Chapter 1. Early Childhood

Time for a Check Up

{true} player.setChildAge( "36m" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 3)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 3)
{model.userPhysicalSkills == 3} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score + 1)
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills == 3} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score + 1)
{model.userPhysicalSkills == 1} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score - 1)
{model.partnerPhysicalSkills == 1} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score - 1)
{true} setModel("EC1_para1", "")
{model.activity_level_score > 1} setModel("EC1_para1", "You mention to " + model.shortbabyProviderName + " that " + model.babyName + " won’t sit long enough at the dinner table to finish what’s on " + model.baby_his_her + " plate. ")
{true} setModel("EC1_para2", "")
{model.breastfeed == "false" && model.EC1_para1 == ""} setModel("EC1_para2", "You mention to " + model.shortbabyProviderName + " that " + model.babyName + " will eat anything as long as it is white—like white bread or white rice. ")
{model.breastfeed == "false" && model.EC1_para1 != ""} setModel("EC1_para2", model.babyName + " will eat anything as long as it is white—like white bread or white rice. ")
{true} setModel("EC1_para3", "")
{model.breastfeed == "true" && model.activity_level_score < 1.1} setModel("EC1_para3", "Peaches used to be " + model.babyName + "’s favorite food but " + model.baby_he_she + " won’t touch them now because they are “fuzzy.” ")
{true} setModel("EC1_para4", model.shortbabyProviderName + " smiles when you tell " + model.babyProvider_him_her + " this. Not to worry! Picky eating is really common in preschoolers. ")
{true} setModel("EC1_para_ending", "")
{model.childData.bmipercentile > 84.9} setModel("EC1_para_ending", "But the " + model.babyProvider + " is worried that " + model.babyName + " is a bit heavy for " + model.baby_his_her + " age and height. Being overweight in childhood can cause kids a number of health problems later in childhood and in adulthood.")
{model.child_bad_diet == "true" && model.childData.bmipercentile > 75} setModel("EC1_para_ending", model.shortbabyProviderName + " is concerned that " + model.babyName + " is eating too much unhealthy food—and eating a more varied diet would help control " + model.baby_his_her + " weight gain." )
{model.childData.bmipercentile < 10} setModel("EC1_para_ending", "However, " + model.babyName + " is not gaining enough weight and " + model.shortbabyProviderName + " is worried. " + model.babyProvider_He_She_cap + " suggests scheduling more frequent meals.")
{model.EC1_para_ending == ""} setModel("EC1_para_ending", "As long as " + model.baby_he_she + " is still keeping up a normal weight, you should keep on presenting healthy options to " + model.baby_him_her + " at every meal and " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll get enough to eat.")

Time for a Check Up

Learn More

Caucasian, male doctor with arms crossed, portrait style.
model.babyProviderName == "Nurse David Wilson"
Asian, female doctor, portrait style.
model.babyProviderName == "Nurse Patricia Kim"
Middle-aged, male, medical professional with stethoscope and clipboard
model.babyProviderName == "Dr. Edward Davis"
Middle-aged, African American, medical practitioner, portrait style.
model.babyProviderName == "Dr. Helen Williams"

You can hardly believe how quickly time has gone by! At the check-up with the {model.babyProvider}, {model.babyName} weighed {model.childData.weight.lbs} pounds and is {model.childData.height.ft} tall. {model.baby_He_She_cap} is growing up so fast!


{model.shortbabyProviderName} suggests that you keep up a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables but also make sure {model.babyName} is getting plenty of physical activity every day. This doesn’t mean going to the gym! Just running around playing tag or pretending to be monsters is active enough for preschoolers.

Question 1.1

{true} setModel("threeYO_diet", "neutral")
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("threeYO_diet", "healthy")
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("threeYO_diet", "junky")
{model.threeYO_diet == "healthy"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{model.threeYO_diet == "healthy"} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{model.threeYO_diet == "junky"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{model.threeYO_diet == "junky"} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{model.threeYO_diet == "junky"} setModel("neglectful", model.neglectful + 1)

Great choice! Feeding your child a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables gives them a great start!

model.threeYO_diet == "healthy"

Okay. Remember that the more healthy food you offer your child now—the easier it will be for them to enjoy it later in life.

model.threeYO_diet == "neutral"

Be careful! Like all of us, children do enjoy eating foods that are high in sugar, salt and fat, but they may be getting too many of the wrong sort of calories—and not enough experience eating healthier foods.

model.threeYO_diet == "junky"

Question 1.2

{true} setModel("threeYO_activity", "active")
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("threeYO_activity", "very_active")
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("threeYO_activity", "less_active")
{true} setModel("activityLevel", model.threeYO_activity)
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score + 1)
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("neglectful", model.neglectful + 1)
{qq1 == 4 || qq1 == 5} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score - 1)
{qq1 == 1 || qq1 == 2} setModel("enrichment", model.enrichment + 1)
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q2", "Adjust activity level at 3 yrs old")
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q2_resp", model.threeYO_activity)

Great job! Keeping children active will pay off not only in terms of their health but also in terms of the rest of their development. For kids, active play is often social play. And remember—being active doesn’t mean that they are (necessarily) in a gym class or learning something from an adult. The best active play for preschoolers is what they find on their own—or with other kids—running around playing chase or jumping like frogs.

model.threeYO_activity == "very_active"

Good start! Remember that preschool kids need at least an hour of physical activity per day. Try and limit their screen time and electronics to less than 2 hours a day and make sure they aren’t sitting for more than 60 minutes a time. Get them moving! Keeping children active will pay off in terms of their health but also in terms of the rest of their development. For kids, active play is often social play. And remember—being active doesn’t mean that they are (necessarily) in a gym class or learning something from an adult. The best active play for preschoolers is what they find on their own—or with other kids—running around playing chase or jumping like frogs.

model.threeYO_activity == "active"

Think about getting your little one more active. Remember that preschool kids need at least an hour of physical activity per day. Try and limit their screen time and electronics to less than 2 hours a day and make sure they aren’t sitting for more than 60 minutes a time. Get them moving! Keeping children active will pay off not only in terms of their health but also in terms of the rest of their development. For kids, active play is often social play. And remember—being active doesn’t mean that they are (necessarily) in a gym class or learning something from an adult. The best active play for preschoolers is what they find on their own—or with other kids—running around playing chase or jumping like frogs.

model.threeYO_activity == "less_active"


While kids seem like they’ll try almost any food before they are 2, often even the best, most flexible eaters get suddenly picky around the time they are 3. Some theorists think this has an evolutionary explanation—that the fact kids become more careful about trying new things at about the same time that they are getting more independent, protected children in the past from being poisoned by dangerous foods they may have found on their own. Other theorists think that picky eating has a genetic basis—that it seems to run in families. In either case, health experts advise that parents should keep on offering picky eaters healthy choices and accept that some children may have phases when they have unusual demands—which parents should remember probably won’t last forever (although that doesn’t mean giving in and making every meal chicken nuggets cooked the same exact way).

Being picky about food isn’t the only way young kids can be rigid. Your child may only want to wear a certain color of socks or sit in a special chair. This rigidity, known as the “just right” phenomenon, can contribute to pickiness in eating habits. Punishing, forcing, or offering rewards for eating foods may only intensify the struggle between the parent and child and result in more picky eating. The best way to deal with this rigidity is with patience and understanding. By age 6, most children will grow out of this phase.

Almost 10 percent of preschoolers in the United States are overweight, which is a major health concern because this can lead to a number of serious health concerns later in life, from diabetes to sleep apnea. Typically experts don’t advise that children be put on a diet (unless they are drastically overweight), but that parents switch to healthier food choices and increase the child’s activity level.

Parents can work to prevent obesity in their children by making sure they have healthy food choices and that they have time for active play—and modeling that behavior themselves. Parents who eat healthy and are physically fit themselves have healthier, more active children. But that is often difficult to manage, particularly in families under stress, where time and money may be hard to come by.

It may be particularly difficult to make sure that your children are active if they are in childcare during the day. According to recent research, many children in home-based childcare are watching too much television while there. Ask your childcare provider how much active time your child is getting during the day—and, if necessary, consider switching to a more active daycare provider.

Screen Time in Preschoolers--In Child Care and at Home: Number of hours of screen time per day

Look Inside

A lot has changed in the physical appearance of a child over the first 3 years. The trunk and limbs have become proportionally longer compared to the head, creating a slimmer, less babyish appearance.

Children's nutritional needs change over time. A three-year-old will need 1000 to 1400 calories per day, depending on their size and activity level.

Toddlers need more sleep each day compared to adults, but experts vary on how much. Three-year-olds in North America typically get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep a day, but many pediatricians recommend more—10 to 12 hours if at all possible.

Review what we know about physical development and nutrition in early childhood in these videos.



Too Young for School?

{true} player.setChildAge( "36m" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 3)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 3)
{true} setModel("progressive_preschool", "false")
{true} setModel("IT7_preschool_quality", model.IT7_daycare_quality)
{true} setModel("preschool_name", "none")
{true} setModel("num_of_parents_working", "1")
{model.not_gay_both_parents_work == "true" || model.gay_both_parents_work == "true"} setModel("num_of_parents_working", "2")

Too Young for School?

Look Inside

What do we know about early childhood education or child care and how it might change the growing brain? This video will review some of what we know about early childhood education.

Learn More

Preschool classroom with chalkboard in foreground

Now that {model.babyName} is 3, people are starting to ask if you are going to send {model.baby_him_her} to preschool. Some days {model.baby_he_she} just seems too young to send to school. But on other days, you think that {model.baby_he_she} would really love school. Your friends keep reminding you that children who go to preschool seem to do better in school later on. Plus, your state offers a voucher program for preschool.

model.child_care != "center" && model.child_care != "college" && model.child_care != "church" && model.child_care != "hospital" && model.SEClass == "L" && model.r100 < 51

Now that {model.babyName} is 3, people are starting to ask if you are going to send {model.baby_him_her} to preschool. Some days {model.baby_he_she} just seems too young to send to school. But on other days, you think that {model.baby_he_she} would really love school. Your friends keep reminding you that children who go to preschool seem to do better in school later on. Plus, your state offers a Head Start program.

model.child_care != "center" && model.child_care != "college" && model.child_care != "church" && model.child_care != "hospital" && model.SEClass == "L" && model.r100 > 50

Now that {model.babyName} is 3, people are starting to ask if you are going to send {model.baby_him_her} to preschool. Some days {model.baby_he_she} just seems too young to send to school. But on other days, you think that {model.baby_he_she} would really love school. Your friends keep reminding you that children who go to preschool seem to do better in school later on.

model.child_care != "center" && model.child_care != "college" && model.child_care != "church" && model.child_care != "hospital" && model.SEClass != "L"

Since {model.babyName} turned 3, people are asking whether {model.baby_he_she}’s going to a “real” preschool. You’re thinking maybe it is time to look at what your preschool options are. Your friends keep reminding you that children who go to preschool seem to do better in school later on. Plus, your state offers a voucher program for preschool.

(model.child_care == "center" || model.child_care == "college" || model.child_care == "church" || model.child_care == "hospital") && model.SEClass == "L"

Since {model.babyName} turned 3, people are asking whether {model.baby_he_she}’s going to a “real” preschool. You’re thinking maybe it is time to look at what your preschool options are. Your friends keep reminding you that children who go to preschool seem to do better in school later on.

(model.child_care == "center" || model.child_care == "college" || model.child_care == "church" || model.child_care == "hospital") && model.SEClass != "L"

Remember that you’re not just looking for the best preschool or childcare choice that you can afford—you’re looking for a good fit between your child’s needs and what the school offers. You may want to review your {model.babyName}’s toddler progress report (now in the Memory Book) to see if there are areas where your child might need extra help.

{true} setModel("busy_bees_voucher", "She is fairly inexpensive compared to the private preschools in your area.")
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("busy_bees_voucher", "She is fairly inexpensive compared to the private preschools in your area and takes vouchers.")
{true} setModel("lil_kidz_voucher", "Lil’ Kidz is fairly inexpensive compared to the private preschools in your area.")
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("lil_kidz_voucher", "Lil’ Kidz is fairly inexpensive compared to the private preschools in your area and takes vouchers.")
{true} setModel("wee_angels_voucher", "They are fairly inexpensive compared to other schools.")
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("wee_angels_voucher", "They are fairly inexpensive compared to other schools but don’t take vouchers.")
{true} setModel("hilltop_voucher", "This school is accredited by NAEYC.")
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("hilltop_voucher", "This school is accredited by NAEYC but doesn’t accept vouchers.")
{true} setModel("valley_voucher", "")
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("valley_voucher", "They don’t take vouchers.")
{true} setModel("BusyBees", "Busy Bees Family Childcare. Busy Bees is a family daycare run by an older woman, who has raised 4 children of her own and is now caring for a number of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and 2 of her own grandchildren. She is certified by the state. " + model.busy_bees_voucher + " She has flexible hours and is willing to take kids from as early as 6 in the morning and keep them as late as 8 o’clock at night. The number of children she takes care of varies, depending on the day. You noticed that the television was on in the back room when you stopped by to visit, but the kids seemed clean and happy.")
{true} setModel("LilKidz", "Lil’ Kidz Preschool. Lil’ Kidz Preschool has about 60 children from 6 weeks to age 5 in various rooms—and a very big, grassy playground where the kids were having a great time playing when you visited. The staff is all licensed by the state and they seem warm and fun. There are 2 teachers for each room of about 18 kids. They have rooms filled with toys and letters on the walls. Their developmental goal is to make sure every child is ready for kindergarten and enjoys coming to school every day. " + model.lil_kidz_voucher )
{true} setModel("WeeAngels", "Wee Angels Early Learning Center. Wee Angels is a religiously-based preschool affiliated with a big church in your area. " + model.wee_angels_voucher + " Wee Angels prides itself on making sure that children are respectful and play well together. The class sizes are fairly large—but the teachers are older and seem to have a good handle on the kids. They have a Bible-based curriculum and many of the stories they hear at story-time are religious. When you visited, the kids were singing their ABCs in unison wearing their uniforms. So cute!")
{true} setModel("Hilltop", "Hilltop School. A Reggio-Emilia inspired Preschool. The Hilltop School is a fairly expensive preschool that has a child-directed approach to learning that they call Reggio-Emilia inspired. " + model.hilltop_voucher + " The classroom is filled with wooden blocks and drawing materials, and the children have a lot of free time to explore and play. The teachers have a background in child development and some of the children can read before they are in kindergarten. All children receive developmental screening and progress reports every 6 months.")
{true} setModel("ValleyMontessori", "Valley Montessori. The Valley school is a fairly expensive preschool that has a Montessori approach to learning. The classroom is filled with wooden blocks, drawing materials and the children work quietly and independently at their own pace. The teachers have a background in child development and some of the children can read before they are in kindergarten. All children receive developmental screening and progress reports every 6 months. " + model.valley_voucher)
{true} setModel("Streetside", "Street-side Early Learning Center. The slogan of Street-side is that every child can learn. Every child at Street-side is assigned " + model.baby_his_her + " own tablet and " + model.baby_his_her + " own learning curriculum. You’ve heard that most 4 year olds at Street-side can read. When you visited, you were so impressed by the 5 year old you met who was showing you how he could count to a thousand. The classrooms at Street-side look kind of like a kindergarten classroom—there aren’t so many trucks or dolls but lots of flash cards and multiplication tables on the walls. All children receive a developmental screening and progress report every 6 months.")
{true} setModel("ec2_feedback", "Sounds good! Children can thrive in almost any school or childcare environment. You’ll want to make sure to keep an eye on how " + model.baby_he_she + " is doing and make sure that your choice is a good fit for " + model.baby_his_her + " needs.")

Question 1.3

{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("preschool_name", "Busy Bees Family Childcare")
{model.r100 < 50 && model.preschool_name == "Busy Bees Family Childcare"} setModel("IT7_daycare_quality", "bad")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("preschool_name", "LiL Kidz Preschool")
{model.r100 < 25 && qqMC1 == 1} setModel("IT7_daycare_quality", "bad")
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("preschool_name", "Wee Angels Early Learning Center")
{model.r100 < 10 && qqMC1 == 2} setModel("IT7_daycare_quality", "bad")
{qqMC1 == 2 && model.SEClasss == "L"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 1)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("preschool_name", "Hilltop School")
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.SEClasss == "L"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 2)
{qqMC1 == 3 && model.SEClasss == "M"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 1)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("progressive_preschool", "true")
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("preschool_name", "Valley Montessori")
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("progressive_preschool", "true")
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.SEClasss == "L"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 2)
{qqMC1 == 4 && model.SEClasss == "M"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 1)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("preschool_name", "Street-side Early Learning Center")
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.SEClasss == "L"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 2)
{qqMC1 == 5 && model.SEClasss == "M"} setModel("stress", model.stress + 2)
{true} setModel("IT7_preschool_quality", model.IT7_daycare_quality)
{qqMC1 == 6} setModel("preschool_name", model.child_care)
{true} setModel("attends_preschool", "true")
{qqMC1 == 6 && model.child_care == "share"} setModel("attends_preschool", "false")
{true} setModel("mother_school_work", "")
{model.num_of_parents_working == 2} setModel("mother_school_work", "work")
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q4", "Child care choice")
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q4_resp", model.preschool_name)


Recent research seems to clearly indicate that going to a high-quality preschool helps children do better in school later on in life. Kids who go to preschool seem to have better language skills and score better in standardized tests when they end up in schools. Recent federal programs aim to give all 4-year-olds access to all-day “pre-K” or a year of preschool before they go to kindergarten. Experts believe that high-quality preschool can be particularly helpful for children from families who are poorer or less educated.

The number of children in preschool is rapidly changing as federal subsidies for pre-K begin to trickle into additional classrooms all around the country. Right now there are cultural and ethnic differences around the United States that seem to influence whether children are in preschool.

How Many Kids Ages 3-6 Are in Preschool in the United States?

Around the world, the United States seems to lag a bit behind other industrialized countries in the number of 4-year-olds who are in preschool. But in less developed parts of the world, preschool is still fairly unusual and most children don’t go to school until they are 5 or 6.

How does this compare to other nations around the world?

Percentage of 4-Year-Olds in School in Selected Nations

In the United States there is a wide variety of preschools, daycare centers and childcare arrangements that are available to parents. Head Start is the federal program for preschool. It serves about 12% of children between 3 and 5. There are a variety of curriculums and teaching philosophies in different preschools around the country—from Waldorf, to Piaget-inspired, to Reggio Emilia and Montessori. There are a few big differences in preschool programs: Are they academically-focused or more focused on the child’s social and emotional development? Are the kids playing with capes on or are they reciting their ABCs?

You may also want to evaluate each preschool program to see how it matches up with the new federal quality rankings for early childhood education or whether it is accredited by a major early child development organization like NAEYC. Some questions to ask:

  • Is your school aligned with state standards for early childhood education?
  • Is there regular student assessment? This can be in terms of a portfolio, regular testing or a combination of the two.
  • Are teachers fully-qualified? Have they taken required college courses in human development? Do the teachers have a lot of turnover, or are they invested in the program and the children and there for the long term so that children can develop long-term relationships with them?
  • Is the school working to include families in teaching and learning about child development?
  • Are they also focused on health goals including making sure that the preschool is safe and that kids are working toward being healthy?



He Hitted Me!

{true} player.setChildAge( "42m" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 3.5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 3.5)

Look Inside

What do we know about what how children learn language in early childhood? Review some of what we know about early speech and language development.

He Hitted Me!

Baby Avatar will load here.

Learn More


{model.babyName} was such an early talker! Now it seems like everyone else around their age is finally catching up.

{model.baby_He_She_cap} speaks so clearly that you were shocked to hear {model.baby_him_her} making mistakes when {model.baby_he_she} was talking on the playground.

model.IT16_early_talker == "true"

It has been so exciting to hear {model.babyName}’s speech develop. Just yesterday, you heard {model.baby_him_her} singing "Happy Birthday" to {model.baby_his_her} stuffed bear in the other room while you were making dinner.

But some of the things {model.baby_he_she} says are still funny.

model.IT16_average_talker == "true"

Since you started taking {model.babyName} to speech therapy, {model.baby_he_she} is making huge improvements in how much {model.baby_he_she}'s talking. Just yesterday {model.babyName} told you that {model.baby_he_she} would “put away the toys.” A four word phrase! And {model.baby_he_she} is easier to understand, too.

{model.baby_He_She_cap} speaks so much better now that you were shocked to hear {model.baby_him_her} making mistakes when {model.baby_he_she} was talking on the playground.

model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy"

You were nervous about not taking {model.babyName} to speech therapy, since {model.baby_he_she} seemed so behind everyone else when {model.baby_he_she} was younger. But {model.baby_he_she} seems to be catching up! Just this morning {model.babyName} told you “More Milk Please." {model.baby_He_She_cap} is so polite! And so many words in a row.

{model.baby_He_She_cap} speaks so much better now that you were shocked to hear {model.baby_him_her} making mistakes when {model.baby_he_she} was talking on the playground.

model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy"

{model.babyName} collided with another child and fell down. {model.baby_He_She_cap} came running to you wailing: “He hitted me!” You’re sure {model.baby_he_she} has never heard you say “hitted”!

Question 1.4

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q5", "Concerned about 'he hitted me'?")
{qqMC1==0} setModel("track_EC_Q5_resp", "Be concerned")
{qqMC1==1} setModel("track_EC_Q5_resp", "Don't be concerned")


As funny as these errors are to parents, to researchers these errors are a window into how children learn language. These errors are called overregularization. To researchers, particularly those who are followers of language development theories emphasizing the evolutionary basis of language and children’s innate or inborn sense of grammar, they are fascinating. English grammar is complex. In overregularization errors, children are applying grammatical rules where they don’t apply—for example, adding “ed” to make words like “goed,” or “runned,” or “braked.” Researchers see these as proof that children have internalized grammar, even if they are not remembering all the exceptions. Children have a lot of exceptions to memorize—particularly in English—and it takes practice to get all of them right. The more they practice and the older they get, the fewer errors they’ll make. Caregivers don’t need to worry about these errors. In these cases, they are proof that these 3-year-old children are using the past tense. Their grammatical and language use is getting more complex, which is a good thing, even if it comes with some stumbles along the way. Adults should model appropriate grammar and speech and children will work it out. Frequently, children will even know enough to correct themselves.

Hear some common language errors in 3- and 4-year-olds:




Just Fun and Games?

{true} player.setChildAge( "42m" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 3.5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 3.5)
{true} setModel("ec4_feedback", "")
{model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("ec4_feedback", "In the real world, you won’t be able to change how much play your child gets at school. Some things in parenting are out of your control. While many early childhood experts emphasize the importance of academic preparation in the preschool years, others recommend that children should have a balanced life—with lots of time for play.")
{true} setModel("screen_time", 4 + model.screen_time)
{true} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time - model.activity_level_score)
{true} setModel("child_care_home_setting", "false")
{model.child_care == "family" || model.child_care == "neighbor" || model.child_care == "babysitter" || model.child_care == "share"} setModel("child_care_home_setting", "true")
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time + 1)
{model.child_care_home_setting == "true"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time + 1)
{model.screen_time < 0} setModel("screen_time", 0)
{model.screen_time > 7} setModel("screen_time", 7)
{true} setModel("physical_play", .5)
{model.preschool_name == "Busy Bees Family Childcare"} setModel("physical_play", .33)
{model.progressive_preschool == "true"} setModel("physical_play", 1)
{true} setModel("free_play", 2)
{model.num_of_parents_working == 2} setModel("free_play", 3)
{model.child_care == "share"} setModel("free_play", 1.5)
{model.preschool_name == "Wee Angels Early Learning Center"} setModel("free_play", model.free_play - 1)
{model.preschool_name == "Street-side Early Learning Center"} setModel("free_play", model.free_play - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("free_play", model.free_play - .5)
{true} setModel("physical_play_at_home", .33)
{model.activity_level_score < 3.01 && model.activity_level_score > 0} setModel("physical_play_at_home", model.physical_play_at_home + model.activity_level_score*0.33)
{model.activity_level_score > 3.0} setModel("physical_play_at_home", model.physical_play_at_home + 1)
{(model.stress > 4.0 || model.SEClass == "L") && model.activity_level_score < 3.01 && model.activity_level_score > 0} setModel("physical_play_at_home", 0.083 + model.activity_level_score*0.25)
{(model.stress > 4.0 || model.SEClass == "L") && model.activity_level_score > 3.0} setModel("physical_play_at_home", 0.083 + .75)
{model.physical_play_at_home == 0.99} setModel("physical_play_at_home", 1)
{true} setModel("social_play", 0.25)
{model.SEClass == "U"} setModel("social_play", 0.33)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("social_play", 0.167)

Just Fun and Games?

Learn More

Preschool children with teacher using a computer

It seems like {model.babyName} could play forever at the playground. Every time you take {model.baby_him_her}, {model.baby_he_she} never wants to leave. From being pushed on the swings to coming down the slides, {model.babyName} seems to have unending energy to run around.

Sometimes you wonder whether all this play is really worthwhile. There is so much else to do—learning colors and letters—and sometimes it is hard to fit in these trips to the playground.

You just got some data to see exactly how much time {model.babyName} spends playing every day.

Table : Your Child's Day
Activity Number of hours in activity
Screen Time {model.screen_time}
Physical Play {model.physical_play}
Free Play {model.free_play}
Social Play {model.social_play}
Physical Play at Home {model.physical_play_at_home}

Do you think this sounds about right? Do you want to increase play time? Or decrease it? You may want to review the types of play or the expert recommendations in the Explain.

Question 1.5

0dnRW3dbGegawbRMz0Fa8zC1cmqkprFVzVG8hucr8G6EHK8zN8Qm2mKDgX13FhNgKuQVTKX8buJsHnGsU9et60jG/HG4ySs57QLi2Y3O7hf5XV2Y2Ikut2+jZNCNU/NKX0/0GJpHUzn+L4UWLyIFrBJuOwcOKn8iIEnGici+OSKRJpyFTLGachaRkUGJH3kqnZjRHC7lUkjVYnhCc7v8YV4lEztQ6W8ALRSLmdv09DcmsrDNPJTs5GneUA6Cx5SAXafSnEHvM9Bxi0WToItPSA== pxD8wWcMRfJF18b9/dUhfDNqVOd4UJQmjEBOLjeWJnZg/4RSlPSjpyY9aR3WnzIi9Ftpy1wOH4awa0FfjpuuqnrTonFKr6zxJ9jU3y8CJxc7atDYy7kAwi/Ka/ZtpEv8G41HMfAEZs9ORFe1Su+ahr+vvW4bpxNjnV+QoMm+U9sPmqr0PYpBJcHci1RxmR+4uqmO4KhIQMvcIsRDJ/bS+hxS8b3o9VX5WWdzFnF/QGP8SuXB KD3CXIUQ1JGYLHWMJpdQoK000WUjeJghNlrEpzpM1Bp5cpD1SOh3WX/OnMzKJkLFayh9uiLcHKzUNGt70s3ZdPSdtSWEQfvDajy+V6dqX7qhcllF3THEkxNJ4xtx83Sna8Jix3aZSERYVQ6BrKi7RXGBVtmYmFoqZbEWS9bvuuflA6DRdTXczWF2eJrM6NjHVeHWis+i0dhHfZivKt3ppzmVou1RUWKs+ofvv2JVpS4pB1dPyxSBj/PGSG1rodRflYWxT76wRnM= MLqVedF12d/SImb4IlDCooQJbzuR4WzYFT50qgChMynIKxwPNuY7ew6hU3PREijZueLhRRpmR7KyTEBFEgy43I5jKSwZRgGVCrJtONYwMgGxlux8w68pYvTUXHtVpposIM4ijdPc2uD8oPQ5e2ZyxNBf9v5se4Vu+YcnKh/VLBQKf8nrosIwdLCGR/0VQXKXy4X3ntRnOjtYAuLR09UJZuQyibZjnwYEbde6zwQUo4v37ZmF3VMKcqU3Dbb4h1f7qqmqCH1ZFSuEzk8FOglYoPNaSI+jquzPeAYAck1kqUzo02hNoDUItTWsVrdNNEGqa1yBag== grPuX1PW41QgRTm80THeubMMkYgNoX7JAKs5a/nMjg6y25GsUiyyl+afG6wlG7xVGKDpHAjQHylNeAbL/SItw1Ko9js0dGsZFQYJkm4HSs2vS+CC6vThCa98oS5Pi+MOEYT/F5MR3TElJ7M2bhikH4JnWOF2rj9T+cw/khwFI250ueUKgRplPT8jkNhRLNFvQkIlVhLoM/+CmmtzSYHZAXsUDk6vvRrkg/42iFHkkYlX7PcLb71U8/IXt33ksdt+bGlCx/HFQlw+YoxBB4Ku8oiAacw=
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 5.0)
{qq1 == "2"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 3.0)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 1.0)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time + 1)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time - 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{true} setModel("control_free_play_at_school", 0)
{true} setModel("control_physical_play_at_school", 0)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 1.0)
{qq4 == "2"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 0.33)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 0.083)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score + 1)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score - 1)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{qq4 == "3"} setModel("neglectful", model.neglectful - 1)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.5)
{qq5 == "2"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.25)
{qq5 == "3"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.083)
{true} setModel("social_skills", 0)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("social_skills", model.social_skills + 1)
{qq5 == "3"} setModel("social_skills", model.social_skills - 1)
{qq4 == "1"} setModel("enrichment", model.enrichment + 1)
{qq5 == "1"} setModel("enrichment", model.enrichment + 1)
model.day_care == "true"

Do you think this sounds about right? Do you want to increase play time? Or decrease it? You may want to review the types of play or the expert recommendations in the Explain.

Question 1.6

uXuvQ6CCujfD6s/uCVMM4M5peJkPIkKBxHQxvUl30A4vbkBV8Gq/lKWq9Aeln1lsU0scFLR5ibxWADjABQQ3h6IG5q8AuBxFt9arxNLjL9etT/zSK9pY+bbHDez8o9zYYAPuKFED6ZGDuYHdUycmn2IADpnjaCKLPYOQyc9LRECOpNlrt9soMjGxsf/KjqgQtRriAGF9HRnT7rzFVkHnjWA952KWkZ8Pz0J7HPsjgAO8s2F6quEnL3Ot0z6hfhU+gjnznYTNp88= xGh1S850MelY+wuHM+RLIv09+udC8c86D0iDsjeIhsh7YfZgkJingRg/1eXhEwdq1SJVQskW/pE3/MVe+ubFz+C2SUQFJUW8a4yCAhO2k492mqUcGgmLMQeMfArVaX+l0Spn36MTqljrIAdfkouNTOrXUWQhPvVmeWhh59OGAvmILeBaPW/zyuD5HZFAszqI6RFPZU85ynPdagTUf7zVj8aQUEoWgEFKrjJKota+eKQDeoo36TLBqQmGnmLdHj/IQ3l3SU6ZgSAw4/I52Y7ZbfliTfX/e96kFBSwZSFZuv9KUeqi/DQ3sjmjBLTHcpFq 6Qjd2iwlKD6gU9omghcni1YudDS2/prxmNcY8i63gHh0JfTCzwviEgiZ1WXpG6Fiavms/RgpADW4IvZIWnPW3jkRSqWHi+zMzt6KgMe2NzGcbC6BpHas4i0cXxk0UgsWxIvUjPNT+vkECdRZXkFdWY7fo4H999jx2bQ4o1Woeke8tCw4u9/5CxC/s3N4EfW1mvSpj2Csq/IvLe0TZDOAgewznsOMymTe/dbICpiHq8NkT7sQuUaFuUvLj7NCQkWA7jZHzqbYQDidokRdTcAhCQ==

{qq1 == "3"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 6.0)
{qq1 == "2"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 4.0)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("EC4_control_screentime", 2.0)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time + 1)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{qq1 == "3"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("screen_time", model.screen_time - 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{qq1 == "1"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 1.0)
{qq2 == "2"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 0.33)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("control_physical_play_at_home", 0.083)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score + 1)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("activity_level_score", model.activity_level_score - 1)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1)
{qq2 == "3"} setModel("neglectful", model.neglectful + 1)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.5)
{qq3 == "2"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.25)
{qq3 == "3"} setModel("control_social_play", 0.083)
{true} setModel("social_skills", 0)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("social_skills", model.social_skills + 1)
{qq3 == "3"} setModel("social_skills", model.social_skills - 1)
{qq2 == "1"} setModel("enrichment", model.enrichment + 1)
{qq3 == "1"} setModel("enrichment", model.enrichment + 1)
model.day_care == "false"

While many early childhood experts emphasize the importance of academic preparation in the preschool years, others recommend that children should have a balanced life—with lots of time for play. The benefits of all kinds of play—and a balance between social, physical play and a modest amount of screen time—extend to all parts of children’s lives. It seems to lower stress, help children learn more efficiently, reduce obesity and improve their social skills and emotional regulation. But finding time to play in busy schedules is often challenging for adults—and caregivers and preschool teachers who have other pressures.



People used to call play the work of childhood. Nowadays, experts and parents worry that children don’t have that much time for play—at least not the old-fashioned kinds—with blocks or friends or out-of-doors on their own. Young children spend a lot of time in front of a screen—either watching television or playing video games. Most 2-year-olds already have a favorite DVD or TV program and most children start playing video games before they are 4 (Victoria J. Rideout, Elizabeth A. Vandewater, and Ellen A. Wartella, 2003). Parents tend to think these experiences can be educational, but experts advise that young children should try and limit their screen time to under 2 hours a day.

Experts also worry about whether children are getting enough physical play. Also called gross motor or big-body play, physical play is the running around and chasing that gets your heart pounding. Health officials worry that children aren’t getting enough physical play and that this is part of the reason more children are overweight. Children don’t get very much physical play at preschool—in part because they’re kept busy doing more academic work and partly because preschool teachers and administrators are worried about their safety on the playground. Kids typically spend only about 5% of their time in preschool doing big-body play. And parents don’t always have time in busy schedules to take their children to the playground. Typically, kids seem to play outside every day or two.

One of the big gains in early childhood is the ability to really socially play with other children. There are various types of play you see in early childhood—physical, pretend, organized, and constructive play. Researchers also see development in how children play together between the ages of 2 and 5. These classic categories, developed by the researcher Mildred Parten, can be seen in almost all types of play—from physical play to pretend play—creating yet another level by which we can analyze children’s activities. Notice that the types of play are on a continuum of social interaction—from more independent play to more socially complex play. Typically, the more socially complex types of play are common in older children, while toddlers will just be observed engaging in more independent types of play.

Types of Social Play in Early Childhood

Sources: Data from Tandon PS, Zhou C, Christakis DA. Frequency of Parent-Supervised Outdoor Play of US Preschool-Aged Children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012; 166(8):707-712. doi:10.1001/archpediatrics.2011.1835

How do pre-kindergarteners spend their time? Gender, ethnicity, and income as predictors of experiences in pre-kindergarten classrooms by Diane M. Earlya, Iheoma U. Irukaa, Sharon Ritchiea, Oscar A. Barbarinb, Donna-Marie C. Winna, Gisele M. Crawforda, Pamela M. Fromea, Richard M. Clifforda, Margaret Burchinala, Carollee Howes, Donna M. Bryanta, Robert C. Piantad, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Volume 25, Issue 2, 2nd Quarter 2010, Pages 177–193.

Look Inside

At 3 years of age, the typical child will be able to run well, stand on one foot briefly, and with a little practice, ride a tricycle.

Fine motor skills greatly improve between 2 and 3 years of age. Most young children can stack blocks, button and unbutton, and pull on socks (but not tie shoes).

Sometimes young children make errors which appear obvious to adults, such as putting a square peg in a round hole, or trying to sit on a tiny toy chair (an example of a "scale error"). This may be the result of uneven brain development. The areas of the brain that coordinate movement and planning mature at different rates than those that process visual information.

Review what we know about physical development early childhood in this video.



What Exactly Is in That Crayon Box?

{true} player.setChildAge( "42m" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 3.5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 3.5)
{true} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", 0)
{true} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", 0)
{model.userAgeValueUpdated < 22} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.Relationship != "single" && model.partnerAgeValueUpdated < 22} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true")} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.userStudent == "false" && model.partnerStudent == "false"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 2)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 0.5)
{model.userMoodiness > 1.4} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.Relationship != "single" && model.partnerMoodiness > 1.4} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.PN3_drinking_status == "mom_drinks_heavily"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.PN3_np_drinking_status == "non_mom_drinks_heavily"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.pn4a_Q3 == "A" && model.pn4a_Q4 == "A"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.pn4b_attach != "secure"} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.stress > 4} setModel("divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{model.userReligious == 2 || model.userReligious == 2.5} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", model.divorceProtectiveFactors + 2)
{model.userReligious == 3} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", model.divorceProtectiveFactors + 3)
{model.babyCarefulness > 2} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", model.divorceProtectiveFactors + 2)
{model.Relationship == "married"} setModel("divorceProtectiveFactors", model.divorceProtectiveFactors + 2)
{model.stress > 4} setModel("EC_divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 1)
{true} setModel("EC_divorceRiskFactors", model.divorceRiskFactors + 2)
{true} setModel("EC_parents_are_divorcing", "false")
{model.IT_parents_are_divorcing == "false" && (model.EC_divorceRiskFactors - model.divorceProtectiveFactors) > model.divorceValue} setModel("EC_parents_are_divorcing", "true")
{model.IT_parents_are_divorcing == "true" || model.EC_parents_are_divorcing == "true"} setModel("parents_are_divorcing", "true")
{true} setModel("r100", Math.floor(Math.random()*100))
{true} setModel("sibling", "false")
{true} setModel("EC_sibling", "false")
{model.Relationship == "single" || model.Gay == "true" || model.parents_are_divorcing == "true" || model.Mother == "donor" || model.Father == "donor"} setModel("sibling", "never")
{model.parents_are_divorcing == "true"} setModel("sibling", "never")
{true} setModel("EC_sibling_factor1", "false")
{true} setModel("EC_sibling_factor2", "false")
{true} setModel("college_degree", "false")
{model.SEClass != "L" && model.userAgeValueUpdated > 22 && model.partnerAgeValueUpdated > 22} setModel("college_degree", "true")
{model.SEClass == "U" && model.userAgeValueUpdated > 22 && model.partnerAgeValueUpdated > 22} setModel("EC_sibling_factor1", "true")
{model.userAgeValueUpdated > 34 && model.partnerAgeValueUpdated > 34} setModel("EC_sibling_factor2", "true")
{model.sibling == "false" && model.EC_sibling_factor1 == "false" && model.EC_sibling_factor2 == "false" && model.r100 > 49} setModel("EC_sibling", "true")
{model.sibling == "false" && model.userAgeValueUpdated > 34 && model.partnerAgeValueUpdated > 34 && model.r100 > 29} setModel("EC_sibling", "true")
{model.sibling == "false" && model.college_degree == "true" && model.r100 > 29} setModel("EC_sibling", "true")
{model.EC_sibling == "true"} setModel("sibling", "true")
{true} setModel("sibling_gender", "girl")
{model.r2 == 0} setModel("sibling_gender", "boy")
{model.sibling_gender == "girl"} setModel("siblingHeShe", "she")
{model.sibling_gender == "boy"} setModel("siblingHeShe", "he")
{model.sibling_gender == "girl"} setModel("siblingHimHer", "her")
{model.sibling_gender == "boy"} setModel("siblingHimHer", "him")
{model.low_birth_weight == "true"} setModel("sibling_weight", Math.floor( ( model.birth_weight_lbs*1.05) *10)/10)
{model.low_birth_weight == "false"} setModel("sibling_weight", Math.floor( ( model.birth_weight_lbs*1.1) *10)/10)

Learn More


What Exactly Is in That Crayon Box?

This month, you got another post card from the child development lab at your local university. They want you to bring {model.babyName} in again to participate in a study. They promise it won’t involve crying this time. In fact, it might even involve candy (If you’re okay with that, that is!) Ever since {model.babyName} was such an early talker, you’re eager to see how else {model.baby_he_she} is excelling.

model.IT16_early_talker == "true"

This month, you got another post card from the child development lab at your local university. They want you to bring {model.babyName} in again to participate in a study. They promise it won’t involve crying this time. In fact, it might even involve candy. (If you’re okay with that, that is!)

model.IT16_early_talker == "false"

They want to see how {model.babyName}, now that {model.baby_he_she} is {model.childData.age.years} years old, will react on the classic theory of mind task.

You’re going to leave the room and then they are going to offer {model.babyName} a box of crayons which really has been stuffed with M&Ms. They’ll show {model.babyName} the M&Ms and ask {model.baby_him_her} what you think is in the box when you come back. Will {model.babyName} expect you to be tricked by the crayon box too? Or will {model.baby_he_she} assume that your thoughts are the same as {model.baby_his_hers} and that you will think that there are M&Ms in the box? In other words, how advanced is {model.babyName}’s social thinking or {model.baby_his_her} social cognition?

Question 1.7

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q7", "Theory of Mind: child response prediction:")
{qqMC1==0} setModel("track_EC_Q7_resp", "child will assume I know that the box is a trick")
{qqMC1==1} setModel("track_EC_Q7_resp", "child will assume I didn't expect to be tricked.")


Social thinking develops in important ways during the preschool years. Toddlers understand that other people may have different needs or wants or ideas than they do. Grown-ups don’t drink from bottles. Babies don’t drink from dog dishes. But preschoolers are beginning to understand that people think different things—and that grown-ups may think things that aren’t true or even be tricked. As children develop a theory of mind, they can play more sophisticated games of pretend—but they also now can lie. They understand, for example, that they might get into trouble for eating a cupcake—and may try and convince you that the dog did it, despite the frosting on their hands.

There are some individual differences in the development of theory of mind. In general, children with siblings tend to show signs of it a bit earlier (perhaps because older siblings often play tricks on younger ones), and children who do a lot of pretend play and a lot of talk with their parents tend to be a bit more sophisticated. In part, researchers are interested in the development of theory of mind because it seems to be lacking in children with autistic spectrum disorder. Researchers hope that understanding the development of theory of mind in typically developing children will help them create interventions to help children with autism spectrum disorder.

Look Inside

Myelination in most areas of the brain is largely complete by age 3. One notable exception is the frontal areas of the cerebral cortex which will continue to myelinate into a person's 20s.

Although brain growth is slowing during early childhood, it is changing in critical ways. Myelination of neural fibers increases the speed of neural communication, and synaptic pruning helps increase the efficiency and selectivity of neural transmission.

Theory of mind is the ability to understand that people have varying mental states and that others have knowledge, intentions or desires that are different from one's own. This video demonstrates how children under the age of 3 years are unable to imagine the perspective of the other person in a fun game of 'hide the candy.' They simply are unable to hide the candy in their hands successfully, demonstrating that they have not yet mastered theory of mind.



Are You a Boy or a Girl?

{true} setModel("ec6_feedback", "Researchers debate what part of this is biological and what is cultural, but it seems universal that there are some differences between boys and girls. Even in our primate relatives, females seem a bit more likely to play with babies than males are. Consequently, boys seem to be a little more likely to play with moving vehicles than girls are. There are also cultural differences. Clearly, there are not fire fighters in every culture across human history. And probably not construction vehicles or sparkly tutus, so some of the variation has to do with cultural values. There are also cultural differences in how girly or masculine young children are. Generally, the more media and television a child is exposed to, the more stereotypical their ideas are about gender. In general, being a bit flexible about gender seems to be something that is helpful to children as they grow up—because in our culture, most little girls can indeed end up being airplane pilots and little boys can grow up to be NICU nurses.")

Are You a Boy or a Girl?

Learn More

A toddler and young boy building a tower of blocks
model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"
Preschool-aged girls, shown from the back, painting together at an easel.
model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

When you see {model.babyName} playing with other kids, {model.baby_he_she} seems to prefer to be with other {model.baby_boy_girl}s. When you take {model.babyName} to the playground to play, you notice that the children are often divided up into bunches of boys and girls. They are showing signs of gender segregation.

model.attends_preschool == "true"

When you see {model.babyName} playing with other kids, {model.baby_he_she} seems to prefer to be with other {model.baby_boy_girl}s. When you go to pick up {model.babyName} at school, you notice that the children are often divided up into bunches of boys and girls. They are showing signs of gender segregation.

model.attends_preschool == "false"

You’re shopping with {model.babyName} and wonder if you should get {model.baby_him_her} some dress up clothes. There aren’t a lot of options—mostly pink princesses and fire fighter outfits. What do you think {model.babyName} will want?

Question 1.8

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q8", "Child will want to be: ")
{qqMC1==0} setModel("track_EC_Q8_resp", "Fire Fighter")
{qqMC1==1} setModel("track_EC_Q8_resp", "Princess")
{qqMC1==2} setModel("track_EC_Q8_resp", "Bear")

You’re right—most children this age have fairly rigid constructs about what boys and girls are supposed to do. However, parents, teachers and other caregivers might try and give children gender-neutral options to play with. These options—things like farm or animal toys—may allow boys and girls to play together and reduce some gender stereotyping. {model.ec6_feedback}

qqMC1 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"

Probably not. Most children this age have fairly rigid ideas about what boys and girls are supposed to do. However, parents, teachers and other caregivers might try and give children gender-neutral options to play with. These options—things like farm or animal toys—may allow boys and girls to play together and reduce some gender stereotyping. {model.ec6_feedback}

qqMC1 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

Probably not. Most children this age have fairly rigid ideas about what boys and girls are supposed to do. However, parents, teachers and other caregivers might try and give children gender-neutral options to play with. These options—things like farm or animal toys—may allow boys and girls to play together and reduce some gender stereotyping. {model.ec6_feedback}

qqMC1 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"

Most children this age have fairly rigid ideas about what boys and girls are supposed to do. However, parents, teachers and other caregivers might try and give children gender-neutral options to play with. These options—things like farm or animal toys—may allow boys and girls to play together and reduce some gender stereotyping. {model.ec6_feedback}

qqMC1 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

You were lucky to find a gender-neutral option. Many of the dress-up or play items children have available to them are highly gendered but animals tend to be a gender-neutral option. Most preschool children have fairly rigid ideas about what boys and girls are supposed to do. Researchers debate what part of this is biological and what is cultural, but it seems universal that there are some differences between boys and girls. Even in our non-human relatives, primates, girl primates seem a little more likely to play with babies than boys do. And boys seem a little more likely to play with moving vehicles than girls do. But there are also cultural differences. Clearly there are not fire fighters in every culture across human history. And probably not construction vehicles or sparkly tutus, so some of the variation has to do with cultural values. And within the cultural context of the United States, there are differences in how girly or masculine young children are. Generally, the more media and television a child is exposed to, the more stereotypical their ideas are about gender. And in general, being a bit flexible about gender seems to be something that is helpful to children as they grow up—because in our culture, most little girls can indeed end up being airplane pilots and little boys can grow up to be NICU nurses.

qqMC1 == 2


A typical 3-year-old may spend some time pretending to be a dog or a cat, or a daddy or a mommy. Usually their sense of who they are is fairly fluid. But as children grow up, one of the first aspects of their identity that they figure out is typically whether they are a boy or a girl.

There are three main perspectives researchers use to understand the development of gender in children: biological, cognitive and social. The biological perspective investigates some of the genetic, neurological and hormonal differences between boys and girls—sometimes investigating the evolutionary origins of gender differences. For example, the biological perspective led to investigation of how exposure to various hormones during fetal development can change babies’ brains. In some of these studies, researchers found that babies (whether boys or girls) who were exposed to more testosterone in utero to prefer to play with more “boy” toys than babies who weren’t exposed to as much testosterone.

The cognitive perspective emphasizes children’s thinking about how gender develops. For example, the cognitive perspective helps us to understand how children begin to grasp gender constancy. For example, a young child will believe that gender is ever changing while an older child understands that, most of the time, boys stay boys and girls stay girls. For example, a toddler will believe that a boy can easily transform into a girl by just changing his hair or adding a nice pair of barrettes (you can try this yourself—many young children seem to believe that the outfit really does “make the man”). Other cognitive research investigates how young children use stereotypes about gender, as they use other generalizations about a world that is new to them, as a way of organizing their world.

The socialization perspective focuses on the contributions of social context to the development of gender roles. How do parents, teachers and the broader culture support children’s understanding of what it means to be a boy or a girl? We know that girls who play with “girly” toys receive more praise than boys who play with “girly” toys. And we know that parents and caregivers treat boys and girls a little differently. All these contributions clearly help make boys and girls develop a bit differently.

All three perspectives clearly contribute to making kids into little boys and girls.

Look Inside

Three-year-old children can label themselves as boys or girls. Once this happens, they begin to pay more attention, and remember more, about events and objects they categorize as in the same sex category. Over time, when they know more about "boy activities" or "girl activities," other children with more compatible knowledge—usually in the same sex category—will often become more compatible playmates.

Review what we know about gender development in early childhood in this video.


model.IT_parents_are_divorcing == "true"


model.EC_parents_are_divorcing == "true"


model.EC_parents_are_divorcing == "false" && model.EC_sibling == "true"


model.EC_parents_are_divorcing == "false" && model.EC_sibling == "false"

The Breakup


The Breakup

You didn’t want to think this day would come. You’d always thought in the back of your mind that maybe one day things would end in wedding bells, but things have been difficult for the past few months between you and {model.partnerName}. You are breaking up. {model.partnerName} is going to move into an apartment nearby.

You can read more about the risk factors for separation and divorce in the Explain and Learn More—think about what might have contributed to this situation.

{model.babyName} is just {model.childData.age.years} years old. About {model.divorceRate} separate or divorce among kids’ {model.baby_his_her} age.

model.Relationship == "cohabitating" || model.Relationship == "dating"

You didn’t want to think this day would come. When you got married you thought it was forever. But things have been difficult for the past few months between you and {model.partnerName}. You are breaking up. {model.partnerName} is going to move into an apartment nearby.

You can read more about the risk factors for separation and divorce in the Explain and Learn More—think about what might have contributed to this situation.

{model.babyName} is just {model.childData.age.years} years old. About {model.divorceRate} separate or divorce among kids’ {model.baby_his_her} age.

model.Relationship == "married"

{model.babyName}’s best friend’s parents are breaking up. You were shocked to hear it, but you heard that they just haven’t been getting along and that they are moving into separate apartments. To read more about the risk factors for separation and divorce in the Explain and Learn More articles.

This child is just the same age as {model.babyName}. About {model.divorceRate} separate or divorce among kids’ {model.baby_his_her} age.

model.Relationship == "single" && model.childData.age.years > 5

Your best friend is breaking up with {model.user_his_her} partner. You were shocked to hear it, but {model.user_he_she} tells you that they just hadn’t been getting along and that they are moving into separate apartments. {model.user_he_she_cap} has a son your child’s age. To read more about the risk factors for separation and divorce in the Explain and Learn More articles.

This child is just the same age as {model.babyName}. About {model.divorceRate} separate or divorce among kids’ {model.baby_his_her} age.

model.Relationship == "single" && model.childData.age.years < 5.01

Question 1.9



Children, particularly young children, often undergo family transitions. As you’ll see in the chart, fewer than half of all children live in married, two-parent households. And almost 3 out of 10 children undergo a family transition before they start kindergarten.

What Kind of Families to Children Live In?
Risk of Family Transition (Separation or Divorce) By Child's Age

While every romantic break-up is different in its own way, researchers have identified some common risk and protective factors for separation and divorce. We’ll separate these characteristics by context, couple characteristics and individual characteristics.

Risk Factors for relationship instability

  • Context:
    • Living in a stressful environment, including struggling financially can raise the risk of separation.
  • Couple:
    • Every couple has disagreements, but having a pattern of volatile, hostile interactions increases the risk of breaking up.
    • As you’ll see in the figure below, getting together when you are younger—like under 22—or much older (like after 40) are also risk factors for breaking up.
    • In the United States, cohabiting (or living together) rather than being legally married seems to be associated with higher chance of breaking up.
  • Individual:
    • Having a personal history of exposure to separation and divorce in your own family can make it easier for parents to contemplate breaking up.
    • Having a personality that is less conscientious or easy to get along with also increases the risk of separation or divorce.
    • A history of secure attachment styles with your own parents also makes it less likely that you will experience a separation or divorce.

Protective Factors for relationship stability

  • Cultural, community or religious beliefs that prohibit or discourage divorce or separation make it much less likely that you will separate. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your relationships will be happier (although some research does indicate that this may be the case in some families), but that you will stick it out.
  • Higher education. For some reason, the more education you have, the less likely you are to break up. This could be because people with more education tend to have higher incomes or that people who stick it out through college are more likely to commit to a marriage for the long term.
Risk of Divorce By Age of Parents At Marriage

Separation and divorce inevitably cause some stresses in a family. From having to move, to changes in routines, changing parental relationships can be difficult on parents and children. In the short-term children who are undergoing family turmoil can be more depressed, do worse in school and feel badly about themselves. Families can be under particular stress if the break-up causes financial strain, as is often the case, as families try and provide for two households on an income that used to provide for just one. And in breakups with ongoing major conflict (estimated to be less than 20 percent), the continuing emotional and legal battles can be devastating for the entire family—and have long term repercussions for everyone’s happiness and mental health.

In the long term, parents can do a great deal to buffer children from the stresses of divorce or separation. Continuing to have a close, warm, authoritative parenting style and being able to focus on children’s needs—rather than the stresses of parents—seems to help children thrive and grow after a divorce. If parents are able to manage the separation well, most children seem to be able to do just as well as other children into adulthood.

What should happen to children after separation or divorce? Children benefit from ongoing, multiple attachments with parents and parent-figures, whether biological, adoptive or step-parents. In most cases, a shared parenting situation—including substantial time with both parents (including overnights) seems to work best for children—allowing them to create meaningful ongoing relationships with both parents (Warshak et al, 2014).

However, not all parenting and family situations are ideal. The vast majority of divorces end up to be fairly neutral or even friendly after the initial stress of the separation—but some remain profoundly conflictual. In other families, one or both of the parents may be struggling with mental health or substance abuse challenges. In some there may have been abuse or domestic violence. In other families, one of the parents may not have had any meaningful contact with the child—and may not have even cohabitated with the child before the official, legal separation. In these cases, what is best for children is not always clear. While children benefit from ongoing attachment relationships with all their parents—their emotional and physical safety is also critical. Building relationships that may have been damaged takes time and avoiding a perpetuation of significant parental conflict is also helpful for the ongoing health of the entire family unit. In situations like these, there are rarely easy answers—and very often there are not enough legal, financial or emotional resources to help these families through what can be lengthy and trying times.

In general, kids seem to do better with fewer transitions. However, particularly for young children, like infants and toddlers under 3, it is important to have frequent contact—if parents can only see their children once a week or on weekends, it is often not frequent enough to sustain a relationship. Longer visits allow children and parents time to get used to each other.



Families change...


Families change...

It has been a long time since you and {model.partnerName} broke up. You never imagined that the fighting would go on this long. You are just about as upset about {model.partnerHimHer} as you were the day {model.partnerHeShe} left for the first time. Everything seems to be a fight. Birthdays. Holidays. Where {model.babyName} should go to school. What kind of after school activities you should pay for. {model.babyName} goes to see {model.partnerName} every week but seeing {model.baby_him_her} go brings up all the disagreements.

Question 1.10

model.HighConflict == "true"

It has been a long time since you and {model.partnerName} broke up. You never imagined that this would become the new normal. But {model.babyName} has seemed to adjust nicely—and actually you and {model.partnerName} are getting along. {model.babyName} has been able to maintain a great relationship with both of you and you feel really proud of that.

You’ve actually started seeing someone new. What do you think about introducing {model.babyName} to your new {model.partnerGirlfriendBoyfriend}.

Question 1.11

model.HighConflict == "false"


Life after a divorce or separation depends on how much conflict the parents are going through. Most parents are able to move beyond the conflict in a year or so. But about 20 percent linger in corrosive conflict for longer—with potentially harmful effects on children. Most experts advise trying to enlist a mediator, family therapist, religious elder or respected family member to help cool down the fighting and help put the family first.

While many children can thrive in single-parent households, households with more adults tend to have more income, which can help. And parents tend to benefit from stable, committed intimate relationships—being with a loving partner can help adults buffer stress and parent better. However, millions of single mothers do an amazing job every day raising successful children.

It is very common for separated or divorced adults to re-couple. About 15 percent of children live in a “blended” family where the parents have legally remarried to a new partner. Many others live in families with two adults who are less formally partnered.

Children seem to thrive on stable, committed relationships with adults—whether biological, adoptive or step-parents. Step-parents—a term that is often used by children and adults to refer to anyone who takes a parent role with children, regardless of whether they are legally married to a biological parent—can benefit children if they have strong, attached and long-term committed relationships.



Another Baby


Another Baby

Congratulations! You’re going to be a parent again. {model.babyName} is just {model.childData.age.years} years old but you think {model.baby_he_she} will be the perfect age to be a big {model.baby_brother_sister}. You were thrilled when you found out. Your new baby is a little {model.sibling_gender} and weighed {model.sibling_weight} lbs when {model.siblingHeShe} was born.

Question 1.12

{true} setModel("siblingName", qq1)

Question 1.13



Most children in United States have at least one sibling—and potentially more biological or step-siblings.

Some siblings are just months apart in age and other can be separated by decades. As you can see in the figure below, most children are less than five years apart. Medical experts advise that women—and their babies—will be healthiest if they wait at least a year after giving birth before getting pregnant again.

Researchers who have looked at the school performance of siblings have noted that first children tend to do better in school—and that younger children tend to do better in school if there is a bigger age gap between children. First children tend to get more attention than children who are born later—but much of this extra time comes in the first few years, so waiting a few years before having a second child may make sure that the second child gets enough attention.

The relationship between siblings can be an important way for children to practice relating and getting along. Relationships between siblings may be close—or distant—and siblings can teach each other good, or bad lessons. Challenging relationships with siblings can make development challenging—but loving relationships can be a buffer and a support for a lifetime. Making sure that young children learn how to manage conflict and their emotions with their siblings can be an important place for your children to learn how to relate to their friends and others outside of your family.

How Big is the Age Difference Between Siblings?



Does It Matter If It Is an Oreo or a Candy Bar?

{true} player.setChildAge( "4y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 4)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 4)
{true} setModel("child_self_control", "most")
{true} setModel("child_uninhibited", "false")
{model.babyOpenness > 2.49 && model.babyOutgoing > 2.49 && model.babyCarefulness < 1.51} setModel("child_uninhibited", "true")
{model.child_uninhibited == "true" && model.baby_secure == "false" && model.parenting_score < -3.99} setModel("child_self_control", "least")
{model.child_self_control == "least"} setModel("min_child_waits", model.r3 + 1)
{model.child_uninhibited == "true" && model.baby_secure == "true" && model.parenting_score > -3.01 && model.parenting_score < 3.01} setModel("child_self_control", "average")
{model.child_self_control == "average"} setModel("min_child_waits", model.r3*3 + 6)
{model.child_self_control == "most"} setModel("min_child_waits", "more than 15")
{true} setModel("EC7_Feedback_pt1", "Remember: This isn’t a real experiment or a real psychological test on your child. That isn’t to say it isn’t fun to explore what your child can do—and to talk to " + model.baby_him_her + " about self-control and delaying gratification (both of which are really important as we grow), but you should be careful not to take the results too literally. But if your child was really impulsive—you may want to work with " + model.baby_him_her + " to improve some of " + model.baby_his_her + " self-control.")

Does It Matter If It Is an Oreo or a Candy Bar?

Learn More

A young girl smiling next to a candy jar

At the playground the other day, another parent mentioned that she’d recently given her son the Marshmallow Test and she was now sure he was going to end up at Harvard. She smiled at you smugly as she watched your kids play on the jungle gym. “I’m not sure {model.babyName} likes marshmallows,” you say. “I don’t know that {model.baby_he_she} even knows what a marshmallow is.” “Oh,” your friend says.

But you return home eager to see how {model.babyName} might do on this test. Does {model.baby_he_she} have any self-control? Is this a way of seeing whether {model.baby_he_she} will be successful in later life? You pick up some cookies at the store and start the “experiment” as soon as you enter the door.

Question 1.14

{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("predict_self_control", "least")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("predict_self_control", "average")
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("predict_self_control", "most")
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q9", "Self control: ")
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q9_resp", model.predict_self_control)


Not quite. Your little one wasn’t quite that controlled. {model.baby_He_She_cap} ate the treat after just {model.min_child_waits} minutes.

model.child_self_control == "least" && model.predict_self_control != "least"


Great prediction. You picked it exactly right. {model.baby_He_She_cap} ate the treat after just {model.min_child_waits} minutes.

(model.child_self_control == "least" && model.predict_self_control == "least") || (model.child_self_control == "average" && model.predict_self_control == "average")


Great prediction. You picked it exactly right. {model.baby_He_She_cap} didn't eat the treat while you were out of the room.

model.child_self_control == "most" && model.predict_self_control == "most"


Good prediction. But your child did even better. {model.baby_He_She_cap} ate the treat after {model.min_child_waits} minutes.

(model.child_self_control == "most" && model.predict_self_control != "most") || (model.child_self_control == "average" && model.predict_self_control == "least")


(model.child_self_control == "average" && model.predict_self_control == "most")


As children get older, we expect them to have more control over their impulses and more sense of right-and-wrong. We expect older children to follow directions, and toddlers to eventually stop making messes and breaking things. Experts believe that children’s increased ability to control themselves is related to changes in their brain. As the brain—and particularly the prefrontal cortex—develops, children have more control over their behavior and the ability to prevent or inhibit themselves from doing impulsive things. Children are also better able to demonstrate their self-control by doing appropriate things—like putting away toys when they are asked.

Researchers have devised a number of ways to measure children’s developing self-control, including The Marshmallow Test. The Marshmallow Test is an informal name for a task devised by Stanford psychologist Walter Michel to measure how good children are at controlling themselves. Young kids are placed in a room with a tempting treat (marshmallows worked well when Michel first did the study in the late 1960s) and asked to wait until the researcher returns to the room before eating it. They’re told they’ll get more marshmallows if they’re able to wait. In follow up studies, Michel found that children who could wait and didn’t eat the marshmallow right away ended up more successful than other children. He also found that it was possible to teach kids successful self-control strategies.

Other researchers, most notably Grazyna Kochanska, have pioneered other ways of measuring children’s ability to control themselves, and the relationship this has with children’s developing sense of right and wrong. These researchers have discovered that there is a complicated relationship between genetic factors and aspects of children’s environments that help them develop high or low self-regulation skills. Children do seem to have some genetic factors that enhance their ability to control themselves. But how well attached they are to their parents, and how sensitive their caregiving has been, is also critically important.

Children who are good at these tasks have some advantages in life. Being able to control yourself pays off throughout life and seems to result in children who are easier to get along with and who do better in school. But children can also be taught methods of self-control—like distracting themselves while they are waiting for the parent or researcher to return. These tactics can enhance their performance on tasks and even in later real-life times when they need to follow the rules and do things that may not come naturally—both skills that come in handy in working with others and doing well in school.

Look Inside

Preschool children will often forget instructions that involve more than one step, whether it is the rules of a game or a request by dad to pick up clothes and put away toys. This is due, in part, to the relative immaturity of parts of the brain involved in memory and planning, including the hippocampus and frontal cortex.

Young children are usually not very good at recalling past events and providing eyewitness testimony. There is an abundance of evidence that preschool children are more susceptible to false suggestions compared to adults, and sometimes agree to clearly false questions (i.e., "Did the doctor cut off your hair?") because, with immature brain circuits for memory and limited experiences to draw on, the question itself may blend with their representation of the past event.

In order to remember new information, such as a phone number, a child must use a variety of skills such as attending to the spoken numbers, avoiding distractions, rehearsing the number, encoding the number in long term memory, and providing herself with retrieval cues. A 4-year-old's failure to remember can occur if there is a problem with any one of these steps. Knitting together all of these skills into a more reliable memory system will take several years.

This clip shows an experiment into whether young children are able to resist temptation and delay gratification. In the experiment, young children are told that if they do not eat a favorite candy immediately, they can have more later. The adult leaves and a hidden camera confirms that two-thirds of the children are unable to resist eating the candy immediately, even though this means they get less candy overall. This is due to immature frontal lobes, the brain area that allows children to resist temptation.



They Say This Is a Sign of Intelligence, but You're Sure You Don't See What They See

{true} player.setChildAge( "4y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 4)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 4)

They Say This Is a Sign of Intelligence, but You're Sure You Don't See What They See

Learn More

A toddler boy, sitting outside, playing with a toy truck
model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"
Preschool-aged girl, wearing a yellow flower headband, building a tower with blocks.
model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

You still remember the first time you saw {model.babyName} pretend: She was holding her foot up to her head and pretending to “talk” to Grandma. You took a photo and sent it right over to Grandma to see for herself!

Today you were picking up and heard {model.babyName} setting up snacks in the other room and playing teacher. You were afraid that she’d gotten out all the crackers and drinks—since the dolls seemed as if they were enjoying them. But when you came into the room to check, you saw that there was nothing to worry about. The food was all invisible.

model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

You still remember the first time you saw {model.babyName} pretend: He held up a Cheerio to Baby Bear’s mouth—his favorite stuffed animal—and smacked his lips and pretended to feed Baby Bear. It was so cute!

Today you noticed {model.babyName} taking a long, rectangle block and “driving” it around the table. Vroom, vroom!

model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"
Table : Your Baby’s Piaget Stages Update
Primary Circular Reactions
Stage 1 (birth to about 6 weeks)
Your baby was born with all the right reflexes.
Stage 2 (about 1 month to about 4 months):
Adaptations of Basic Reflexes
Your baby is adapting {model.baby_his_her} reflexes to the needs of {model.baby_his_her} world.
Secondary Circular Reactions
Stage 3 (about 4 months to 8 months):
Prolonging Exciting Events
Your baby has already figured out how to prolong exiting events
Stage 4 (about 8 months to one year):
Early Intentional Actions
Your baby has already learned how to set a goal and has a ways of reaching it
Tertiary Circular Reactions
Stage 5 (1 year to 1 ½ years):
Little Scientist Experiments
Your baby is a little scientist—using trial-and-error to try and figure out how the world works.
Stage 6 (1 ½ years to 2 years):
Thinking Before Doing
Your baby can make a plan before acting on it immediately.

Question 1.15

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q10", "Piaget stage update ")
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("track_EC_Q10_resp", "pre-operational: stage 1")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("track_EC_Q10_resp", "pre-operational: stage 2")
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("track_EC_Q10_resp", "concrete operational")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("track_EC_Q10_resp", "formal operational")


Your child isn’t crazy to be imagining things that aren’t there! They’re getting smarter. The ability to play with things that aren’t there—or pretend to be something that you are not—is a sign that the child can remember objects that are not in the present and manipulate them to play games. This kind of pretend play and imagination is a characteristic of preoperational thought—the Piagetian stage of cognitive development involving language and imagination for children between about 2 and 5. Preoperational intelligence also includes animism, which is attributing living characteristics to nonliving objects, such as trees, the ocean, and so on. Anthropomorphism, or attributing human characteristics and abilities to animals, is closely related. Young children often attribute feelings, likes and dislikes, similar to their own, to animals. Not only are preschool-aged children more open to magical thinking, but children’s books, movies and other media frequently involve personifying animals and nonliving objects by giving them human characteristics.

Look Inside

Review what we understand about Piaget’s stages of development in early childhood.



You %#$-Head

{true} player.setChildAge( "5y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 5)
{true} setModel("nec10_start", "")
{true} setModel("nec10_start_1", "")
{true} setModel("nec10_speech_delay", "false")
{model.IT16_early_talker == "true" && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("nec10_start", model.babyName + " always has an answer for everything! " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " has picked up nursery rhymes at school.")
{model.IT16_early_talker == "true" && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("nec10_start", model.babyName + " always has an answer for everything! " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " repeats everything " + model.baby_he_she + " hears on TV.")
{model.IT16_average_talker == "true" && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("nec10_start", model.babyName + " always has something to say nowadays. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " can tell you long stories about what " + model.baby_he_she + " does at school (even if they don’t make sense all the time).")
{model.IT16_average_talker == "true" && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("nec10_start", model.babyName + " always has something to say nowadays. After " + model.baby_he_she + " comes back from playing at Grandma's, " + model.baby_he_she + " can tell you long stories about everything they’ve done. (Even though not everything makes sense all the time.)")
{(model.IT16_early_talker == "true" || model.IT16_average_talker == "true") && model.userReligious < 2.01} setModel("nec10_start_1", "When you were in the car the other day, sighing loudly after someone cut you off, " + model.baby_he_she + " spoke so clearly that there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. That was some colorful language! You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")
{(model.IT16_early_talker == "true" || model.IT16_average_talker == "true") && model.userReligious > 2.0} setModel("nec10_start_1", "When you were in the car the other day, sighing loudly after someone cut you off, " + model.baby_he_she + " spoke so clearly that there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. That was some colorful language! You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("nec10_start", "Ever since " + model.babyName + " turned four, it is hard to remember that " + model.baby_he_she + " even needed speech therapy. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " still pronounces things a bit oddly sometimes but almost everything " + model.baby_he_she + " says makes sense. And the other kids at school don’t seem to have trouble understanding " + model.baby_him_her + ". What a relief!")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("nec10_start", "Ever since " + model.babyName + " turned four, it is hard to remember that " + model.baby_he_she + " even needed speech therapy. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " still pronounces things a bit oddly sometimes but almost everything " + model.baby_he_she + " says makes sense.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.userReligious > 2.0} setModel("nec10_start_1", "Now that " + model.baby_he_she + " speaks this clearly, it was pretty hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. You’re sure " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t hear that from you.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.userReligious < 2.01} setModel("nec10_start_1", "Now that " + model.baby_he_she + " speaks this clearly, it was pretty hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74} setModel("nec10_start", "Your speech therapist has been working so hard with " + model.babyName + " since " + model.baby_he_she + " started speech therapy, and there is still a ways to go. But the therapist is recommending that " + model.babyName + " continue with speech therapy to work on those pesky articulation issues in kindergarten. Still, " + model.baby_he_she + " is making big improvements.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74} setModel("nec10_speech_delay", "true")
{true} setModel("nec10_speech_therapy_little_progress", "false")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74} setModel("nec10_speech_therapy_little_progress", "true")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.userReligious > 2.0} setModel("nec10_start_1", "You sometimes have trouble understanding what " + model.babyName + " is saying but just the other day, it was hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " colorful language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but you’re pretty clear it was some $#@ coming from the car seat. You’re sure " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t hear that from you.")
{model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.userReligious < 2.01} setModel("nec10_start_1", "You sometimes have trouble understanding what " + model.babyName + " is saying but just the other day, it was hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " colorful language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but you’re pretty clear it was some $#@ coming from the car seat. You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("nec10_start", "Ever since " + model.babyName + " turned four, it is hard to remember that anyone was ever worried about " + model.baby_his_her + " speech delay. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " still pronounces things a bit oddly sometimes but almost everything " + model.baby_he_she + " says makes sense. And the other kids at school don’t seem to have trouble understanding " + model.baby_him_her + ". What a relief!")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("nec10_start", "Ever since " + model.babyName + " turned four, it is hard to remember that anyone was ever worried about " + model.baby_his_her + " speech delay. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " still pronounces things a bit oddly sometimes but almost everything " + model.baby_he_she + " says makes sense.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.userReligious > 2.0} setModel("nec10_start_1", "Now that " + model.baby_he_she + " speaks this clearly, it was pretty hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. That was some colorful language! You’re sure " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t hear that from you.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 < 75 && model.userReligious < 2.01} setModel("nec10_start_1", "Now that " + model.baby_he_she + " speaks this clearly, it was pretty hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but there was no question what " + model.baby_he_she + " was saying. And it wasn’t just a sigh. That was some colorful language! You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("nec10_start", "Over the past year or so " + model.babyName + "’s speech has gotten better—but most people still have trouble understanding " + model.baby_him_her +". Sometimes " + model.baby_he_she + " get so frustrated when " + model.baby_he_she + " can’t be understood. It is hard at school.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.r100 > 74} setModel("nec10_speech_delay", "true")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("nec10_start", "Over the past year or so " + model.babyName + "’s speech has gotten better—but most people still have trouble understanding " + model.baby_him_her +". Sometimes " + model.baby_he_she + " get so frustrated when " + model.baby_he_she + " can’t be understood. It makes you glad you don’t have to make " + model.baby_him_her + " play with other kids so much. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " has trouble playing with other kids sometimes. When you go to the pre-K screening next month, you’re sure that you’ll be asked again whether you want to take " + model.baby_him_her + " to speech therapy.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74} setModel("nec10_speech_therapy_little_progress", "true")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.userReligious > 2.0} setModel("nec10_start_1", "You sometimes have trouble understanding what " + model.babyName + " is saying but just the other day, it was hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " colorful language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but you’re pretty clear it was some $#@ coming from the car seat. You’re sure " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t hear that from you.")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.r100 > 74 && model.userReligious < 2.01} setModel("nec10_start_1", "You sometimes have trouble understanding what " + model.babyName + " is saying but just the other day, it was hard to ignore " + model.baby_his_her + " colorful language from the backseat. Someone cut you off and you just sighed loudly, but you’re pretty clear it was some $#@ coming from the car seat. You hope " + model.baby_he_she + " didn’t learn that language from you.")

You %#$-Head

Learn More


Look Inside

What do we know about what how children learn language in early childhood? Review some of what we know about early speech and language development.

Baby Avatar will load here.



Question 1.16

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q11", "What's going on?")
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("track_EC_Q11_resp", "you've been saying bad words")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("track_EC_Q11_resp", "child heard bad words somewhere else")


Children model behavior, good and bad, all the time. According to social learning theory—and much hands-on experience—children learn through observing what’s around them. In this case, your child could have heard this word from a friend or a neighbor, maybe from the television, or even from you or your partner. Children repeat behavior they’ve observed. In language development, children are masters of fast mapping, which allows children to build vocabulary very quickly. In fast mapping, children are able to figure out the meaning of a word after just hearing it once. For example, they may figure out that an “olive” is that black object Grandma likes on pizza, even though no one has pointed to the olives and explained to the child what they are. The inclination to model behavior coupled with a rapidly growing vocabulary at this age can create a perfect storm if a “bad word” is introduced into the mix. Chances are the child knows saying the word generates attention, so it feels good to say it. So you may be hearing a lot of this swear word—or not! At 4 or 5, however, children know the difference between appropriate speech and inappropriate speech. They also know the difference between things that are appropriate for adults (like “daddy juice”) and things that are appropriate for children.



Sometimes Being a Parent Isn't Filled with Sunshine

{true} player.setChildAge( "5y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 5)

Sometimes Being a Parent Isn't Filled with Sunshine

Learn More


Look Inside

What’s going on as your child grows in independence? Is their developing body and brain making it difficult to follow directions? Review some of the basics about parenting in early childhood in this video.

Young boy with arms crossed, looking angry, talking to father
model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"
Two sisters in dresses, smiling and jumping together on a bed.
model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"

It had been a long day already. You just had your back turned for a minute when you heard the splash behind you. {model.babyName} had opened up the fridge and out came the half gallon of milk you’d just gotten at the store. {model.babyName} stared up at you. “Uh-oh,” {model.baby_he_she} said. You notice the glass on the floor next to the refrigerator, now sitting in a puddle of milk. You saw the tears well up in {model.baby_his_her} eyes and {model.baby_he_she} started crying.

model.r100 < 33

It had been a long day already. You’d offered to watch your sister’s toddler all afternoon and it hasn’t been easy. You had your back turned for a minute and {model.babyName} and your sister’s child are fighting over who gets to hold the toy. {model.babyName} hits the other toddler in the arm to get the toy away.

model.r100 > 32.9 && model.r100 < 66

It had been a long day and now you’re relived to see it is almost time for bed. But {model.babyName} doesn’t want to go without a fight. {model.baby_He_She_cap} refuses to change into {model.baby_his_her} pajamas and hurls {model.baby_his_her} tooth brush onto the floor.

model.r100 > 65.9

Question 1.17

{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 2.0)
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("authoritarian", model.authoritarian + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("authoritarian", model.authoritarian + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("authoritative", model.authoritative + 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("parenting_score", model.parenting_score - 1.0)
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("permissive", model.permissive + 1.0)
{true} setModel("track_EC_Q12", "Tantrum. What do you do?")
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "time-out")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "spanking")
{qqMC1 == 2} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "yell and scream")
{qqMC1 == 3} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "start talking")
{qqMC1 == 4} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "pull out sticker chart")
{qqMC1 == 5} setModel("track_EC_Q12_resp", "give ice cream")


What’s happening here? Young kids are naturally still a bit impulsive and aren’t good at following adult direction much of the time. Their brains are still developing the executive function and self-control it takes to consistently block impulses like hitting or pulling out the milk when they’re really thirsty or throwing something across the room. Just because your preschooler can’t do the right thing all the time doesn’t mean that they are going to be disobedient and aggressive later in life. (Although some kids are more aggressive at age 4 and may not have as much empathy as other children, which may be a worrisome sign for their development.) But parents can have a lot of impact in guiding their children to behave better more of the time.

For the past fifty years or so, the most common way of analyzing parental behavior has followed the descriptions of Diana Baumrind and other researchers who’ve followed in her path, who developed a typology of parenting based parental warmth and expectations. These fall into four main categories (also summarized in this table below). Authoritative parenting is the ideal–combining high, but age-appropriate expectations, with high warmth. Less ideal parenting styles include permissive parenting—which is warm, but with low expectations for children and authoritarian parenting, with high expectations but relatively little warmth. Neglectful parenting, not originally coined by Baumrind but added by later researchers, is perhaps the worst possibility—where parents don’t seem attached to their children or able to set appropriate expectations for them.

Patterns of Parenting

Another way to examine parenting is to look at some of the personality characteristics of the parents. Parents bring their own personal style to parenting—so that, unsurprisingly, parents who are depressed or angry tend to be less sensitive and warm as parents. And parents who are extraverted, outgoing and agreeable tend to be better at communicating and have better relationships with their children.

As in everything else in development, context is also extremely important in parenting. No one parents in a vacuum. Everything from marital problems to economic stresses have an impact on parenting (and, unsurprisingly, more stress seems to lead to worse parenting). Culture also matters: What counts as “sensitive” or “warm” parenting may be different from sub-group to sub-group, so in one culture, it may be expected that parents hug and kiss their children a great deal, while in others, a morning handshake is warmth enough. Culture can also come into play when there are differences between cultures, as can happen when families emigrate from one country to another and are parenting in a style common to their culture of origin while being surrounded by new cultural expectations.

You’ll get a chance to try and change some of your scores on the parenting report card in later events. Right now, you’re about to get a chance to see how your parenting (and your child’s native skills) are going to show up on their Kindergarten readiness assessment.



Parenting Report Card

{true} player.setChildAge( "5y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 5)
{model.userMoodiness < 1.1} setModel("userMoodinessLMH", "Low")
{model.userMoodiness > 1 && model.userMoodiness < 3} setModel("userMoodinessLMH", "Moderate")
{model.userMoodiness > 2.9} setModel("userMoodinessLMH", "High")
{model.partnerMoodiness < 1.1} setModel("partnerMoodinessLMH", "Low")
{model.partnerMoodiness > 1 && model.partnerMoodiness < 3} setModel("partnerMoodinessLMH", "Moderate")
{model.partnerMoodiness > 2.9} setModel("partnerMoodinessLMH", "High")
{model.userOutgoing < 1.1} setModel("userOutgoingLMH", "Low")
{model.userOutgoing > 1 && model.userOutgoing < 3} setModel("userOutgoingLMH", "Moderate")
{model.userOutgoing > 2.9} setModel("userOutgoingLMH", "High")
{model.partnerOutgoing < 1.1} setModel("partnerOutgoingLMH", "Low")
{model.partnerOutgoing > 1 && model.partnerOutgoing < 3} setModel("partnerOutgoingLMH", "Moderate")
{model.partnerOutgoing > 2.9} setModel("partnerOutgoingLMH", "High")
{model.userAgreeableness < 1.1} setModel("userAgreeablenessLMH", "Low")
{model.userAgreeableness > 1 && model.userAgreeableness < 3} setModel("userAgreeablenessLMH", "Moderate")
{model.userAgreeableness > 2.9} setModel("userAgreeablenessLMH", "High")
{model.partnerAgreeableness < 1.1} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessLMH", "Low")
{model.partnerAgreeableness > 1 && model.partnerAgreeableness < 3} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessLMH", "Moderate")
{model.partnerAgreeableness > 2.9} setModel("partnerAgreeablenessLMH", "High")

Look Inside

What’s going on as your child grows in independence? Is their developing body and brain making it difficult to follow directions? Review some of the basics about parenting in early childhood in this video.

Parenting Report Card

Your Parenting Style

Table : Parenting Style
Parenting Style Score
Authoritarian {model.authoritarian}
Authoritative {model.authoritative}
Uninvolved/Neglectful {model.neglectful}
Permissive {model.permissive}

How did you do? Remember that authoritative parenting is usually judged to be the ideal form of parenting because it combines high, but age appropriate, expectations with sensitivity and warmth. Kids know what’s expected of them but feel like they have enough support to get the job done.

And remember, you may not be the only parent being graded on your parenting style. In real life—your child may have two or more parents (and probably other important adults, siblings, caretakers or relatives), whose styles may be similar or different and will undoubtedly have an important effect on your child's development.

Great job! Looks like your choices put you solidly in the authoritative range.

{true} setModel("parentingStyle", "authoritative")
model.authoritative > model.authoritarian && model.authoritative > model.permissive && model.authoritative > model.neglectful

Your answers on some of the discipline and attachment events earlier in this project may have led to a judgment that your parenting style was somewhat authoritarian—meaning that you have tough expectations but not a lot of sensitivity or warmth that goes along with it. Sometimes children with authoritarian parents end up with poorer social skills (maybe because of missing the warmth) than children who are raised in an authoritative style. Their school performance can also suffer.

{true} setModel("parentingStyle", "authoritarian")
model.authoritarian > model.authoritative && model.authoritarian > model.permissive && model.authoritarian > model.neglectful

You are the fun parent! Permissive parents tend to say “yes” all the time—buy their children ice cream every time they demand it—and don’t make a big deal out of children coming home with a bad report card. But their children seem to be less disciplined—probably because they didn’t have many limits at home. They seem to end up feeling good about themselves but not able to follow the rules when they need to.

{true} setModel("parentingStyle", "permissive")
model.permissive > model.authoritative && model.permissive > model.authoritarian && model.permissive > model.neglectful

Not good news! It looks like based on your responses on some of the discipline and attachment events earlier in this project that you’re not giving enough limits or attention to your little one. This isn’t a great situation. Try and make sure to repair this as you have choices about parenting going forward. Get more involved!

{true} setModel("parentingStyle", "neglectful")
model.neglectful > model.authoritative && model.neglectful > model.authoritarian && model.neglectful > model.permissive

Your Parenting Personality

Table : Parenting Personality
Your Moodiness: {model.userMoodinessLMH} Partner's Moodiness N/A
Your Extroversion: {model.userOutgoingLMH} Partner's Extroversion: N/A
Your Agreeableness: {model.userAgreeablenessLMH} Partner's Agreeableness: N/A
model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

Your Parenting Personality

Table : Parenting Personality
Your Moodiness: {model.userMoodinessLMH} Partner's Moodiness {model.partnerMoodinessLMH}
Your Extroversion: {model.userOutgoingLMH} Partner's Extroversion: {model.partnerOutgoingLMH}
Your Agreeableness: {model.userAgreeablenessLMH} Partner's Agreeableness: {model.partnerAgreeablenessLMH}
model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false"

Changing your personality can be challenging, but being aware of how your interactions can affect your parenting—and how your partner’s personality can do the same—can be helpful. And it is possible to change some of your personality habits. For challenging personality problems, psychotherapy can help. And for everyone, reducing the levels of stress in one’s life can help move people from feeling depressed or moody to being more even-tempered and happy.

model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false"

Changing your personality can be challenging, but being aware of how your interactions can affect your parenting can be helpful. And it is possible to change some of your personality habits. For challenging personality problems, psychotherapy can help. And for everyone, reducing the levels of stress in one’s life can help move people from feeling depressed or moody to being more even-tempered and happy.

model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"

Parents who are happier, more flexible and enjoy being with other people tend to have a less conflict-filled and easier time parenting. It seems easier for them to attach to their children—and to discipline them sensitively.

Your Parenting Knowledge: Low

model.parenting_score < -5

Your Parenting Knowledge: High

model.parenting_score > -5

Parents who know more about children tend to be more competent parents. If you don’t know that a 6-month-old isn’t crying when you’re on the phone just to manipulate you, you may be less than sensitive to his or her cries. And if you don’t know that a 3-year-old isn’t capable of impulse control, you might think it a good idea to put one in charge of protecting your mother’s birthday cake from the dog. Knowing about child development can help you have appropriate expectations for your kid—and be more sensitive as a parent. You have the benefit of taking this course—and exploring this program—so you already know a lot about child development. Doing some of the activities in the Learn More sections can help raise your parenting power, too.

The World Around Your Parenting

It is not always all about you. Sometimes it is about the world around you. Here are some of the things around you that may be affecting your parenting.

{model.stress > 3 || model.SEClass == "L" || (model.SEClass == "M" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"))} setModel("EC11a_stress", "High")
{model.stress < 3.01 && model.stress > 1.99} setModel("EC11a_stress", "Moderate")
{model.stress < 2.01} setModel("EC11a_stress", "Low")

Stress: High

model.EC11a_stress == "High"

Stress: Moderate

model.EC11a_stress == "Moderate"

Stress: Low

model.EC11a_stress == "Low"

You’re in a difficult position right now—lots of stress can be challenging. You are in the lowest income category, which leads to a lot of stress as you have to make difficult decisions about what bills to pay and how to accommodate the inevitable emergencies like broken transmissions and new winter coats. Remember if you have an option to go back and get more education—you may want to go for it. More education tends to lead to more financial success (and less stress) in the long run.

model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false") && model.stress > 3

You’re in a difficult position right now—lots of stress can be challenging. You are in the lowest income category, which leads to a lot of stress as you have to make difficult decisions about what bills to pay and how to accommodate the inevitable emergencies like broken transmissions and new winter coats. In addition, as a single parent, you have to juggle childcare on your own. Remember if you have an option to go back and get more education—you may want to go for it. More education tends to lead to more financial success (and less stress) in the long run.

model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" && model.userSingleMale == "false") && model.stress > 3

You’re in a difficult position right now—lots of stress can be challenging. While you are in a higher income category, you have a lot of stress as a single parent trying to juggle childcare and bill paying all on your own. Remember if you have an option to go back and get more education—you may want to go for it. More education tends to lead to more financial success in the long run.

model.SEClass == "M" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true") && model.stress > 3

Like so many people, you’re juggling a lot of things right now. You’re in the enviable position of being in a higher income category—but research shows that having a higher income can actually lead to higher levels of stress. Higher incomes seem to lead to more needs—and sometimes even the highest incomes can’t afford everything. And the high income means that you can pay for a lot of activities for you and your child—which can make for a hectic and stressful life

(model.SEClass == "M" || model.SEClass == "U") && model.stress > 3 && model.userSingleFemale == "false" && model.userSingleMale == "false"

Like so many people, you’re juggling a lot of things right now. You’re in the enviable position of being in a higher income category—but research shows that having a higher income can actually lead to higher levels of stress. Higher incomes seem to lead to more needs—and sometimes even the highest incomes can’t afford everything. And the high income means that you can pay for a lot of activities for you and your child—which can make for a hectic and stressful life. In addition, as a single parent, you have to juggle childcare on your own.

(model.SEClass == "U" && (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "false")) && model.stress > 3

Things are not too bad. There are some challenges that worry you about the future, but life is moderately stable. Remember if you have an option to go back and get more education—you may want to go for it. More education tends to lead to more financial success in the long run.

model.stress < 3.01 && model.stress > 1.99

You’re in a pretty enviable position right now. You are in our medium income category but that actually means you are in the lowest area of economic stress. You definitely got lucky! Remember if you have an option to go back and get more education—you may want to go for it. More education tends to lead to more financial success in the long run.

model.stress < 2
{true} setModel("familyStress", 0)
{model.Relationship == "married"} setModel("familyStress", model.familyStress + 1)
{model.Mother_drinks == "false"} setModel("familyStress", model.familyStress + 1)
{model.stress < 3.01} setModel("familyStress", model.familyStress + 1)

Family Relationship Stress: High

model.familyStress < 0.01

Family Relationship Stress: Moderate

model.familyStress == 1

Family Relationship Stress: Low to Moderate

model.familyStress == 2

Family Relationship Stress: Low

model.familyStress == 3

We know that children seem to do better in families where there is less conflict and interpersonal stress. If parents are fighting or have serious problems between them, children don’t seem to thrive. The early years after having children seem to take a toll on committed relationships, but most couples are able to rebound. Single parents often find it difficult to date and recouple while children are young, but having a committed partner can make parenting easier. In general in the United States, legally committed relationships (now possible for same-sex couples as well as heterosexual couples), tend to have longer-lasting relationships than couples who are cohabiting without a wedding ring. Personality issues can also make for more stress in relationships. If one or both members of a couple is prone to depression or substance problems, that can create a challenging environment for kids.



Isn't My Kid Too Little for a Test?

{true} player.setChildAge( "5y" )
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 5)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 5)
{model.r5==0} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school", "Martin Luther King Elementary")
{model.r5==1} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school", "Sally Ride Elementary")
{model.r5==2} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school", "Caesar Chavez Elementary")
{model.r5==3} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school", "Sojourner Elementary")
{model.r5==4} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school", "Reagan Elementary")
{model.r5==0} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school_short", "Martin Luther King")
{model.r5==1} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school_short", "Sally Ride")
{model.r5==2} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school_short", "Caesar Chavez")
{model.r5==3} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school_short", "Sojourner")
{model.r5==4} setModel("nEC9_neighborhood_school_short", "Reagan")
{true} setModel("nEC9_gen_intelligence", "M")
{model.babyOverallSmarts == 5} setModel("nEC9_gen_intelligence", "H")
{model.babyOverallSmarts == 1} setModel("nEC9_gen_intelligence", "L")
{true} setModel("nEC9_elementary_school_quality", "good")
{model.r100 < 25 && model.SEClass == "M"} setModel("nEC9_elementary_school_quality", "bad")
{model.r100 < 50 && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("nEC9_elementary_school_quality", "bad")
{true} setModel("parent_high_educ", "false")
{model.SEClass != "L" || model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true"} setModel("parent_high_educ", "true")
{true} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", 0)
{model.IT16_late_talker=="true"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT16_late_talker=="true"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment < 0} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + 1)
{model.attachment < 0} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + .5)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + .5)
{model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.userStudent == "false" && model.partnerStudent == "false" && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userStudent == "false" && model.partnerStudent == "false" && model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT16_early_talker=="true"} setModel("nEC9_language_risk_factor", model.nEC9_language_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT16_early_talker=="true"} setModel("nEC9_language_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_language_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("language_rec", "")
{model.IT16_late_talker=="true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy" && model.nEC9_language_risk_factor > 4} setModel("nEC9_language_achieve", "At risk")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("language_rec", "As you already know, " + model.babyName + " is still struggling a bit with language skills. You’ll want to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets appropriate speech therapy services at school and continues to do a lot of enrichment—reading lots of books and talking and talking and talking.")
{model.IT16_late_talker=="true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy" && model.nEC9_language_risk_factor > 3} setModel("nEC9_language_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("language_rec", "As you already know, " + model.babyName + " has struggled with a language delay but " + model.baby_he_she + " has improved over the past few years. You’ll want to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets appropriate speech therapy services at school and continues to do a lot of enrichment—reading lots of books and talking and talking and talking.")
{(model.IT16_early_talker=="true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "") || (model.nEC9_language_protect_factor_num > 3 && model.nEC9_language_risk_factor_num == 0)} setModel("nEC9_language_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Gifted" && model.IT16_early_talker == "true"} setModel("language_rec", "You’ve always expected that since " + model.babyName + " was such an early talker that " + model.baby_he_she+"’d keep up " + model.baby_his_her+ " strong verbal skills. Not all babies do—but " + model.babyName + " certainly still has exceptional speech skills. You’ll want to keep on challenging " + model.baby_him_her + "—keep up with the reading and the talking!")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Gifted" && model.IT16_early_talker != "true"} setModel("language_rec", "Wow! " + model.babyName + " seems to be at the upward end of the scale for language skills. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " seems to have an extra large vocabulary and lots of story-telling ability. Keep up the good work and keep challenging " + model.baby_him_her + "—keep up with the reading and the talking!")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == ""} setModel("nEC9_language_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Achieved" && model.IT16_late_talker == "true"} setModel("language_rec", "Thanks to all your intervention, " + model.babyName + " no longer tests as having any speech delay! " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " is in the normal range for language skills. Congratulations! You’ll want to keep on making sure that you keep up with the enrichment—reading lots of books and talking and talking and talking.")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Achieved" && model.IT16_late_talker != "true"} setModel("language_rec", model.babyName + " seems to be hitting all of " + model.baby_his_her + " milestones for speech and language development. Congratulations! You’ll want to make sure that you keep up with the enrichment—reading lots of books and lots of talking.")
{true} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", 0)
{model.stress > 5} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.stress > 5} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass =="L" || model.userLanguage != 1 || (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true")} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.SEClass =="L" || model.userLanguage != 1 || (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true")} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parenting_score < -1.99 || model.parentingStyle == "neglectful"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + .5)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.babyVerbalSkills == "L"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.babyVerbalSkills == "L"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad" || model.elementary_school_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad" || model.elementary_school_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("literacy_parental_enrichment", 0)
{model.increase_language == "read" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "read" && model.screen_time < 2.1} setModel("literacy_parental_enrichment", 3)
{model.literacy_parental_enrichment == 3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - 1)
{model.literacy_parental_enrichment == 3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{(model.increase_language == "read" || model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "read" || model.screen_time < 2.1) && model.literacy_parental_enrichment != 3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - .5)
{(model.increase_language == "read" || model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "read" || model.screen_time < 2.1) && model.literacy_parental_enrichment != 3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass == "M" || (model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true"))} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - .5)
{model.SEClass == "M" || (model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true"))} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass == "H"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - 1)
{model.SEClass == "H"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good" || model.elementary_school_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good" || model.elementary_school_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_literacy_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("SLD_literacy", "false")
{true} setModel("count_risks", 0)
{(model.user_smokes == "true" || model.partner_smokes == "true")} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_drinks == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_unhealthydiet == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.low_birth_weight == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.count_risks > 1 && model.r100 < 31 && model.babyVerbalSkillsScore == "L"} setModel("SLD_literacy", "true")
{true} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("literacy_rec", "")
{model.SLD_literacy == "true"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "At risk")
{true} setModel("prenatal_care_quality", "good")
{true} setModel("count_risks", 0)
{(model.user_smokes == "true" || model.partner_smokes == "true")} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_drinks == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_unhealthydiet == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.low_birth_weight == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.count_risks > 1} setModel("prenatal_care_quality", "bad")
{model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor > 4} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "At risk")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("literacy_rec", "The teachers are concerned that " + model.babyName + " hasn’t mastered some of the basics of early literacy. They aren’t expecting that " + model.baby_he_she + " know how to read, but they are concerned that " + model.baby_he_she + " should know more of " + model.baby_his_her + " ABCs and know some of the conventions of books and reading. You’ll want to work with the school to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets some intensive one-on-one intervention—and do some extra enrichment at home. ")
{model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor > 3} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("literacy_rec", model.babyName + " can sing the ABC song—but " + model.baby_he_she + " gets stuck a bit sometimes when you ask " + model.baby_him_her + " to match all the letters (remember that " + model.baby_he_she + " should know upper and lower case). But " + model.baby_he_she + " is going to get some extra intervention next year at school—and hopefully " + model.baby_he_she +"’ll be reading well by the end of first grade.")
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore == "H" && model.nEC9_gen_intelligence != "L" && model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num < 0.1} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("literacy_rec", "You already know " + model.babyName + " has good literacy skills because " + model.baby_he_she + " is already reading! Great work encouraging the reading!")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == ""} setModel("nEC9_literacy_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Achieved" && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("literacy_rec", model.babyName + " is right where " + model.baby_he_she + " should be for an entering kindergartener. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " knows all " + model.baby_his_her + " letters and knows that we read from left to right. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " is in great shape for kindergarten. Great work encouraging the reading.")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Achieved" && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("literacy_rec", model.babyName + " is right where " + model.baby_he_she+ " should be for an entering kindergartener. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " knows all " + model.baby_his_her + " letters and knows that we read from left to right. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " is in great shape for kindergarten. Great work encouraging the reading—and all that help in preschool.")
{true} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", 0)
{model.stress > 5} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.stress > 5} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass =="L" || model.userLanguage != 1 || (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true")} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.SEClass =="L" || model.userLanguage != 1 || (model.userSingleFemale == "true" || model.userSingleMale == "true")} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parenting_score < -1.99 || model.parentingStyle == "neglectful"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.babyMathSkills == "L"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.babyMathSkills == "L"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass == "M" || (model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true"))} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor - .5)
{model.SEClass == "M" || (model.SEClass == "L" && (model.userStudent == "true" || model.partnerStudent == "true"))} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.SEClass == "H"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor - 1)
{model.SEClass == "H"} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_math_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("nEC9_math_protect_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("math_rec", "")
{model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 4.49} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "At risk")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("math_rec", "The teachers are concerned that " + model.babyName + "hasn’t mastered some of the basics of math skills. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " doesn’t know all " + model.baby_his_her + " numbers or shapes. You’ll want to work with the school to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets some intensive one-on-one interventions—and do some extra enrichment at home.")
{(model.SEClass == "L" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 1.49) || (model.SEClass != "L" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 2.99)} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("math_rec", model.babyName + " knows some of " + model.baby_his_her + " numbers and shapes—but not anything in the double-digits. But " + model.baby_he_she + " is going to get some extra intervention next year at school—and hopefully " + model.baby_he_she +"’ll be caught up by the end of first grade.")
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence != "L" && model.babyMathSkillsScore == "H" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num < 0.01} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted" && model.attends_preschool == "false"} setModel("math_rec", model.babyName + " has good math skills because " + model.baby_he_she + " can already do some addition and subtraction in " + model.baby_his_her + " head! Great work encouraging the love of math.")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted" && model.attends_preschool == "true"} setModel("math_rec", model.babyName + " has good math skills because " + model.baby_he_she + " can already do some addition and subtraction in " + model.baby_his_her + " head! Great work encouraging the love of math—and all that help in preschool.")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == ""} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("math_rec", model.babyName + " is right where " + model.baby_he_she + " should be for an entering kindergartener. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " knows all " + model.baby_his_her + " numbers and shapes. Congratulations!")
{true} setModel("SLD_math", "false")
{true} setModel("count_risks", 0)
{(model.user_smokes == "true" || model.partner_smokes == "true")} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_drinks == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.Mother_unhealthydiet == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.low_birth_weight == "true"} setModel("count_risks", model.count_risks + 1)
{model.count_risks > 1 && model.r100 < 31 && model.babyMathSkillsScore == "L"} setModel("SLD_math", "true")
{model.SLD_math == "true"} setModel("nEC9_math_achieve", "At risk")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("math_rec", "The teachers are concerned that " + model.babyName + "hasn’t astered some of the basics of math skills. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " doesn’t know all " + model.baby_his_her + " numbers or shapes. You’ll want to work with the school to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets some intensive one-on-one interventions—and do some extra enrichment at home.")
{true} setModel("color_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", 0)
{model.stress > 3} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.stress > 3} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + .5)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("color_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("color_rec", "")
{model.color_risk_factor > 5} setModel("color_achieve", "At risk")
{model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("color_rec", "The teachers are concerned that " + model.babyName + " hasn’t learned all of " + model.baby_his_her + " colors yet. You’ll want to work with the school to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets some intensive one-on-one interventions—and do some extra enrichment at home. ")
{model.color_risk_factor > 3} setModel("color_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("color_rec", model.babyName + " knows some of " + model.baby_his_her + " colors.")
{model.color_achieve == ""} setModel("color_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("color_rec", model.babyName + " is right where " + model.baby_he_she + " should be for an entering kindergartener. " + model_baby_He_She_cap + " knows all " + model.baby_his_her + " colors! Congratulations! ")
{model.stress > 3} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.stress > 3} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + .5)
{model.birth_weight < 3.3} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.color_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("color_risk_factor_num", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor + 1)
{model.attachment > 0} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - .5)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("color_risk_factor", model.color_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good"} setModel("color_protect_factor_num", model.color_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("color_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("color_rec", "")
{model.color_risk_factor > 5} setModel("color_achieve", "At risk")
{model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("color_rec", "The teachers are concerned that " + model.babyName + " hasn’t learned all of " + model.baby_his_her + " colors yet. You’ll want to work with the school to make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " gets some intensive one-on-one interventions—and do some extra enrichment at home.")
{model.color_risk_factor > 3} setModel("color_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("color_rec", model.babyName + " knows some of " + model.baby_his_her + " colors.")
{model.color_achieve == ""} setModel("color_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("color_rec", model.babyName + " is right where " + model.baby_he_she + " should be for an entering kindergartener. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " knows all " + model.baby_his_her + " colors! Congratulations!")
{true} setModel("social_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("social_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("social_risk_factor_num", 0)
{model.parentingStyle == "permissive" && model.babyTemperament == "easy" && model.babyAgreeableness == 0} setModel("social_risk_factor_num", model.social_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "permissive" && model.babyTemperament == "easy" && model.babyAgreeableness == 0} setModel("nEC9_cooperation_issue", "true")
{(model.baby_boy_girl == "boy" && model.stress > 5 && model.babyCarefulness == 0) || (model.baby_boy_girl == "girl" && model.r100 < 25 && model.stress > 5 && model.babyCarefulness == 0)} setModel("social_risk_factor_num", model.social_risk_factor_num + 1)
{(model.baby_boy_girl == "boy" && model.stress > 5 && model.babyCarefulness == 0) || (model.baby_boy_girl == "girl" && model.r100 < 25 && model.stress > 5 && model.babyCarefulness == 0)} setModel("nEC9_attention_issue", "true")
{model.babyMoodiness == "true" || (model.r100 < 50 && model.nEC9_attention_issue == "true" && model.nEC9_cooperation_issue == "true")} setModel("social_risk_factor_num", model.social_risk_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("social_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("social_rec", "")
{model.social_risk_factor_num == 3} setModel("social_achieve", "At risk")
{model.social_risk_factor_num == 3} setModel("social_rec", "During the screening, the teachers were a bit concerned that " + model.babyName + " had some troubles following directions and keeping on task. They’ll want to work with you to make sure that " + model.baby_he_she + " develops some of the attention and cooperation skills that " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll need to work with others in kindergarten. ")
{(model.social_risk_factor_num == 1 || model.social_risk_factor_num == 2)} setModel("social_achieve", "Emergent")
{(model.social_risk_factor_num == 1 || model.social_risk_factor_num == 2) && model.cd11_cooperation_issue == "true"} setModel("social_rec", "During the screening, the teachers were a bit concerned that " + model.babyName + " was having trouble following directions. They’ll want to work with you to make sure that " + model.baby_he_she + " develops some of the attention and cooperation skills that " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll need to work with others in kindergarten.")
{(model.social_risk_factor_num == 1 || model.social_risk_factor_num == 2) && model.cd11_cooperation_issue == "true"} setModel("social_rec", "During the screening, the teachers were a bit concerned that " + model.babyName + " was having trouble keeping on task. They’ll want to work with you to make sure that " + model.baby_he_she + " develops some of the attention and cooperation skills that " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll need to work with others in kindergarten.")
{(model.social_risk_factor_num == 1 || model.social_risk_factor_num == 2) && model.cd11_cooperation_issue == "true"} setModel("social_rec", "During the screening, the teachers were a bit concerned that " + model.babyName + " was having trouble by getting too upset during the screening. They’ll want to work with you to make sure that " + model.baby_he_she + " develops some of the attention and cooperation skills that " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll need to work with others in kindergarten.")
{(model.social_risk_factor_num == 0)} setModel("social_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.social_risk_factor_num == 0} setModel("social_rec", "During the screening, the teachers were sure that " + model.babyName + " was ready for the social tasks of kindergarten—ready to be cooperative and enjoy being in school.")
{true} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", "")
{true} setModel("at_risk1", "")
{true} setModel("at_risk2", "")
{true} setModel("at_risk3", "")
{true} setModel("at_risk4", "")
{true} setModel("at_risk5", "")
{model.at_risk1 == "" && model.nEC9_language_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk1", "language")
{model.at_risk1 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk1", "literacy")
{model.at_risk1 != "literacy" && model.at_risk2 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk2", "literacy")
{model.at_risk1 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk1", "math")
{model.at_risk1 != "math" && model.at_risk2 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk2", "math")
{model.at_risk1 != "math" && model.at_risk2 != "math" && model.at_risk3 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk3", "math")
{model.at_risk1 == "" && model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk1", "color")
{model.at_risk1 != "color" && model.at_risk2 == "" && model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk2", "color")
{model.at_risk1 != "color" && model.at_risk2 != "color" && model.at_risk3 == "" && model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk3", "color")
{model.at_risk1 != "color" && model.at_risk2 != "color" && model.at_risk3 != "color" && model.at_risk4 == "" && model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk4", "color")
{model.at_risk1 == "" && model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk1", "social and behavior")
{model.at_risk1 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk2 == "" && model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk2", "social and behavior")
{model.at_risk1 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk2 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk3 == "" && model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk3", "social and behavior")
{model.at_risk1 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk2 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk3 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk4 == "" && model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk4", "social and behavior")
{model.at_risk1 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk2 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk3 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk4 != "social and behavior" && model.at_risk5 == "" && model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("at_risk5", "social and behavior")
{true} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", 0)
{model.at_risk1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", model.nEC9_at_risk_count + 1)
{model.at_risk2 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", model.nEC9_at_risk_count + 1)
{model.at_risk3 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", model.nEC9_at_risk_count + 1)
{model.at_risk4 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", model.nEC9_at_risk_count + 1)
{model.at_risk5 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_count", model.nEC9_at_risk_count + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", "")
{model.at_risk1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.at_risk1)
{model.at_risk2 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.at_risk2)
{model.at_risk2 != "" && model.at_risk3 == "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 2} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + " and " + model.at_risk2)
{model.at_risk2 != "" && model.at_risk3 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 2} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ", " + model.at_risk2)
{model.at_risk3 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.at_risk3)
{model.at_risk3 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 3 } setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + " and " + model.at_risk3)
{model.at_risk3 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 3 } setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ", " + model.at_risk3)
{model.at_risk4 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.at_risk4)
{model.at_risk4 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 4 } setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + " and " + model.at_risk4)
{model.at_risk4 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 4 } setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ", " + model.at_risk4)
{model.at_risk5 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.at_risk5)
{model.at_risk5 != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_list != "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 5 } setModel("nEC9_at_risk_list", model.nEC9_at_risk_list + " and " + model.at_risk5)
{true} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", "")
{true} setModel("emergent1", "")
{true} setModel("emergent2", "")
{true} setModel("emergent3", "")
{true} setModel("emergent4", "")
{true} setModel("emergent5", "")
{model.emergent1 == "" && model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent1", "language")
{model.emergent1 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent1", "literacy")
{model.emergent1 != "literacy" && model.emergent2 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent2", "literacy")
{model.emergent1 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent1", "math")
{model.emergent1 != "math" && model.emergent2 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent2", "math")
{model.emergent1 != "math" && model.emergent2 != "math" && model.emergent3 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent3", "math")
{model.emergent1 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent1", "color")
{model.emergent1 != "color" && model.emergent2 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent2", "color")
{model.emergent1 != "color" && model.emergent2 != "color" && model.emergent3 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent3", "color")
{model.emergent1 != "color" && model.emergent2 != "color" && model.emergent3 != "color" && model.emergent4 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent4", "color")
{model.emergent1 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent1", "social and behavior")
{model.emergent1 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent2 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent2", "social and behavior")
{model.emergent1 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent2 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent3 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent3", "social and behavior")
{model.emergent1 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent2 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent3 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent4 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent4", "social and behavior")
{model.emergent1 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent2 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent3 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent4 != "social and behavior" && model.emergent5 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("emergent5", "social and behavior")
{true} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", 0)
{model.emergent1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", model.nEC9_emergent_count + 1)
{model.emergent2 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", model.nEC9_emergent_count + 1)
{model.emergent3 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", model.nEC9_emergent_count + 1)
{model.emergent4 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", model.nEC9_emergent_count + 1)
{model.emergent5 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_count", model.nEC9_emergent_count + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", "")
{model.emergent1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.emergent1)
{model.emergent2 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.emergent2)
{model.emergent2 != "" && model.emergent3 == "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 2} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + " and " + model.emergent2)
{model.emergent2 != "" && model.emergent3 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count > 2} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + ", " + model.emergent2)
{model.emergent3 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.emergent3)
{model.emergent3 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 3 } setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + " and " + model.emergent3)
{model.emergent3 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count > 3 } setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + ", " + model.emergent3)
{model.emergent4 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.emergent4)
{model.emergent4 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 4 } setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + " and " + model.emergent4)
{model.emergent4 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count > 4 } setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + ", " + model.emergent4)
{model.emergent5 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.emergent5)
{model.emergent5 != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_list != "" && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 5 } setModel("nEC9_emergent_list", model.nEC9_emergent_list + " and " + model.emergent5)
{true} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", "")
{true} setModel("achieved1", "")
{true} setModel("achieved2", "")
{true} setModel("achieved3", "")
{true} setModel("achieved4", "")
{true} setModel("achieved5", "")
{model.achieved1 == "" && model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved1", "language")
{model.achieved1 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved1", "literacy")
{model.achieved1 != "literacy" && model.achieved2 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("achieved2", "literacy")
{model.achieved1 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved1", "math")
{model.achieved1 != "math" && model.achieved2 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved2", "math")
{model.achieved1 != "math" && model.achieved2 != "math" && model.achieved3 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved3", "math")
{model.achieved1 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved1", "color")
{model.achieved1 != "color" && model.achieved2 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved2", "color")
{model.achieved1 != "color" && model.achieved2 != "color" && model.achieved3 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved3", "color")
{model.achieved1 != "color" && model.achieved2 != "color" && model.achieved3 != "color" && model.achieved4 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved4", "color")
{model.achieved1 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved1", "social and behavior")
{model.achieved1 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved2 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved2", "social and behavior")
{model.achieved1 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved2 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved3 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved3", "social and behavior")
{model.achieved1 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved2 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved3 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved4 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved4", "social and behavior")
{model.achieved1 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved2 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved3 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved4 != "social and behavior" && model.achieved5 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("achieved5", "social and behavior")
{true} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", 0)
{model.achieved1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", model.nEC9_achieved_count + 1)
{model.achieved2 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", model.nEC9_achieved_count + 1)
{model.achieved3 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", model.nEC9_achieved_count + 1)
{model.achieved4 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", model.nEC9_achieved_count + 1)
{model.achieved5 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_count", model.nEC9_achieved_count + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", "")
{model.achieved1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.achieved1)
{model.achieved2 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.achieved2)
{model.achieved2 != "" && model.achieved3 == "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count == 2} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + " and " + model.achieved2)
{model.achieved2 != "" && model.achieved3 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count > 2} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + ", " + model.achieved2)
{model.achieved3 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.achieved3)
{model.achieved3 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count == 3 } setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + " and " + model.achieved3)
{model.achieved3 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count > 3 } setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + ", " + model.achieved3)
{model.achieved4 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.achieved4)
{model.achieved4 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count == 4 } setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + " and " + model.achieved4)
{model.achieved4 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count > 4 } setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + ", " + model.achieved4)
{model.achieved5 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.achieved5)
{model.achieved5 != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_list != "" && model.nEC9_achieved_count == 5 } setModel("nEC9_achieved_list", model.nEC9_achieved_list + " and " + model.achieved5)
{true} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", "")
{true} setModel("gifted1", "")
{true} setModel("gifted2", "")
{true} setModel("gifted3", "")
{true} setModel("gifted4", "")
{true} setModel("gifted5", "")
{model.gifted1 == "" && model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted1", "language")
{model.gifted1 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted1", "literacy")
{model.gifted1 != "literacy" && model.gifted2 == "" && model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted2", "literacy")
{model.gifted1 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted1", "math")
{model.gifted1 != "math" && model.gifted2 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted2", "math")
{model.gifted1 != "math" && model.gifted2 != "math" && model.gifted3 == "" && model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted3", "math")
{model.gifted1 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted1", "color")
{model.gifted1 != "color" && model.gifted2 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted2", "color")
{model.gifted1 != "color" && model.gifted2 != "color" && model.gifted3 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted3", "color")
{model.gifted1 != "color" && model.gifted2 != "color" && model.gifted3 != "color" && model.gifted4 == "" && model.color_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted4", "color")
{model.gifted1 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted1", "social and behavior")
{model.gifted1 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted2 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted2", "social and behavior")
{model.gifted1 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted2 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted3 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted3", "social and behavior")
{model.gifted1 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted2 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted3 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted4 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted4", "social and behavior")
{model.gifted1 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted2 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted3 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted4 != "social and behavior" && model.gifted5 == "" && model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("gifted5", "social and behavior")
{true} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", 0)
{model.gifted1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", model.nEC9_gifted_count + 1)
{model.gifted2 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", model.nEC9_gifted_count + 1)
{model.gifted3 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", model.nEC9_gifted_count + 1)
{model.gifted4 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", model.nEC9_gifted_count + 1)
{model.gifted5 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_count", model.nEC9_gifted_count + 1)
{true} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", "")
{model.gifted1 != ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.gifted1)
{model.gifted2 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.gifted2)
{model.gifted2 != "" && model.gifted3 == "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 2} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + " and " + model.gifted2)
{model.gifted2 != "" && model.gifted3 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 2} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + ", " + model.gifted2)
{model.gifted3 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.gifted3)
{model.gifted3 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 3 } setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + " and " + model.gifted3)
{model.gifted3 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 3 } setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + ", " + model.gifted3)
{model.gifted4 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.gifted4)
{model.gifted4 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 4 } setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + " and " + model.gifted4)
{model.gifted4 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 4 } setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + ", " + model.gifted4)
{model.gifted5 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list == ""} setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.gifted5)
{model.gifted5 != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_list != "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 5 } setModel("nEC9_gifted_list", model.nEC9_gifted_list + " and " + model.gifted5)
{true} setModel("nEC9_class_placement", "typical")
{true} setModel("at_risk_sentence", "")
{model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 3} setModel("at_risk_sentence", "some intensive intervention and enrichment over the summer. It is recommended that " + model.babyName + " be offered extra instruction over the summer and be placed in a classroom which will be able to offer " + model.baby_him_her + " some additional assistance over the next school year. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " particularly had trouble with " + model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ".")
{model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 3} setModel("nEC9_class_placement", "intervention")
{model.nEC9_achieved_count == 0 && (model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 2 || model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 3)} setModel("at_risk_sentence", "some extra instruction in a typical classroom next year which will be able to offer " + model.baby_him_her + " some additional assistance over the next school year. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " particularly had trouble with " + model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ".")
{model.nEC9_achieved_count == 0 && (model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 2 || model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 3)} setModel("nEC9_class_placement", "assistance")
{(model.nEC9_gifted_count == 1 || model.nEC9_gifted_count == 2) && model.nEC9_emergent_count < 2} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year—but you should consider finding some opportunities for extra enrichment for " + model.baby_him_her + ". " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " did very well in the assessment—particularly in " + model.nEC9_gifted_list + ".")
{model.nEC9_gifted_count > 1 && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 0 && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom but the school will also be working on finding some opportunities for finding additional enrichment for " + model.baby_him_her + ". " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " did exceptionally well in the assessment—and scored highly in " + model.nEC9_gifted_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 0 && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year. While " + model.baby_he_she + " had a bit of trouble with " + model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ", " + model.baby_he_she + " also did well in " + model.nEC9_gifted_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count > 0 && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " had a bit of trouble with " + model.nEC9_at_risk_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 0 && model.nEC9_emergent_count > 0 && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year. While " + model.baby_he_she + " had a bit of trouble with " + model.nEC9_emergent_list + ", " + model.baby_he_she + " also did well in " + model.nEC9_gifted_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == "" && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 0 && model.nEC9_emergent_count > 0 && model.nEC9_gifted_count == 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " had a bit of trouble with " + model.nEC9_emergent_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == "" && model.nEC9_gifted_count > 0 && model.nEC9_at_risk_count == 0 && model.nEC9_emergent_count == 0} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " did well in " + model.nEC9_gifted_list + ".")
{model.at_risk_sentence == ""} setModel("at_risk_sentence", " be placed in a typical classroom next year.")
{model.nEC9_class_placement == "typical"} setModel("q1_optionB", "")
{model.nEC9_class_placement != "typical"} setModel("q1_optionB", " and placed in a typical classroom environment")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Achieved" || model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("nEC9_language_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("nEC9_language_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.nEC9_language_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("nEC9_language_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Achieved" || model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Achieved" || model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("nEC9_math_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("nEC9_math_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.nEC9_math_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("nEC9_math_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.color_achieve == "Achieved" || model.color_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("nEC9_color_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.color_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("nEC9_color_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.color_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("nEC9_color_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.social_achieve == "Achieved" || model.social_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("nEC9_social_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.social_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("nEC9_social_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("nEC9_social_color", "it17_report_red")

Learn More


Isn't My Kid Too Little for a Test?

Female teacher sitting at a table with small children, playing a counting game

It is amazing to think that {model.babyName} will be starting school on {model.baby_his_her} own for the first time.

model.attends_preschool == "false" && model.day_care == "false"

Even though {model.babyName} has been in daycare, it is amazing to think that {model.baby_he_she} will be in real school in the fall.

model.day_care == "true" && model.attends_preschool == "false"

Even though {model.babyName} has been in preschool, it is amazing to think that {model.baby_he_she} will be in real school in the fall.

model.attends_preschool == "true"

You’re lucky that your local neighborhood school—{model.nEC9_neighborhood_school}—happens to have an excellent reputation for kindergarten.

The school has recommended that all children who are planning to enter kindergarten come in for a quick screening. This pre-kindergarten screening has become commonplace in many schools, as they try and prepare for students who may be at different preparation levels and may need extra support (or extra enrichment) once they enter school.

You can look at the full report card from this screening in your Memory Book. Based on this report, {model.nEC9_neighborhood_school} has recommended that {model.babyName} {model.at_risk_sentence}

Question 1.18

{true} setModel("track_EC_Q14", "Follow school rec or re-assessed?")
{qqMC1 == 0} setModel("track_EC_Q14_resp", "school recommendation")
{qqMC1 == 1} setModel("track_EC_Q14_resp", "re-assessed")
model.nEC9_class_placement != "typical"

Look Inside

A 5-year-old child is growing a bit more slowly compared to the early preschool years. But with larger and more active bodies, they clearly need more calories—between 1200 and 1800 a day—depending on their size and activity level. Boys are generally more active and, hence, will need more calories, on average.

The brain continues to grow but at a slower place at the end of early childhood. At age five, the brain has attained about 90% of its adult weight.

Most 5-year-old children hop and skip well, show good balance, and can easily learn to skate or ride a scooter. Gross motor skills, which require whole-body strength and coordination, are greatly improved with practice.

Most 5-year-old children can dress themselves without help, print simple letters, and learn to tie their shoes. Their fine motor skills of the hand and fingers have improved from years of practice in everyday tasks.



Pre-Kindergarten Assessment


Pre-Kindergarten Assessment

Table : Pre-Kindergarten Assessment
Area of Development Level of Achievement Recommendations How does this compare?
Language {model.nEC9_language_achieve} {model.language_rec} In this assessment, your child was asked to name some pictures and tell a short story. At the time of this assessment, most children with language delays have caught up, but between 2 and 10 percent of children still have some language delays. Girls tend to score a bit higher in language assessments than boys do. Some children seem to have exceptional verbal skills, which seems to be a combination of enriched environment and maybe some genetic verbal ability.
Literacy Skills {model.nEC9_literacy_achieve} {model.literacy_rec} Most kids entering kindergarten have the very basics of learning to read. Most can identify their ABCs, and know that we read from left to right. And some four- and five-year-olds enter kindergarten already able to read. But some don’t have those skills.
Kindergarten Literacy Skills
Math Skills {model.nEC9_math_achieve} {model.math_rec} Most kids entering kindergarten can count to 10 and know their shapes. But a few need some extra help.

Kindergarten Math Skills
Colors {model.color_achieve} {model.color_rec}
Kindergarten Color Knowledge
Social and Behavioral Skills {model.social_achieve} {model.social_rec} Some kids enter kindergarten without all of the social and behavioral skills they need to succeed. While all kindergarteners have trouble with attention and being cooperative some of the time, some children face big challenges in this area.

Kindergarten Behavior Difficulties



The End of Early Childhood

{true} player.setChildAge( "6y" )
{true} setModel("EC_final_age", model.childData.age.years)
{true} setModel("EC_final_weight", model.childData.weight.lbs)
{true} setModel("EC_final_height",
{true} setModel("partnerAgeValueUpdated", model.partnerAgeValue + 6)
{true} setModel("userAgeValueUpdated", model.userAgeValue + 6)
{true} setModel("teacherSex_gr1", "male")
{model.r100 < 90} setModel("teacherSex_gr1", "female")
{true} setModel("teacherPrefix_gr1", "Mr.")
{model.r100 < 60 && model.teacherSex_gr1 == "female"} setModel("teacherPrefix_gr1", "Mrs.")
{model.r100 > 59 && model.teacherSex_gr1 == "female"} setModel("teacherPrefix_gr1", "Ms.")
{true} setModel("teacher_gr1_he_she", "he")
{model.teacherSex_gr1 == "female"} setModel("teacher_gr1_he_she", "she")
{model.r4 == 0} setModel("teacherName_gr1", model.teacherPrefix_gr1 + " Garcia")
{model.r4 == 1} setModel("teacherName_gr1", model.teacherPrefix_gr1 + " Wilson")
{model.r4 == 2} setModel("teacherName_gr1", model.teacherPrefix_gr1 + " Anderson")
{model.r4 == 3} setModel("teacherName_gr1", model.teacherPrefix_gr1 + " Harris")
{model.r4 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Sophia")
{model.r4 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Mia")
{model.r4 == 2 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Jada")
{model.r4 == 3 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Leah")
{model.r4 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Joseph")
{model.r4 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Justin")
{model.r4 == 2 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Elijah")
{model.r4 == 3 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend1Name_gr1", "Eric")
{true} setModel("r4", Math.floor(Math.random()*4))
{model.r4 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Emily")
{model.r4 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Ashley")
{model.r4 == 2 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Arian")
{model.r4 == 3 && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Emma")
{model.r4 == 0 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Michael")
{model.r4 == 1 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Alexander")
{model.r4 == 2 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Aiden")
{model.r4 == 3 && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("friend2Name_gr1", "Jason")
{model.immunization_achievement == "Achieved"} setModel("immunization_gr1_rec", "Great work!")
{model.immunization_achievement != "Achieved"} setModel("immunization_gr1_rec", "Being fully immunized is a great choice for your child’s health—if your child isn’t fully immunized " + model.baby_he_she + " can catch up at " + model.baby_his_her + " next office visit.")
{true} setModel("childBMI", model.childData.bmi)
{true} setModel("childBMILevel", "Appropriate weight")
{model.childData.bmipercentile < 15} setModel("childBMILevel", "Underweight")
{model.childData.bmipercentile > 84} setModel("childBMILevel", "Overweight")
{model.childData.bmipercentile > 94} setModel("childBMILevel", "Obese")
{true} setModel("EC12_weight_gr1_achieve", model.childBMILevel)
{true} setModel("weight_gr1_rec", "Your child’s weight looks healthy.")
{model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve != "Appropriate weight"} setModel("weight_gr1_rec", "The next few years can be a great time to maintain or improve health habits and choices. In the United States, very few children are malnourished but between 15 and 20 percent of kids are overweight or obese which can take a toll on health, social and motor development as children grow up.")
{true} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", 0)
{model.childBMILevel == "Obese" || model.childBMILevel == "Overweight"} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", model.skipping_gr1_risk - 1.5)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", model.skipping_gr1_risk - 1)
{model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad"} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", model.skipping_gr1_risk - 1)
{model.babyPhysicalSkills > 2.49} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", model.skipping_gr1_risk + 1)
{model.activity_level_score > 4} setModel("skipping_gr1_risk", model.skipping_gr1_risk + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.skipping_gr1_risk > 0} setModel("EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("skipping_gr1_rec", "Good work! More than 60 percent of children are able to skip by the time they are 6. Children who don’t have enough opportunity to practice may be delayed in their gross motor skills—and they may have some social challenges since so much of young children’s social interaction involves active play.")
{model.skipping_gr1_risk < 0} setModel("EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("skipping_gr1_rec", "Your child wasn’t quite able to skip more than 8 times—but " + model.baby_he_she + " got the idea. Maybe " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll get it the next time. More than 60 percent of children are able to skip by the time they are 6. Children who don’t have enough opportunity to practice may be delayed in their gross motor skills—and they may have some social challenges since so much of young children’s social interaction involves active play.")
{model.skipping_gr1_risk < -2} setModel("EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve", "Not yet")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Not yet"} setModel("skipping_gr1_rec", "Your child didn’t quite understand skipping. Maybe " + model.baby_he_she + "’ll get it the next time. More than 60 percent of children are able to skip by the time they are 6. Children who don’t have enough opportunity to practice may be delayed in their gross motor skills—and they may have some social challenges since so much of young children’s social interaction involves active play.")
{true} setModel("catch_gr1", 0)
{true} setModel("catch_gr1_risk", 0)
{model.babyPhysicalSkills > 2.49} setModel("catch_gr1_risk", model.catch_gr1_risk + 1)
{model.activity_level_score > 4} setModel("catch_gr1_risk", model.catch_gr1_risk + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_catch_gr1_achieve", "")
{model.catch_gr1_risk < 2} setModel("EC12_catch_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.catch_gr1_risk == 2} setModel("EC12_catch_gr1_achieve", "Gifted")
{true} setModel("catch_gr1_rec", "Great work! Most kids can catch a ball—with one hand or two—almost every time by the time they are done with kindergarten. Some children who are exposed to a lot of soccer and ball games can already hit a ball with a bat or drive home a goal by the time they are 6.")
{true} setModel("writing_gr1", 0)
{true} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", 0)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk - 1)
{model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "Emergent" || model.nEC9_literacy_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk - 1)
{model.neglectful > 4} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk - 1)
{model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk + 1)
{model.authoritarian > 3 && model.increase_language == "read"} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk + 1)
{true} setModel("babynamelength", determine_stringlength())
{model.babynamelength > 8} setModel("writing_gr1_risk", model.writing_gr1_risk + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_writing_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.writing_gr1_risk > 1} setModel("EC12_writing_gr1_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("writing_gr1_rec", "Your child has mastered all of " + model.baby_his_her + " letters—upper case and lower! Many schools now expect that most first graders will be able to write both upper and lower case letters on their own. Research seems to demonstrate that kids who can write their letters end up being able to write more easily than kids who struggle learning to write. In reality, most kids can’t write all their letters at the end of kindergarten. Most can only write about half of the lower case letters (and they do better on their own name—so kids with longer names may be at an advantage!). And can only write about 20 of the upper case letters.")
{model.writing_gr1_risk == 0 || model.writing_gr1_risk == 1} setModel("EC12_writing_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{true} setModel("wrote_upper_Achieve", model.r5 + 20)
{true} setModel("wrote_lower_Achieve", model.r3 + 13)
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("writing_gr1_rec", "Your child is doing just fine writing " + model.baby_his_her + " letters. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " wrote " + model.wrote_upper_Achieve + " upper-case letters and " + model.wrote_lower_Achieve + " lower-case letters. Many schools now expect that most first graders will be able to write both upper and lower case letters on their own. Research seems to demonstrate that kids who can write their letters end up being able to write more easily than kids who struggle learning to write. In reality, most kids can’t write all their letters at the end of kindergarten. Most can only write about half of the lower case letters (and they do better on their own name—so kids with longer names may be at an advantage!). And can only write about 20 of the upper case letters.")
{true} setModel("wrote_upper_Emergent", model.r4 + 14)
{true} setModel("wrote_lower_Emergent", model.r6 + 4)
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("writing_gr1_rec", "Your child is still learning " + model.baby_his_her + " letters. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " wrote " + model.wrote_upper_Emergent + " upper-case letters and " + model.wrote_lower_Emergent + " lower-case letters. Many schools now expect that most first graders will be able to write both upper and lower case letters on their own. Research seems to demonstrate that kids who can write their letters end up being able to write more easily than kids who struggle learning to write. In reality, most kids can’t write all their letters at the end of kindergarten. Most can only write about half of the lower case letters (and they do better on their own name—so kids with longer names may be at an advantage!). And can only write about 20 of the upper case letters.")
{true} setModel("language_gr1_emergent_end", "")
{true} setModel("language_gr1_rec", "")
{true} setModel("EC12_language_gr1_achieve", "")
{model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.enrichment == 0 && model.babyVerbalSkills == 1} setModel("EC12_language_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.IT16_late_talker == "true" && model.babyVerbalSkills == 1} setModel("language_gr1_emergent_end", "While " + model.baby_he_she + " has caught up a great deal in terms of " + model.baby_his_her + " articulation, " + model.baby_he_she + " is still lagging behind in terms of the size of " + model.baby_his_her + " vocabulary and the sophistication of " + model.baby_his_her + " language.")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("language_gr1_rec", "You are probably not surprised that " + model.babyName + " is still a little behind in " + model.baby_his_her + " language development. " + model.language_gr1_emergent_end + " You’ll want to see if you can do some extra enrichment—more reading aloud, more talking—to help " + model.baby_him_her + " catch up.")
{model.babyCarefulness == 5 && model.enrichment != 0 && model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good" && (model.stress < 3 || model.babyVerbalSkills == 5)} setModel("EC12_language_gr1_achieve", "Gifted")
{true} setModel("num_words", "6000")
{model.babyVerbalSkills == 5} setModel("num_words", "7000")
{model.babyVerbalSkills == 1} setModel("num_words", "4000")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("language_gr1_rec", "Wow! " + model.babyName + " is quite a talker. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + "’s got a huge vocabulary—" + model.baby_he_she + " knows the difference between a camel and a dromedary. It is estimated that " + model.baby_his_her + " vocabulary is unusually large at around " + model.num_words + " words.")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == ""} setModel("EC12_language_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Achieved" && model.nec10_speech_delay == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev == "speech_therapy"} setModel("language_gr1_rec", "You must be relieved that " + model.babyName + " is now talking up a storm and no one would ever guess that " + model.baby_he_she + " was such a late talker. All that intervention really helped! ")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Achieved" && model.nec10_speech_delay == "true" && model.IT16_support_lang_dev != "speech_therapy"} setModel("language_gr1_rec", "You must be relieved that " + model.babyName + " is now talking up a storm and no one would ever guess that " + model.baby_he_she + " was such a late talker. ")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("language_gr1_rec", model.language_gr1_rec + "Your child has a vocabulary of about " + model.num_words + " words and is understandable just about all the time. " + model.baby_His_Her_cap + " grammar is now pretty sophisticated—" + model.baby_he_she + " can use possessives (‘s) and pronouns.")
{true} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "")
{model.increase_language == "read"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor - 2)
{model.SEClass == "L" && model.userStudent == "false" && model.partnerStudent == "false"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.EC12_internalizing == "true" || model.EC12_externalizing == "true"} setModel("nEC9_literacy_risk_factor", model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor + 1)
{model.babyVerbalSkillsScore == "H" && model.nEC9_gen_intelligence != "L" && model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor_num < 0.1} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("reading_gr1_rec", "Wow! You know " + model.babyName + " is doing a great job since " + model.baby_he_she + " can already read and likes to read simple books.")
{model.literacy_gr1_risk_factor > 3} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.literacy_gr1_risk_factor > 3} setModel("EC12_literacy_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.literacy_gr1_risk_factor > 4 || model.SLD_literacy == "true"} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "At risk")
{model.nEC9_literacy_risk_factor > 3} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("reading_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " needs some help to keep up with the expectations of elementary school. While " + model.baby_he_she + " can recite " + model.baby_his_her + " ABCs, " + model.baby_he_she + " isn't reading enough simple words. You'll need to make sure that you do extra intervention at home and at school to help " + model.baby_him_her + " get on track.")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == ""} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("reading_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " is doing a great job in " + model.baby_his_her + " early reading skills.")
{true} setModel("math_gr1", 0)
{true} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", 0)
{true} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", 0)
{true} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", 0)
{model.SEClass =="L"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.SEClass =="L"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.userLanguage != 1 && model.userLanguage != 2} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.nEC9_math_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userLanguage != 1 && model.userLanguage != 2} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "false"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.userSingleFemale=="true" || model.userSingleMale == "true"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment == 0 && model.enrichment == 0} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.attachment == 0 && model.enrichment == 0} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "bad" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "bad"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math__gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor_num", model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num + 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.IT7_daycare_quality == "good" || model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "H"} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.attachment > 0 && model.enrichment > 0} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.attachment > 0 && model.enrichment > 0} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.parent_high_educ == "true"} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num + 1)
{model.userCarefulness == 5 || model.partnerCarefulness == 5} setModel("math_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.userCarefulness == 5 || model.partnerCarefulness == 5} setModel("math_gr1_protect_factor_num", model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "")
{true} setModel("math_gr1_rec", "")
{model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 4.49 || model.SLD_math == "true"} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "Emergent at risk")
{(model.SEClass == "L" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 1.49) || (model.SEClass != "L" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor > 2.99)} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{(model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk") && model.babyVerbalSkills == 5} setModel("math_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " can count all the way to 100. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", let you know that they expected even more from " + model.babyName + ". " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " isn’t doing well on skills like keeping track of what all those numbers mean (how many objects 22 really refers to) and telling time on an old-fashioned clock. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + "’ll need some extra help next year. ")
{(model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk") && model.babyVerbalSkills < 5} setModel("math_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " is not doing adding and subtracting yet, of course. But " + model.baby_he_she + " can identify all the numbers. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", let you know that they expected even more from " + model.babyName + ". " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " isn’t doing well on skills like keeping track of what all those numbers mean (how many objects 22 really refers to) and telling time on an old-fashioned clock. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + "’ll need some extra help next year.")
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence != "L" && model.babyMathSkillsScore == "H" && model.nEC9_math_risk_factor_num < 0.01} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "Gifted")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted" && model.babyOverallSmarts == 5 && model.math_gr1_protect_factor_num > 0 && model.math_gr1_risk_factor_num == 0} setModel("math_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " is doing really amazing in math! " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " can do subtraction and addition and " + model.baby_he_she + " even started doing some multiplication and division. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " will need some extra enrichment next year! Keep up the good work. ")
{model.math_gr1_rec == ""} setModel("math_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " is doing amazing in math! " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " is able to do some basic adding and subtracting—sometimes in " + model.baby_his_her + " head. And " + model.baby_he_she + " seems to really enjoy it. Keep up the good work!")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == ""} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("math_gr1_rec", model.babyName + " is doing quite well in math. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", reports that " + model.baby_he_she + " is keeping up with the other children—" + model.baby_he_she + " is able to count and keep track of what the numbers relate to, tell time on an old-fashioned clock and has a sense of " + model.baby_his_her + " shapes. Good work! ")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_tally", 0)
{model.babyMoodiness > 2.9} setModel("settle_gr1_tally", model.settle_gr1_tally + 1)
{model.neglectful > 1.9} setModel("settle_gr1_tally", model.settle_gr1_tally + 1)
{model.social_achieve == "At risk"} setModel("settle_gr1_tally", model.settle_gr1_tally + 1)
{true} setModel("EC12_externalizing", "false")
{true} setModel("EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt", 0)
{(model.user_smokes == "true" || model.partner_smokes == "true")} setModel("EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt", model.EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt + 1)
{model.Mother_drinks == "true"} setModel("EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt", model.EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt + 1)
{model.Mother_unhealthydiet == "true"} setModel("EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt", model.EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt + 1)
{model.babyMoodinessScore == "H" && model.parenting_score < 0 && model.EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt > 1 && model.babyOutgoingScore == "H" && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("EC12_internalizing", "true")
{model.babyMoodinessScore == "H" && model.parenting_score < -3 && model.EC12_externalizing_risks_cnt > 1 && model.babyOutgoingScore == "H" && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("EC12_internalizing", "true")
{true} setModel("EC12_internalizing", "false")
{model.babyMoodinessScore == "H" && model.parenting_score < -3 && model.stress > 3 && model.babyOutgoingScore == "L" && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("EC12_internalizing", "true")
{model.babyMoodinessScore == "H" && model.parenting_score < 0 && model.stress > 3 && model.babyOutgoingScore == "L" && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl"} setModel("EC12_internalizing", "true")
{model.settle_gr1_tally > 1.9} setModel("settle_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_rec", "")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_rec", "Frustrations are inevitable at home and at school for kindergarteners. Sometimes things just don’t go your way. You get woken up in the middle of the night by a thunderstorm and you’re getting a cold and someone won’t share the dump truck you like and your friend’s mother packed those cookies that they won’t share. How quickly children are able to recover from strong emotions and how they manage them—whether they are still having tantrums or are able to talk about their feelings—is an important part of their success in making friends and doing well in school. ")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("settle_gr1_rec", model.settle_gr1_rec + "Your kindergartner is still having a bit more trouble than " + model.baby_his_her + " peers controlling " + model.baby_his_her + " emotions. ")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_rec_addon", "")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.baby_boy_girl == "boy" && model.EC12_externalizing == "true"} setModel("settle_gr1_rec_addon", model.teacherName_gr1 + " reports that " + model.baby_he_she + " sometimes even hits other children in frustration. You may want to try to help your child develop better emotional regulation by encouraging " + model.baby_him_her + " to talk more about " + model.baby_his_her + " feelings, expressing warmth along with appropriate limits.")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.baby_boy_girl == "girl" && model.EC12_internalizing == "true"} setModel("settle_gr1_rec_addon", model.teacherName_gr1 + " reports that sometimes " + model.baby_he_she + " seems sad. You may want to try to help your child develop better emotional regulation by encouraging " + model.baby_him_her + " to talk more about " + model.baby_his_her + " feelings, expressing warmth along with appropriate limits.")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.settle_gr1_rec_addon == ""} setModel("settle_gr1_rec_addon", " Good work! Learning how to calm yourself is one of the important tasks of early childhood. Children who can settle themselves will be better able to handle the unusual and everyday stresses that life will hand them.")
{true} setModel("settle_gr1_rec", model.settle_gr1_rec + model.settle_gr1_rec_addon)
{true} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", 0)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.stress > 4} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.math_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.insecure_avoidant == "true" || model.insecure_ambivalent == "true"} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_risk_factor - 1)
{model.babyMoodiness == 5} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.babyPeopleSkills == 5} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.nEC9_gen_intelligence == "L"} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.parentingStyle == "authoritative"} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("friend_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{true} setModel("friend_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{true} setModel("friend_gr1_rec", "Nice work! Making friendships is an important task of kindergarten and your child seems to be in good shape. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + " reports that " + model.babyName + " has a number of close friendships especially " + model.friend1Name_gr1 + " and " + model.friend2Name_gr1 + ".")
{model.friend_gr1_risk_factor < -2} setModel("friend_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.friend_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.EC12_internalizing == "false"} setModel("friend_gr1_rec", "Being able to make friends is one of the most important jobs of childhood. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", reports that " + model.babyName + " is having some difficulty making friends.")
{model.friend_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.EC12_internalizing == "true"} setModel("friend_gr1_rec", "Being able to make friends is one of the most important jobs of childhood. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", reports that " + model.babyName + " is having some difficulty making friends. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + " is concerned that this may be because " + model.babyName + " is too quiet in class and not outgoing enough.")
{model.friend_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" && model.EC12_externalizing == "true"} setModel("friend_gr1_rec", "Being able to make friends is one of the most important jobs of childhood. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + ", reports that " + model.babyName + " is having some difficulty making friends. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + " is worried that this may be because " + model.baby_he_she + " is a bit too pushy. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + " suggests that maybe you help participate in a program to talk to " + model.baby_him_her + " about how to make friends, talk about " + model.baby_his_her + " feelings and share.")
{true} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", 0)
{model.SEClass == "L"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.stress > 4} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.baby_boy_girl == "boy"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_risk_factor - 1)
{model.screen_time > 1} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.babyCarefulness == 1} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.child_activity_level == "high"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor - 1)
{model.baby_secure == "true"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.friend_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.babyCarefulness == "H"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{model.IT7_preschool_quality == "good"} setModel("focus_gr1_risk_factor", model.focus_gr1_risk_factor + 1)
{true} setModel("focus_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{true} setModel("focus_gr1_rec_ending", "")
{true} setModel("ADHD", "false")
{true} setModel("focus_gr1_rec", "Great work. No child stays on task all the time. And school work is sometimes difficult or boring. But " + model.babyName + " seems to be doing very well. Keep working with your child to help " + model.baby_him_her + " stay on task. Make sure " + model.baby_he_she + " sometimes has to work on tough tasks. Remind " + model.baby_him_her + "—and give " + model.baby_him_her + " lots of positive reinforcement—when " + model.baby_he_she + " works hard on something that may be tough or boring. " + model.focus_gr1_rec_ending)
{model.focus_gr1_risk_factor < -2} setModel("focus_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.focus_gr1_risk_factor < -2} setModel("ADHD", "true")
{model.focus_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("focus_gr1_rec", "Many kids have trouble keeping on task in kindergarten. Keeping focused on one task (even one that might seem boring), is a challenge for children. But developing focus is a major asset for success in school. " + model.teacherName_gr1 + " reports that " + model.babyName + " has trouble staying focused and sometimes has trouble finishing projects. Maybe you can work with " + model.baby_his_her + " teacher to practice focusing on tasks. It might help to keep the environment less stimulating, give " + model.baby_him_her + " a lot of opportunity for active physical play, and be very consistent with your expectations—and let " + model.baby_him_her + " know that you care that " + model.baby_he_she + " is doing well in school. " + model.focus_gr1_rec_ending + ".")
{true} setModel("happy_gr1_risk", 0)
{true} setModel("happy_gr1_achieve", "Achieved")
{model.happy_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("happy_gr1_rec", "Every parent wants a child who is flourishing. Happy children tend to have an easier time in school and making friends. It looks like first grade should continue the good work of kindergarten.")
{model.happy_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("happy_gr1_rec", "Compared to the other kids in " + model.baby_his_her + " class, " + model.babyName + " seems to have some challenges. " + model.baby_He_She_cap + " just doesn’t seem as happy as other kids. Addressing this right away may make " + model.baby_him_her + " happier—and lead to more successes across " + model.baby_his_her + " life—it may help to reach out to your pediatrician or nurse practitioner for advice.")
{model.IT17_immunization_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_immunization_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.IT17_immunization_gr1_achieve == "Not yet"} setModel("EC12_immunization_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve == "Appropriate weight"} setModel("EC12_weight_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve == "Underweight" || model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve == "Overweight"} setModel("EC12_weight_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve == "Obese"} setModel("EC12_weight_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_skipping_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_skipping_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve == "Not yet"} setModel("EC12_skipping_color", "it17_report_red")
{model.EC12_catch_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_catch_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_catch_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_catch_color", "it17_report_blue")
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_writing_color", "it17_report_blue")
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_writing_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_writing_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_language_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_language_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_language_color", "it17_report_blue")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_reading_color", "it17_report_blue")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_reading_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("EC12_reading_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("reading_gr1_achieve_level", "Emergent at risk")
{model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("EC12_reading_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent" || model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("EC12_math_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve_level", "Emergent at risk")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Emergent at risk"} setModel("EC12_math_gr1_achieve", "Emergent")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_math_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve == "Gifted"} setModel("EC12_math_color", "it17_report_blue")
{model.friend_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_friend_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.friend_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_friend_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.focus_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_focus_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.focus_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_focus_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.happy_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_happy_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.happy_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_happy_color", "it17_report_green")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Emergent"} setModel("EC12_settle_color", "it17_report_yellow")
{model.settle_gr1_achieve == "Achieved"} setModel("EC12_settle_color", "it17_report_green")

The End of Early Childhood

Learn More


Look Inside

Review what we know about physical development n in early childhood in this video.

Baby Avatar will load here.

It seems like just a few days ago you were dropping {model.babyName} off at kindergarten for the first time and wiping your eyes a little on the way home. Hard to believe that little {model.babyName} is now about to go into first grade. {model.baby_He_She_cap} isn’t so little anymore!

model.userSexValue == "Female"

It seems like just a few days ago you were dropping {model.babyName} off at kindergarten for the first time. Hard to believe that little {model.babyName} is now about to go into first grade. {model.baby_He_She_cap} isn’t so little anymore!

model.userSexValue != "Female"


Child's Name: {model.babyName}

Age: 6

Name of person filling out report: {model.teacherName_gr1}

Table : Kindergarten Report Card
Area of Development Achievement Recommendations
Immunizations {model.IT17_immunization_gr1_achieve} {model.immunization_gr1_rec}
Appropriate Weight {model.EC12_weight_gr1_achieve} {model.weight_gr1_rec}
Gross Motor Skills
Skipping {model.EC12_skipping_gr1_achieve} {model.skipping_gr1_rec}
Catch a ball {model.EC12_catch_gr1_achieve} {model.catch_gr1_rec}
Fine Motor Skills
Write letters on own {model.EC12_writing_gr1_achieve} {model.writing_gr1_rec}

Source: Clark, Gloria Jean, "The relationship between handwriting, reading, fine motor and visual-motor skills in kindergarteners" (2010). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Paper 11399.

Cognitive Development
Language Development {model.EC12_language_gr1_achieve} {model.language_gr1_rec}

How Many Kids Age 2-5 Are Speech Delayed?
Reading Skills {model.EC12_reading_gr1_achieve} {model.reading_gr1_rec}

How Much Can Most Kids Read Before First Grade?
Math Skills {model.EC12_math_gr1_achieve} {model.math_gr1_rec}

How Many Kids Have Mastered These Math Skills at the End of Kindergarten?
Social and Emotional Development
Can settle down appropriately after an upset {model.settle_gr1_achieve} {model.settle_gr1_rec}

How Often Do Young Children Stay Calm When Faced with a Challenge?
How Often Do Young Children Fight?
How Many Kids Get Angry Easily?
Able to develop friendships with others {model.friend_gr1_achieve} {model.friend_gr1_rec}

How Well Are Kids Able to Make Friends?
How Many Kids Comfort Others in Need?
Able to focus and keep attention on the tasks at hand {model.focus_gr1_achieve} {model.focus_gr1_rec}

Is Your Child Able to Pay Attention?
Do they seem happy? {model.happy_gr1_achieve} {model.happy_gr1_rec}

How Many Kids Have Minor or More Serious Mental Health Difficulties?


In real life, a child’s kindergarten report card won’t necessarily give them this kind of comprehensive portrait of how they are doing. By the time a child has reached kindergarten, most schools and teachers are focusing on the ABCs—and the 1,2, 3s, and making sure children do well on standardized tests. Sometimes parents—or teachers or other caregivers—have to create a more balanced view of a child’s challenges and successes by bringing together information from medical providers, parents, mental health providers or other professionals.

As children move into first grade, it can be a good time to get children early intervention. Often challenges in one area—like emotional regulation or speech—can cause difficulties in other areas of a child’s life. Early treatment can be critical in helping a child be happy and successful in school.



Learn More Activities


Here are some additional resources. After you have read each resource, take the Token Quiz to test your knowledge and to earn tokens. Tokens can be spent on items in the store or to access special items in events.

Video: Family Structure and Function in Middle Childhood


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Video: John and Julie Gottman Examine Marital and Family Stress


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Video: Physical Development in Early Childhood


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Video: Nutrition in Early Childhood


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Video: Early Childhood Education


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Video: Language Development in Early Childhood


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Video: Reticent Children in Groups


Video depicts footage of young children playing in a research lab setting. There is no sound but we can see one young child lying on the ground while the other kids play together at the table. Another young boy stands alone while two others play together with blocks. Finally, one young boy walks up to the reticent boy and offers him a ball, which he tosses away.

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Video: Excerpts from "Up" Documentary: Discipline and Self-Discipline


This video segment is an excerpt from the documentary “Up” and shows footage of the kids engaged in exercise varying from classical ballet for the upper income girl to free play on the playground for the lower-income kids. Discussion of distinction between freedom and discipline for the kids and interviews with the kids about what they do in their spare time (e.g., disciplined schedule of bedtime at 7pm for upper-income child compared to bedtime of 11pm for lower-income child).

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Video: The Impact of Media in Early Childhood


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Video: Imaginary Companions: The Research of Marjorie Taylor


Video shows a young girl (no age given probably between 4 and 6 years) in a research lab setting being asked about imaginary friends including “Elfie Welfie” who is “really, really pretend”. The child describes her imaginary friends (one is a baby, one is two, she wears tie-dye, they like to eat pickles etc.)

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Video: Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development: A Brief Overview


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Video: Early Childhood: Biosocial Development: A Brief Overview


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Video: The Emergence of Empathy: The Research of Carolyn Zahn-Waxler


In this research situation a stranger pretends to be upset at a magazine in front of a 2 year old boy. Children who experience empathy at this young age will typically ask their caregiver to help the stranger. Research also suggests that empathetic caregiving is related to the development of empathy in the child.

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Video: Theory of Mind: False-Belief Tasks


Theory of mind is the ability to understand that people have varying mental states and that others have knowledge, intentions, desires, etc. that are different from one's own. This video demonstrates the understanding of theory of mind for both a 42-month-old girl and a 52-month-old boy using a story line with dolls. The 42-month-old girl fails the theory of mind test in that she believes that both dolls have the same understanding. The 52-month-old boy passes the theory of mind test in that he understands that both dolls have a different understanding.

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Video: Theory of Mind: Representational Change—Fail


Theory of mind is the ability to understand that people have varying mental states and that others have knowledge, intentions, desires, etc. that are different from one's own. This video demonstrates the understanding of theory of mind for a 3-year-old boy using a crayon box and animal crackers. The boy is asked what is thinks will be in the crayon box and he answers crayons. He is then shown that animal crackers are actually in the box. Then he is asked what another person would think is in the box and he answers animal crackers. This demonstrates that the 3-year-old boy has not mastered theory of mind and believes that all have the same understanding that he does.

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Video: Theory of Mind: Representational Change—Pass


Theory of mind is the ability to understand that people have varying mental states and that others have knowledge, intentions, desires, etc. that are different from one's own. This video demonstrates the understanding of theory of mind for a 5 ½-year-old girl using a crayon box and animal crackers. The girl is asked what she thinks will be in the crayon box and she answers crayons. She is then shown that animal crackers are actually in the box. Then she is asked what another person would think is in the box and she answers crayons. This demonstrates that the girl has mastered theory of mind and understands that others may have a different understanding than she does.

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Video: Theory of Mind: Taking the Perspective of Others


Theory of mind is the ability to understand that people have varying mental states and that others have knowledge, intentions, desires, etc. that are different from one's own. This video demonstrates how children under the age of 3 years are unable to imagine the perspective of the other person in a fun game of 'hide the candy.' They simply are unable to hide the candy in their hands successfully, demonstrating that they have not yet mastered theory of mind.

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Video: Cognitive Development: Overcoming Attentional Inertia


This video covers the research of Adele Diamond from the Center of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, who studies attentional inertia. Attentional inertia is the inability to overcome initial relevance of an item and focus on another aspect of the item. A 3-year-old girl is shown sorting cards by shape or color and struggling to focus attention on the new aspect of the card. With adults, attentional inertia is measured in reaction time in sorting items by criteria and during mixed trials the reaction time slows drastically. The role of the prefrontal cortex is discussed.

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Video: Gender Development in Early Childhood


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Video: Ekman's Studies on Facial Expressions of Emotion


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Video: Observational Learning of Aggression: Bandura's Bobo Doll Study


Albert Bandura, a pioneer in observational learning, performed a now-classic experiment to demonstrate that children can learn aggressive behaviors simply by seeing others model those behaviors, rather than through receiving rewards for their own aggressive behaviors.In these experiments, Bandura had adults act aggressively, punching and roughing up a Bobo doll, an inflatable toy that, when jostled, always returns to an upright position. Children who observed these actions behaved similarly when left alone with the Bobo doll. Modeling, Bandura found, is most likely to occur if the observer is uncertain or inexperienced, and if the model is admirable and powerful, nurturing, or similar to the observer.

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Video: Can Children Delay Gratification?


This clip shows an experiment into whether young children are able to resist temptation and delay gratification. In the experiment, young children are told that if they do not eat a favorite candy immediately, they can have more later. The adult leaves and a hidden camera confirms that two-thirds of the children are unable to resist eating the candy immediately, even though this means they get less candy overall. This is due to immature frontal lobes, the brain area that allows children to resist temptation.

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Video: Developing Self Control in Early Childhood


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Video: Development of Self-Control in Middle Childhood


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Video: Gross and Fine Motor Skills in Early Childhood


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Video: Moral Development in Early Childhood


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Video: Cognitive Development in Early Childhood: Preoperational and Concrete Operational Thought


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Video: Early Childhood: Cognitive Development: A Brief Overview


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Video: A Young Mother in Brazil


Every fifth child in the world is born to girls aged 13 to 19 years. In this video clip, you will meet Ana Claudia, a 14-year-old girl from Brazil, who is a young mother supported by and guided her boyfriend’s family as well as a support group in her community.

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Video: A Young Mother in Nepal


Every fifth child in the world is born to girls aged 13 to 19 years. In this video clip, you will meet Rajmaya, a 16-year-old girl from Nepal, who is a wife and mother, learning how to take care of her child with the help of family members and community support.

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Video: A Young Mother in Uganda


Every fifth child in the world is born to girls aged 13 to 19 years. In this video clip, you will meet Akisa, a 15-year-old girl from Uganda, who deals with life as a young mother and member of a family that has been stricken by HIV/AIDS.

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Video: Parenting in Infancy: Beng Caretaking Practice: Carrying Babies


The video footage shows young Beng infants being carried using cloths strapped to others’ backs including the back of a young child (probably 6-10 years old). This clip also shows a mother using a mortar and pestle (repetitive motion) and an infant strapped to her back being lulled to sleep by the repetitive movement.

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Video: Parenting in Infancy: Beng Infant Caretaking Practice: Jewelry


This video footage shows a Beng mother making jewelry for a 4-day-old infant. Also shown in this segment is footage of mothers tying bracelets and necklaces on to young infants and using a lime to wash infants’ jewelry.

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Video: Parenting in Infancy: Beng Infant Caretaking Practices: Playing


This video segment shows Beng people playing with infants. Video footage shows a mother holding and playing with a 1-month-old, young children playing instruments and showing a 6-month-old how to dance, an older sibling pushing an 8-month-old around in a cardboard box, and playing peek-a-boo with a face covering. The video clip also shows a few other examples of infant play in the Beng culture.

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Video: Parenting in Infancy: Beng Infant Caretaking Practices: Speech


This video segment shows footage of Beng children saying “sorry you are feeling bad” (in their own language) to a 6-month-old infant who is sick and then repeating the appropriate male response “maaaa” to him to teach him the proper response. The clip also shows footage of a mother playing with a young girl named “Hallelujah” and repeating her name over and over to her.

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Video: Parenting Styles in Early Childhood


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Video: Interview with Jay Belsky


Jay Belsky has conducted research into interactions between parents (and other caregivers) and children, and the ways in which adults parent their children. In this clip, he talks about the degree to which parenting styles are learned from one’s own parents.

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Video: The Theories of Lev Vygotsky


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Scientific American Article: To Predict Success in Children, Look Beyond Willpower


Here are some additional resources. After you have read each resource, take the Token Quiz to test your knowledge and to earn tokens. Tokens can be spent on items in the store or to access special items in events.

Scientific American Article: To Predict Success in Children, Look Beyond Willpower

Delaying gratification is not always the rational choice

March 1, 2013

By Simon Makin

A four-year-old girl sits at a table in a featureless room. A friendly researcher places a marshmallow in front of her and tells her that if she can resist eating it for 15 minutes, he will be back with another one and she can then eat both. He leaves, and what she does next will predict her success and mental health for the rest of her life. Such is the power of the now classic marshmallow study, long thought to be a measure of self-control.

The initial research began in the late 1960s, and follow-up work has suggested that the length of time a child waits before eating the marshmallow is a better predictor than intelligence of success as an adult. A new study published last October in Cognition, however, indicates that children's behavior in such situations may not always reflect only their innate self-control. A child may also be making a rational decision on whether to trust that the second marshmallow is indeed coming soon.

Celeste Kidd, a doctoral candidate in brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester and lead author of the new study, suspected there might be a common misconception about the classic marshmallow study—namely, that waiting is always the right choice. While volunteering years ago at a homeless shelter for families in Santa Ana, Calif., she realized that all the kids around her would eat their marshmallows straight away, living as they did in an environment where anything they had could be taken away at any time. “Delaying gratification is only the rational choice if the child believes a second marshmallow is likely to be delivered,” Kidd says

Although previous marshmallow-type studies have acknowledged that external factors might influence kids’ ability to wait for the bigger reward, none had directly tested for those factors’ effects. So Kidd and her colleagues ran a study in which they manipulated the reliability of their young participants’ environment. A researcher gave children with an average age of four years some poor-quality art materials and told them if they could wait, she would return with better supplies. In a “reliable” condition, she did exactly that, but in an “unreliable” condition, she returned to explain she did not have any better materials after all. A marshmallow test followed. Those in the reliable condition lasted an average of 12 minutes, whereas those in the unreliable condition lasted only three.

With that in mind, the findings of the many decades of follow-ups to the marshmallow study [see timeline below] are cast in a different light. The studies invariably point to a strong association between how long a child was able to wait before eating the marshmallow and various measures of mental health, competence and success in later life. A recent imaging study of the kids in the original study, now in their 40s, even found differences in the activity of key brain areas between those who could and could not resist temptation as children.

If Kidd is right, these differences may be the result of more than just innate self-control, such as socioeconomic status, parenting quality and other environmental factors that influence decision making. “It's incorrect to presume lack of willpower is the only relevant factor in determining children's wait times and, subsequently, the primary driver of children's successes later in life,” she says.

1972: Walter Mischel's classic “marshmallow study” is published. Preschoolers were given a treat and told that waiting 15 minutes to eat it would earn them a second marshmallow. They waited, on average, six minutes. Children who hid the marshmallow from view or who distracted themselves were able to delay gratification much longer.

1981: An experiment in pigeons produces similar results—distractions and visual obstruction helped the birds delay gratification.

1988: The children, now teenagers, who were better able to delay gratification in preschool show greater academic, emotional and social competence, including higher SAT scores.

1999: Mischel proposes a framework for willpower: a rational “know” system promotes self-control, and an emotional “go” system undermines it.

2005: At age seven children begin to understand being “of two minds,” called the Ulysses conflict. The Greek hero's conflicting desires led him to strap himself to his ship's mast so he could hear the Sirens’ song without succumbing to it.

2009: Failing to delay gratification at age four increases the risk of being overweight at age 11.

2011: The differences in Mischel's original subjects’ ability to resist temptation remain evident four decades later.

2012: A child's ability to exert self-control is also influenced by environment, a new study shows.

Reproduced with permission. Copyright © (2013) Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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End of Early Childhood


End of Early Childhood

Look Inside

Review what we know about physical development n in early childhood in this video.

You’ve now come to the end of the early childhood module. {model.babyName} is now {model.EC_final_age} years old, weighing {model.EC_final_weight} pounds and measuring {model.EC_final_height} inches tall. Soon your little one will be 6 and you’ll have new decisions to make and discoveries to make. Your instructor may have assigned some study questions for you to complete at the end of this module that you’ll find separately as part of this LaunchPad.