21.7 21.6 Inflation

In times of economic inflation, prices increase. When the rate of inflation is constant, the compound interest formula (page 875) can be used to project prices.


Inflation is a rise in prices from a set base year.

Annual Rate of Inflation DEFINITION

The annual rate of inflation is the additional proportionate cost of goods one year later. Goods that cost $1 in the base year will cost one year later.


For a simple model of inflation, we can assume that inflation is uniform throughout the year and constant over a period of years. Later we will look at varying inflation rates.

EXAMPLE 12 Inflation

Suppose that there is constant 2% annual inflation from mid-2015 through mid-2020. What will be the projected price in mid-2020 of an item that costs $100 in mid-2015?

The compound interest formula applies with . The projected price is .

Self Check 12

Suppose instead that inflation is 3% from mid-2015 to mid-2020. What will be the projected price in mid-2020 of an item that costs $100 in mid-2017?

  • $115.93

Present Value

During constant-rate inflation, prices grow geometrically (exponentially) and the value of the dollar “decays” geometrically (also exponentially).

Exponential Decay DEFINITION

Exponential decay is geometric growth with a negative rate of growth.

Let (for “additional") represent the annual rate of inflation; what costs $1 now will cost this time next year. For example, if the annual inflation rate is throughout the coming year, then what costs $1 now would cost $1.25 this time next year. A dollar next year would buy only times as much as a dollar buys today. In other words, a dollar next year would be worth only $0.80 in today’s dollars; by next year, a dollar would have lost 20% of its purchasing power. Notice that although the inflation rate is 25%, the loss in purchasing power is 20%. This may seem peculiar; why aren’t they the same percentage?

The situation may be clearer if you consider inflation at a rate of 100%. Then a dollar next year is worth only 50% of a dollar today; what costs $1 today will cost $2 next year. The reason for the difference in the percentages is that the percentage of inflation (100%) uses today’s price level ($1) as a base (prices rise from $1 to $2, hence they rise 100%), while the percentage loss in purchasing power uses as a base the larger price level next year ($2—so loss in purchasing power is 50% of $2).

Purchasing Power RULE

The purchasing power of a dollar a year from now, relative to today, with annual inflation rate is


For an annual inflation rate , the loss in purchasing power is the fraction . (You should calculate what this expression is for .) The quantity behaves like a negative interest rate. We can use the compound interest formula to find the relative purchasing power of dollars years from now as

The actual posted price of an item, at any point in time, is said to be in current dollars. That price can be compared with prices at other times by adjusting for inflation, which means converting all prices to constant dollars, dollars of a particular year.

EXAMPLE 13 Deflated Dollars

Suppose that there is 25% annual inflation from mid-2015 through mid-2019. What would be the value of a dollar in mid-2019 in constant mid-2015 dollars? The inflation figure is unrealistic (we hope!), but it makes the calculations easy so that you can focus on the ideas.

We have . This—not 25%—is the negative interest rate, the rate at which the dollar is losing purchasing power. We have years, so the purchasing power of $1 four years from mid-2015, in terms of 2015 dollars, would be

For a more realistic rate of 3% annual inflation, we would have and negative interest rate . In 2019, the purchasing power of $1 would be

in 2015 dollars. Notice that “losing” 3% to inflation each year for 4 years amounts to losing almost—but not quite as much as—a total of . (This is just as with the previous inflation rate, where losing 25% per year for 4 years doesn’t completely reduce the value to 0.)

Self Check 13

Suppose that there is 2% inflation from mid-2015 through mid-2020. What would be the value of a dollar in mid-2020 in constant mid-2015 dollars?

  • $0.91

In Example 13, we may think of the value of the dollar as “depreciating” each year. Depreciation of the value of equipment or a building is similar.

EXAMPLE 14 Depreciation of a Car

If you bought a car at the beginning of 2015 for $12,000 and its value in current dollars depreciates at a rate of 15% per year, what will be its value at the beginning of 2018 in current dollars?

We have . The compound interest formula gives


Self Check 14

Suppose that the car cost $21,000 in mid-2015 and its value in current dollars depreciates 17% per year. What will be its value in current dollars in mid-2019, when you want to trade it in?

  • $9966.25

The Consumer Price Index

In our preceding model, we supposed that inflation stayed constant over a period of time. That is not generally the case. However, based on measures of inflation, we can determine the equivalent today of a price in an earlier year or how much a dollar in that year would be worth today in purchasing power.

The official measure of inflation is the Consumer Price Index (CPI), determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Here, we describe and use the CPI-U, the index for all urban consumers, which covers about 80% of the U.S. population and is the index of inflation that is usually referred to in newspaper and magazine articles. Each month, the BLS determines the average cost of a “market basket” of goods, including food, housing, transportation, clothing, and other items. It compares this cost with the cost of the same (or comparable) goods in a base period. The base period used to construct the CPI-U is 1982–1984. The index for 1982–1984 is set to 100, and the CPI-U for other years is calculated by using the proportion

For example, the cost of the market basket in 2013 (in 2013 dollars) was 2.330 times the cost in 1982–1984 (in 1982–1984 dollars), so the CPI for 2013 was , or 233.0.

Table 21.5 shows the average CPI for each year from 1913 through 2013, with estimates for 2014 and 2015. This table can be used to convert the cost of an item in dollars for one year to what it would cost in dollars in a different year, using the proportion cost in CPI for year A:

EXAMPLE 15 The Price of Our House and the Value of a Dollar

Where my family and I live, housing is relatively inexpensive. We bought our house in mid-1992 for $133,000 (close to the median price of U.S. housing then). What would be the equivalent cost in mid-2015 dollars?

We see from Table 21.5 that the CPI for 1992 is 140.3 and the CPI for 2015 is estimated to be 242.3. The table gives the average value for each year, which is very close to the value at mid-year. Month-by-month values are available at the Bureau of Labor Statistics Web site (data.bls.gov/pdq/).

Using the proportion, we have



so that

That’s what our house would sell for if its price exactly matched inflation. The ratio is the scaling factor for converting 1992 dollars to 2015 dollars. What we are observing is a proportion, or numerical similarity, between 1992 dollars and 2015 dollars, analogous to the geometric similarity discussed in Chapter 18 (page 738). To convert from 2015 dollars to 1992 dollars, we would multiply by .

Table 21.6: TABLE 21.5 U.S. Consumer Price Index ()
1931 15.2 1951 26.0 1971 40.5 1991 136.2
1932 13.7 1952 26.6 1972 41.8 1992 140.3
1913 9.9 1933 13.0 1953 26.7 1973 44.4 1993 144.5
1914 10 1934 13.4 1954 26.9 1974 49.3 1994 148.2
1915 10.1 1935 13.7 1955 26.8 1975 53.8 1995 152.4
1916 10.9 1936 13.9 1956 27.2 1976 56.9 1996 156.9
1917 12.8 1937 14.4 1957 28.1 1977 60.6 1997 160.5
1918 15.1 1938 14.1 1958 28.9 1978 65.2 1998 163.0
1919 17.3 1939 13.9 1959 29.1 1979 72.6 1999 166.6
1920 20.0 1940 14 1960 29.6 1980 82.4 2000 172.2
1921 17.9 1941 14.7 1961 29.9 1981 90.9 2001 177.1
1922 16.8 1942 16.3 1962 30.2 1982 96.5 2002 179.9
1923 17.1 1943 17.3 1963 30.6 1983 99.6 2003 184.0
1924 17.1 1944 17.6 1964 31.0 1984 103.9 2004 188.9
1925 17.5 1945 18.0 1965 31.5 1985 107.6 2005 195.3
1926 17.7 1946 19.5 1966 32.4 1986 109.6 2006 201.6
1927 17.4 1947 22.3 1967 33.4 1987 113.6 2007 207.3
1928 17.1 1948 24.1 1968 34.8 1988 118.3 2008 215.3
1929 17.1 1949 23.8 1969 36.7 1989 124.0 2009 214.5
1930 16.7 1950 24.1 1970 38.8 1990 130.7 2010 218.1
2011 224.9
2012 229.6
2013 233.0
2014 236.7
2015 (est.) 241.4
Table 21.6:

Note: This is the CPI-U index, which covers all urban consumers, about 80% of the U.S. population. Each index is an average for all cities for the year. The basis for the index is the period 1982-1984, for which the index was set equal to 100. For each year, the figure is the average during the year, which is usually close to the value at mid-year.

Source: data.bls.gov/cgi-bin/surveymost?cu


Self Check 15

What is the scaling factor for converting 2000 dollars to 2015 dollars?

  • 1.407

Spotlight 19.5 (page 785) describes how the CPI is calculated, using the geometric mean (introduced on page 785). That spotlight also discusses the chained CPI, a different method of calculating inflation that produces a lower CPI value. Spotlight 21.4 details the various ways in which people can invest their money.



What Is a Financial Derivative? Spotlight 21.4

Ways to save or invest offer different levels of risk:

  • Savings accounts, CDs, bonds, and annuities can offer guaranteed rates of interest.
  • Money market accounts and inflation-protected savings bonds offer rates that vary with interest rates in the general economy.
  • Stocks, mutual funds, and derivatives are not savings but investments, on which you could lose money.

Thanks to the Great Depression, when many banks failed and depositors lost everything, accounts in most banks and credit unions are now insured by the federal government for up to $250,000. If the bank or credit union fails, the government takes it over and depositors get their money back.

A bond is a loan at simple interest with repayment at the end of a fixed term. By buying bonds, investors loan to states, municipalities, and corporations for civic construction projects, company expansions, and other purposes. Bonds do not offer any guarantee: The bond issuer (the borrower) could default, meaning that the bond holder (the investor) would no longer receive interest payments and might lose the original investment.

Bonds usually can be bought and sold after their initial purchase. The selling price can vary with sentiment about creditworthiness of the issuer and with changes in interest rates.

  • If prevailing interest rates go above the rate that the bond is paying, the bond becomes less valuable; investors can get a better deal elsewhere, so the price of the bond may fall. Consequently, the bond’s “yield” (effective interest rate relative to the current price) may rise toward the prevailing interest rate.
  • If interest rates instead fall, the bond may become more valuable because it is paying a higher rate than otherwise available; its price may rise but then its yield would decline toward the prevailing interest rate.

Some bonds can be “called,” meaning that the issuer pays back the bond holder before the end of the bond term. Bonds tend to be called when interest rates fall: The issuer calls bonds previously issued at a high interest rate and then offers new bonds at a lower rate, thus saving on the cost of borrowing.

Stocks (also called securities or equities) are another way for a company to raise capital, and an opportunity for investors to share in the financial future of the company by owning shares in it. Usually, a part of the company’s profits is distributed each year to shareholders as dividends; if not, either because the company lost money, made little profit, or reinvested all of its profits, then the price of its shares may fall. The price of a company’s stock depends on “fundamentals” (measures of the “health” of the company), on the general state of the economy as a whole, and on current events.


A derivative is a financial instrument whose value “derives” from the value of an underlying asset such as a stock, bond, commodity, mortgage, option, and so on.

An example of a derivative is shares in a mutual fund. A mutual fund holds an array of other companies’ stocks and bonds, perhaps concentrating on stocks of a particular kind (“green” companies, foreign companies, companies focused on growth, etc.). Investors in the mutual fund do not individually own any shares of the stocks that it invests in; the value of the mutual fund’s own shares derives from the investments that it holds. Hedge funds are basically mutual funds that are subject to less regulation than other mutual funds.

A popular kind of mutual fund is an index fund. An index fund selects investments to try to mirror the aggregate ups and downs of a particular stock exchange, as expressed by some “index” (summary) of it, and thus captures proportionate gains (but will also tend to suffer proportionate losses). Well-known indexes include the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Standard and Poor’s (S&P) 500 Index. At another level removed, there are index funds of index funds.

Traditional derivatives include agricultural commodity futures (corn, soybeans, pork bellies), used by farmers and food processors to hedge against the risk of poor crops, as well as currency futures, used by companies to lock in a fixed exchange rate for future purchases of foreign goods and raw materials. There are even weather derivatives, whose price depends on the number of sunny days or amount of rainfall in a particular region! Derivatives arise also in the context of loans. A credit derivative bases its value not on the underlying loan, such as a mortgage, but on the risk that the loan will not be repaid. The buyer of the credit derivative does not own the mortgage loan itself, hence is not entitled to be paid by the homeowner.

A common form of credit derivative is a credit default swap, which currently amount to $26 trillion worldwide (almost $4,000 for every person on the globe). one party buys protection from a second against default on a debt owed by a third. The “protection buyer” pays a fee to the “protection seller” in return for the seller making good on the debt if the debtor defaults. The buyer thus “swaps” risk to the seller. But you aren’t going to want to believe this: The debtor can owe the debt to someone else entirely unrelated to the protection buyer or seller! In such a case, the protection buyer and seller are gambling together on whether the debtor will default. This has happened in connection with the “sovereign debt” of countries such as Greece and Ireland.

Where do you come into all this? A handful of investors made billions in the past few years through credit default swaps on “bundles” of home mortgages. Too many turned out to be subprime mortgages, that is, loans to people with poor credit ratings, whose mortgages consequently had higher interest rates. These homeowners defaulted in large numbers on their mortgage loans, in part because of the following:

  • The loans had high interest rates, because the people were judged poor credit risks.
  • The homes were no longer worth as much as the remaining amount of the loan principal to be paid off (the homes were “under water”).
  • The changing economy forced the people out of their jobs.

The banks then foreclosed on the defaulted loans and forced the people out of their homes. (Spotlight 22.3, on page 922, looks in more detail at the mortgage crisis.)

The credit default swaps mentioned involved not the original mortgages, nor even the bundles of them—which themselves were derivatives of the underlying assets of the homes involved. The owners of the bundles had issued securities backed by the bundles—not by the homes—and the credit default swaps were on those securities. But the decline in housing prices reduced the value of the underlying asset of homes, hence of the bundles, hence of the derivatives based on the bundles. We are talking about derivatives of derivatives! The securities became “toxic assets": No one was willing to buy them at anywhere near the original price, and banks have continued to be unwilling to sell them at the big losses that would be involved.

Attempts by holders of the derivatives to foreclose on the homes have been to some degree thwarted by the fact that the derivative owners are not the direct owners of the mortgage loans. In some cases, there has been so much trading of loans and of derivatives on them, without sufficient documentation, that it is impossible to establish to whom a loan is owed.

Warren Buffett, one of the world’s richest men, was prescient in 2002 when he called financial derivatives “time bombs” and “financial weapons of mass destruction.”

Financial derivatives, combined with greed and exploitation, indeed destroyed the prosperity and optimism that the world enjoyed in the early years of the 21st century.


It’s natural to think that if your investment is growing at 6% per year and inflation is at 3% per year, then the real growth in the value (purchasing power) of your investment is . That is a handy approximation, especially for low interest rates, but it is not exactly right. Let’s see why.

Suppose that you invest $500 for a year at 6% and inflation is 3%. At the beginning of the year, you have $500, which at $5 per pound could buy 100 pounds of steak. At the end of the year, you have . But the price of steak has gone up with inflation, so steak now costs per pound. How much steak would your $530 buy? Just . In other words, in terms of purchasing power, or real gain, your investment has grown only 2.91%. This is not a great deal different from 3%, but it is different, and the difference is greater for higher rates of interest and inflation.

More generally, consider an investment principal and a market basket of goods with value . Let the annual yield (rate of interest) of the investment be and the rate of inflation be . We calculate the rate of real growth of the investment as follows:

At the beginning of the year, the investment would buy quantity

of the market basket. At the end of the year, the investment would buy quantity

of the market basket. For the example above, put in . Notice that the gain of in the investment multiplies the principal by , while the erosion due to inflation divides the principal by . The two influences on the investment have directly opposite effects.

The growth of the investment, relative to how many market baskets it could have bought originally, is

In the last expression, the numerator is the difference of the two rates ( in our example), which is divided by a quantity greater than 1 if there is inflation. One way to understand why this is the correct formula is to realize that the gain itself is not in original dollars but in deflated dollars.

You should confirm that this formula gives 2.91% for and . You can see that if the rate of inflation is very small-only a small percentage-then and so .

The relationship between interest rate, inflation rate, and rate of real growth is called Fisher’s effect, after the American economist Irving Fisher (1867–1947).

Real Rate of Growth RULE

The real (effective) annual rate of growth of an investment at annual interest rate with annual inflation rate is