Adults Ages 25-74 Years, in Less Than Very Good Health, By Highest Educational Attainment, Image Long Description

In the table below, the rows represent the educational attainment and the columns represent the ethnic groups.

Adults Ages 25-74 Years, in Less Than Very Good Health, By Highest Educational Attainment
Black, non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian American Indian/ Alaska Native White, non-Hispanic Other*
No High School Diploma 72.7% 84.1% 70.4% 70.6% 69.4% 71%
High School Diploma or GED 62.2% 67.2% 59.4% 60.9% 50% 57.5%
Some College 54.7% 54.1% 48.6% 57.5% 41.4% 49.7%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher 43.6% 41% 39.5% 41.8% 26.7% 36.5%


*- Defined as any other or more than one racial or ethnic group, including any group with fewer than 3 percent of surveyed adults.