Chapter 11. Chapter 11

Data Exercises
Chapter 11

Under Headlines: Making the Case for Trade, the article discusses the benefits of free-trade agreements, using the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership as an example. In this question, you will be asked to look at the effect that a previous regional trade agreement, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), had on trade among the members.

The source of the data is Statista, and they are available The Statistics Portal. To access the data on the Statista site:

1. Hover over each country to find the numerical data for pre-NAFTA trade volumes and post-NAFTA trade gains.


a. What was the pre-NAFTA trade volume (in billions USD) for the United States?

Correct answer: 345 billions USD. To identify the value of the pre-NAFTA trade volume, hover over the United States bar graph and read the value.


b. What were the post-NAFTA trade gains (in billions USD) for the United States?

Correct answer: 630 billions USD. To identify the value of the post-NAFTA trade gains, hover over the United States bar graph and read the value.


c. What was the pre-NAFTA trade volume (in billions USD) for Mexico?

Correct answer: 130 billions USD. To identify the value of the pre-NAFTA trade volume, hover over the Mexico bar graph and read the value.


d. What were the post-NAFTA trade gains (in billions USD) for Mexico?

Correct answer: 340 billions USD. To identify the value of the post-NAFTA trade gains, hover over the Mexico bar graph and read the value.


e. What was the pre-NAFTA trade volume (in billions USD) for Canada?

Correct answer: 265 billions USD. To identify the value of the pre-NAFTA trade volume, hover over the Canada bar graph and read the value.


f. What were the post-NAFTA trade gains (in billions USD) for Canada?

Correct answer: 250 billions USD. To identify the value of the post-NAFTA trade gains, hover over the Canada bar graph and read the value.
Data Exercises
Chapter 11


a. What was the percentage increase in U.S. automotive exports to Mexico during the period 1992–2002?

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Correct answer: 126%. To identify the value of the increase in U.S. automotive exports to Mexico during the period 1992–2002, examine the bar graph under “NAFTA-led export growth, motor vehicles and parts,” and find the value for Mexico.


b. What was the U.S share in percentage of Mexico’s import market for motor vehicles and parts in 2002?

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Correct answer: 67%. To identify the value of the U.S share in Mexico’s import market for motor vehicles and parts in 2002, examine the pie graph under U.S. share in Mexico’s import market, motor vehicles and parts,” and find the value for the percentage for the U.S. share.
Data Exercises
Chapter 11

Comparing the data from the first question and the second question, choose whether the following statements are correct or incorrect:

Question 11.1

The data demonstrate that, in terms of trade volumes, all three countries in NAFTA gained from the regional free trade agreement.

Question 11.2

The data indicate that the United States has gained overall in terms of trade volume, including in the automotive sector.