Figure 13-61 Peculiar Galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A) This extraordinary radio galaxy is located in the constellation Centaurus, 11 million light-years from Earth. At visible wavelengths a dust lane crosses the face of the galaxy. Superimposed on this visible image is a false-color radio image (green) showing that vast quantities of radio radiation pour from matter ejected from the galaxy perpendicular to the dust lane, along with radio emission (rose-colored) along the dust lane, and X-ray emission (blue) detected by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. The X-rays may be from material ejected by the black hole or from the collision of Centaurus A with a smaller galaxy. Inset: This X-ray image from the Einstein Observatory shows that NGC 5128 has a bright X-ray nucleus. An X-ray jet protrudes from the nucleus along a direction perpendicular to the galaxy’s dust lane.