Science: Key to Comprehending the Cosmos

Changing Our Earth-Centered View of the Universe

Kepler’s and Newton’s Laws


  • What makes a theory scientific? A theory is an idea or set of ideas proposed to explain something about the natural world. A theory is scientific if it makes predictions that can be objectively tested and potentially disproved.

  • What is the shape of Earth’s orbit around the Sun? All planets have elliptical orbits around the Sun.

  • Do the planets orbit the Sun at constant speeds? No. The closer a planet is to the Sun in its elliptical orbit, the faster it is moving. The planet moves fastest at perihelion and slowest at aphelion.

  • Do all of the planets orbit the Sun at the same speed? No. A planet’s speed depends on its average distance from the Sun. The closest planet moves fastest, while the most distant planet moves slowest.

  • How does an object’s mass differ when measured on Earth and on the Moon? Assuming the object doesn’t shed or collect pieces, its mass is the same on Earth and on the Moon. Its weight, however, is less on the Moon.

  • Do astronauts orbiting Earth feel the force of gravity from our planet? Yes. They are continually pulled earthward by gravity, but they continually miss it because of their motion around it.