Learning Commonly Confused Words

Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence.

For help with this exercise, see Chapter 35 of Foundations First, Fifth Edition.

  1. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Children are taught never to accept a peace of candy from a stranger.
  2. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Selena past the street she was looking for and had to fine her way back.
  3. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Having a conscious means being conscience of right and wrong.
  4. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Cliff was already to brake his car when the deer entered the road.
  5. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Nat was able to here everything the teacher said accept when the test would be given.
  6. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - When a student feels nervous during a test, it can have a negative effect no matter how much he or she knows.
  7. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - If I keep loose change in my pockets, I am likely to loose some of it.
  8. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Everyday, we hope for peace in the world.
  9. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - I don’t mine the noise; I don’t let it effect me.
  10. Question

    Learning Commonly Confused Words: Proof read the underlined words in the following sentences for correct spelling. If the spelling is correct, choose “Correct”; there will be two underlined words in each sentence. - Mimi laid a blanket on the floor so the baby could lay on it.