Taking Control

Modifying your lifestyle is yet another approach to stress management. You have the power to change your life so that it is less stressful. Teachers, supervisors, parents, friends, and even your children influence you, but ultimately, you control how you run your life. Lifestyle modification involves identifying the parts of your life that do not serve you well, making plans for change, and then carrying out the plans. For instance, if you are stressed because you are always late for classes, get up 10 minutes earlier. If you get nervous before a test when you talk to a certain pessimistic classmate, avoid that person before a test. Learn test-taking skills so that you can manage test anxiety better.

Relaxation techniques such as visualization and deep breathing can help you reduce stress. Learning these skills is just like learning any new skill. It takes knowledge and practice. Check your course catalog, college counseling center, health clinic, student newspaper, or fitness center for classes that teach relaxation. You’ll find books as well as audio downloads and CDs that guide you through relaxation techniques.