Summary of Key Ideas

The Relativity Theories

Inside a Black Hole

Evidence of Black Holes

Gamma-Ray Bursts


  • Are black holes empty holes in space? If not, what are they? No. Black holes contain highly compressed matter—they are not empty.
  • Does a black hole have a solid surface? If not, what is at its surface? No. The surface of a black hole, called the event horizon, is empty space. No stationary matter exists there.
  • What power or force enables black holes to draw things into themselves? The only force that pulls things in is the gravitational attraction of the matter and energy in the black hole.
  • How close to a black hole do you have to be for its special effects to be apparent? About 100 times the Schwarzschild radius.
  • Can you use black holes to travel to different places in the universe? No. Most astronomers believe that the wormholes predicted by general relativity do not exist.
  • Do black holes last forever? If not, what happens to them? No. Black holes evaporate.