. Critical Thinking Exercise: Pain Management

Critical Thinking Exercise: Pain Management

After reading Chapter 14, you should be aware that pain is multifaceted and includes not only a physical sensation, but also emotional, social, and behavioral components, the last three of which may relate to how well one copes with pain. For instance, the pain from a severe injury that occurred during the winning goal in a soccer game would be interpreted differently than pain from an injury that resulted in the loss of a game.

Pain is all-encompassing and can be debilitating. As noted in the chapter, at least 10% of the world’s population experiences some type of pain. Within the United States, approximately 25 million adults suffer from chronic pain. There are many different types of pain and it important to understand not only the significance of each type, but how they are differentiated.

Question 1


Question 2


Question 3


Question 4


Question 5
