The image is a side view of a woman. She blinks at random times at a normal rate. In front of the woman is an air pump with a tube directed towards her left eye. When the "Play tone" button is selected, a tone is played. A puff of air flows out of the air pump into the woman's eye. Immediately the woman blinks. As the trials progress from 1 to 20, the woman starts to blink closer to the time when the sound ends. Then she blinks before the sound ends, before the puff of air occurs.

The data from the trials is presented in a line graph at the bottom of the screen. The X axis is labeled "Trials" and lists all of the trials from 1 to 20. The Y axis is labeled "Time in Milliseconds", ranging from 0 to 100 in increments of 100. The sound begins at zero milliseconds and ends at 500 milliseconds. The puff occurs at 600 milliseconds.

The line in the graph begins at 850 milliseconds and decreases gradually from trial 1 to 20 with small rises and falls along the way. For the first ten trials the woman tends to blink after the puff occurs or more than 600 milliseconds after the sound begins. In the last ten trials she tends to blink before the sound ends at 500 milliseconds. There is a decrease in the amount of time after the sound begins that the woman blinks. The data are summarized in the following table. All data are approximate.

Eye blink-Screen 9 data
Trials 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time in Msec 820 920 755 740 820 707 780 710 415 633 467 350 420 300 311 243 255 610 360 300