Scoring Chart

Question A Category B Category C Category D Category
1 K A R V
2 V A R K
3 K V R A
4 K A V R
5 A V K R
6 K R V A
7 K A V R
8 R K A V
9 R A K V
10 K V R A
11 V R A K
12 A R V K
13 K A R V
14 K R A V
15 K A R V
16 V A R K

Total number of Vs circled = _______ Total number of As circled = _______

Total number of Rs circled = _______ Total number of Ks circled = _______

Because you could choose more than one answer for each question, the scoring is not just a simple matter of counting. It is like four stepping-stones across some water. Enter your scores from highest to lowest on the stones in the figure, with their V, A, R, and K labels.


Your stepping distance comes from this table:

The total of my four VARK scores is My stepping distance is
16–21 1
22–27 2
28–32 3
More than 32 4

Follow these steps to establish your preferences:

  1. Your first preference is always your highest score. Check that first stone as one of your preferences.
  2. Subtract your second-highest score from your first. If that figure is larger than your stepping distance, you have a single preference. Otherwise, check this stone as another preference and continue with step 3.
  3. Subtract your third score from your second one. If that figure is larger than your stepping distance, you have a strong preference for two learning styles (bimodal). If not, check your third stone as a preference and continue with step 4.
  4. Subtract your fourth score from your third one. If that figure is larger than your stepping distance, you have a strong preference for three learning styles (trimodal). You may also find that you prefer the four learning styles equally. Otherwise, check your fourth stone as a preference, and you have all four modes as your preferences!

Note: If you are bimodal or trimodal or you have checked all four modes as your preferences, you can be described as multimodal in your VARK preferences.



Did your VARK score surprise you at all? Did you know what type of learner you were before using this tool? If so, when did you discover this? How do you use your learning style to your benefit? Be prepared to discuss your results and reflections with the class.