Davis-McGivney Working TOC of Published Sections

Note: These links will remain valid as long as the source Digfir project internal IDs have not changed.

After clicking on a link and the section opens, use the eBook's controls to navigate through subsections. Use your browser's Back button to return to this list of major sections. (Note: Introductions have no subsections, so there will be no navigation buttons)

Chapter 1: Introducing Statistics - Summer 2013 Rewrite

Chapter 2: Data Collection and Design of Experiments - Summer 2013 Rewrite

Chapter 3: Graphical and Numerical Descriptions - Summer 2013 Rewrite

Chapter 4: Correlation and Linear Regression - No Summer 2013 revisions yet

Chapter 5: Basic Probability - No Summer 2013 revisions yet

Chapter 6: Discrete Probability Distributions - No Summer 2013 revisions yet

Pre-published directory on websterfw: