Table 11.1: table 11.1 Using Feedback to Manage Communication Barriers
Communication barrier Examples of possible feedback
You couldn’t hear what the speaker said because of a loud noise. “Sorry, but I couldn’t hear what you said. Can you explain again?”
You didn’t understand what the speaker said. “I’m not sure I get what you’re saying. Can you clarify what you mean?”
You zoned out for a minute and lost track of the conversation. “I apologize. I lost focus for a second. Could you repeat what you just said?”
The speaker seems distracted. “I may be wrong, but you seem a bit distracted. Do you want to pick this up later, when things have calmed down?”
The speaker is telling you one thing, but his or her expression and body language convey something else. “I know you’re telling me that everything’s fine, but you look sad.”