Chapter 1. Adolescence

Which School Is Right for Your Not-So-Little One?


Testing Images

Baby A

Baby B

Baby C

Baby D

Your baby is moving. Though it is too small tobe felt, the movements are starting to becomecoordinated. The fetus’ complex nervous system(CNS and PNS) has begun to function. Theinternal and external genitalia are now fullydeveloped. You may be able to see the genitaliaon ultrasound. If you see an ultrasound at thistime, you might even catch your little onesucking his or her thumb, yawning, and making faces. Fat is forming on your baby, with heatproduction and metabolism. The lungs arebeginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and thecirculatory and urinary systems are working.Hair is filling in on the head, eyebrows andeyelashes.|4-month illustration|

Your baby is moving. Though it is too small tobe felt, the movements are starting to becomecoordinated. The fetus’ complex nervous system(CNS and PNS) has begun to function. Theinternal and external genitalia are now fullydeveloped. You may be able to see the genitaliaon ultrasound. If you see an ultrasound at thistime, you might even catch your little onesucking his or her thumb, yawning, and making faces. Fat is forming on your baby, with heatproduction and metabolism. The lungs arebeginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and thecirculatory and urinary systems are working.Hair is filling in on the head, eyebrows andeyelashes.
