Managing Your Health


College provides you with multiple opportunities to exercise your mind and expand your horizons. You may have noticed that many students can handle the transition to college easily by using a variety of healthy coping strategies. However, some students drink too much, smoke, overeat, or develop an eating disorder. Recent research shows that over four years, at least 70 percent of college students gain weight, with an average gain of about twelve pounds and with men gaining more weight than women.1 This study clearly has implications for two-year college students, as unhealthy behaviors often begin at the start of college. In addition, relationships with family and friends often suffer when the pressures of being in college get added to other life’s stressors. Managing your health means making the right choices and achieving balance.

Nothing but Blue Skies
When you are feeling stressed, take a moment to breathe. Focusing on inhaling and exhaling slowly and picturing a serene scene like a blue sky or a sunny beach can help slow your heart rate and calm you down. You might also picture yourself succeeding at the task that is currently stressing you out. Breathing and visualization techniques can be powerful tools.
Source: Filipe Matos Frazao/Shutterstock